28+ weeks isolation
Do anybody know about 28+ week isolat... - Pregnancy and Par...
Do anybody know about 28+ week isolation? My midwife has told me that its goverment guidelines to do, Just dont know what to do with work?
In the first lockdown it was recommended that you shield however they’re only recommending that now for the extremely clinically vulnerable.
If you can work from home that’s great but I don’t think they legally have to allow it anymore.
Guidelines changed since first lock down. For work ... You need to be asking them for an occupational health assessment. Ideally should be working from home if not socially distancing at all times. But ultimately need to discuss with as you can't not just turn up.
My midwife has said from the 3rd trimester just try and work from home more if I can. I think it will depend on if you have any other risk factors other than pregnancy as the pregnancy one seems to be mostly a precaution.
Hi my midwife told me the same and I mentioned it to work. Occupational Health at work decided it was best for me to work from home. Have been doing so since week 27.
Hiya my midwife recommended working from home but it's no longer the law and up to the employer and you to decide .do you work with public.its an anxious time for us but I don't think my employers buying it and I'm 29 weeks pregnant I'm still expected to go to work my manager is contacting h.r this week to see if they will follow midwives advice but they don't have to
Just a quick update as I've had a call from my employer it looks like I might be going back into furlough I'm 28 +6 weeks I'm having a discussion with my manager tomorrow about wether I need any evidence or anything like that hopefully my may b 1 form will be enough and they can sign me off.please speak to your employer and see if furlough is an option and refer them to your midwife get your midwife to vouch for this mine has by word of mouth so I'm hoping that's enough as I didn't get it in writing and it's pretty hard to get anything in writing I'm guessing x
I work with the nhs and in a very busy ward , which was placed as high risk. I asked occupational health about the 28 weeks isolation but was told they no longer do it and should observe social distance at all times. Also my manager is saying she’s is to send me for early maternity at 28 weeks, which I won’t agree to.
I am allowed by law to work up until 35weeks at my trust, so sending me for early maternity to me is not right by my manager.