Hi I'm only turning 4 months pregnant and uv starting to get clear Water out of my nipples I'm a bit consurned that I'm to early I have my first child at 6 months and my 2nd at 7 months can anyone let me no if its normal or am I gonna have a prem baby again and that's why I'm milking all ready thanks
Lactating: Hi I'm only turning 4 months... - Pregnancy and Par...
With my first I started having colostrum leaks quite early. He was born naturally at 39+4, and I had sooo much milk.
Now 32w pregnant and with this baby I started leaking at 12w 🤷
Fingers crossed for a long & easy pregnancy for you and a good size full term baby 🙏
I can understand why you would be worried, having had your babies so early in the past. Maybe speak to your midwife for reassurance.
Both my babies were a week late and I started leaking colostrum from about 8 weeks. Same with this pregnancy, I'm 30 weeks now .
I was leaking colostrum from 4 months, I had my baby a week ago after being induced at 39 weeks, my milk came in properly 3 days later, and he’s feeding well, my midwife said it was to do with my body being sensitive to hormones. I wouldn’t worry about it meaning you’ll deliver early, there are other indicators, but early lactation isn’t one of them
I've been lactating since pretty much the start of this pregnancy, possibly because I was still breastfeeding my first when I found out I was pregnant. Even though I'm no longer feeding him, I'm still leaking a little. I wouldn't worry too much, though if you are concerned chat to the midwife next time you see them.
I also started leaking really early. I wouldn’t worry about it x