So I know this is nothing to do with health but I wanted to see what other people said on the outside of this situation so basically my partner had planned to take me out on a night date a well deserved date night as we have a 1 year old and didn’t time together alone his found out and forgot that he had a meal for his brother in law birthday the same night his family hate me and I have not been invited they have said to him he can choose what to do but would be really disappointed if he didn’t turn up and that we could have a date night any night (they don’t have kids so no we actually can’t) I’ve told him he can do what he wants to do and if he wants to go he can He needs to do what he wants to do and not listen to either side but what do others think is the right decision?
What’s the right choice to make? - Pregnancy and Par...
What’s the right choice to make?

This sounds really messy and difficult to know without more context. Do they actually have a legitimate reason for not inviting you? They are putting a lot on your partner, it's very unfair.
They haven’t invited me because my partners father and brother hate me they have threatened me and all sorts so I wasn’t invited as they don’t want me there
I'm really sorry to hear that, just the sort of stress you don't need with a baby. Honestly if it were my hubby I'd want him to not go and to stand up for me. But I know life is never that easy, it would seem you do have to let him make his choice. But have a frank talk with him about how you feel and find out how he's feeling about the whole thing. Has he spoken to hiss father and brother about their behaviour?
I think you done right telling it's his choice..... because sometimes if you make someone choose you might push them away and that's the last thing you want.... I hope he picks your date night xx