Hi guys i’m paranoid i’m pregnant. I had unprotected sex on valentine’s day, and pull out method was used. It is now May and I vaguely remember getting my period at the end of march? I’m now paranoid i’m pregnant as my period hasn’t arrived yet and i’m getting a lot of discharge as of a week or so. I’ve taken a test and it has said negative but i’m still super paranoid. No symptoms other than discharge and lower back pain from time to time.
Am I Pregnant : Hi guys i’m paranoid i... - Pregnancy and Par...
Am I Pregnant

Strange about the period but could be many things not just pregnancy could be stress etc. Buy a clear blue test more expensive but accurate and then another cheap one and do those. If negative it’s pretty conclusive your not but still book a doctors appointment to discuss no period. Any changes to your stomach like swollen or any weight gain?
Pull out is not a method of contraception, if you don't want to have a baby go and see your doctor about actual contraception.

Too many people think it’s a method of contraception....

i know it wasn’t my choice and i regret making those decisions now, i should’ve been more careful
Well if that was the only time you had unprotected sex (withdrawal method failure rate is very high) then a test would be positive by now for sure. Get a test if negative I'd suggest getting some contraception and an sti test. Take hold of your own health.
If you had sex voluntarily it was your choice too, so let's not play the blame game