Wat does it mean wen u have milk leaking from ur breasts
Leakage: Wat does it mean wen u have... - Pregnancy and Par...
Are you pregnant?
Usually means you have milk to feed a baby, your either very pregnant, just given birth or you need to see a doctor cause its not milk
Are you pregnant? If pregnant that can happen during pregnancy although normally happens at the later stages.
If you're not pregnant it could be a hormonal problem or related to medication you might take. So in the case you should see your doctor
If you are not pregnant, it may be your prolactin level is high,go see your doctor
Your body starts producing colostrum from 20 weeks. If you are pregnant and past this point and leaking it would be worth speaking to your midwife about harvesting colostrum, I wish I had with my baby as it can come in very handy if there are any delays with breast feeding once baby is born.
If you aren't pregnant then go to the doctor for a blood test to rule out any bad reasons, such as breast cancer, but some women (myself included) are able to lactate without ever being pregnant, I was able to hand express drops a full year before I conceived.