Good morning, I was having a chat with birth partner yesterday regarding some of my preferences for when I’m in labour. I’ve been reading a lot into Hypnobirthing and I’ve seen a lot (in books and birth stories) that mum’s declined to have any internal examinations when in labour to indicate how many cm’s dilated they are. I like the idea of this as it could be disheartening if i thought I were further along in labour but turns out I’m not and wouldn’t want it to get me out of my positive state of mind (and also they seem bloody uncomfortable to me!!) Just wondering if anybody else opted to not have examinations throughout labour, maybe one when getting to hospital then none after that?
I’ve always thought these sorts of things were mandatory but have been relieved to find out that we’re allowed a lot more choices in regards to our birth than I once thought! I’ll speak with my midwife about it, but would be nice to know if anybody else has first hand experience. Thanks in advance ladies xx