I was wandering if anyone else has be... - Pregnancy and Par...

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I was wandering if anyone else has been giving medication for anxitiy since being pregnant

frankiboo profile image
27 Replies

Im only 9 weeks and struggling and scared it wont go away !!

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frankiboo profile image
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27 Replies
littlebean profile image

Hi I wasn't given medication but I think it's normal to feel anxiety during pregnancy, I'm sure there is alot going around in your head, especially as you are still very early days. Is there anything in particular your worrying about? Try & stay calm, talk about your worries with your partner or friends or on here & look after yourself. I think your emotions & anxiety evens out abit after the first trimester.

I agree with littlebean's comment, as it's completely normal to feel some sort of anxiety during early pregnancy as your body is changing & stretching fairly rapidly from this point.

The best advice I could give you is to try not to overload your mind with too much thoughts regarding your pregnancy or the symptoms of it & just simply let nature take it own natural course.


frankiboo profile image

Thankyou both for replying,... i actually dont know what worrying about really , i think its work and pregnancy

frankiboo profile image

I have always been an independant person and dont do anything other than work so feel very lost and have no control , because i know i have to think about someone else from now on, ive also become so clingy with my partner and have panic attacks when he leaves for work in the mornings, all very new to me , being pregnant is all i have wanted but im not enjoying it these past 2 weeks which is scaring me

in reply to frankiboo

I can 10O% relate to what you're feeling as before I became pregnant with my 1st child back in 2008 I was a very independent young woman & even during the pregnancy seem to just get on with everything that needed to be done but once I gave birth I had quite a rough time with the whole delivery & became somewhat depressed in the 1st few weeks/months of being at home.

I now however have had another child ( 6 months ago) & even though I feel exhausted at times I feel so much more in control of the slightest things like popping out to the shops with the kids.


littlebean profile image

It is scary no matter how much you wanted it but trust me it will all change in a good way, you will develop a strong bond with you baby & love it so much & want nothing more than to take care of it & will instinctively know how to look after it. Please trust your body & the mother in you. Give yourself time to adjust to it all, I'm sure your partner understands aswel. This site helped me alot all through my pregnancy x

frankiboo profile image

Is there anything you can suggest to help me relax that worked for you, its all so new to me , sounds stupid i know but feel like ive never had feelings and now pregnant they all come at once, my partner is very understanding but like me has been a independant person and is older than me so seeing me like this is alittle upseting for him as not alot he can do

frankiboo profile image

Its just so lush to speak to ppl that understand

littlebean profile image

Any worries at all post on here & someone is always about to reassure you even if you don't want to worry your partner about stuff. DO NOT GOOGLE, can not stress that enough as it adds to the anxiety, I always found a relaxing walk helped but the thing that helped ease my anxiety the most was an early scan, myself & my partner paid for a private scan at 9 weeks & it let us see all was ok & gave us both a bond with our baby. It was around 80 but it was the best money I could have spent cos by seeing our baby & having that connection it calmed my fears. The good thing is your not too far away from your 13 weeks scan even if nowhere near you offers them privately.

mummymummy profile image

Hormones are raging and changing and that can affect ur mood. ..I had bad anxietya couple of months after my lo was born. .. But I think as my hormones settled it eased off. .. If ur finding it really hard go and see ur g.p... But assume relaxation tapes would be good. .. Look into hypno birthing or ask ur midwife hope it gets better for u soon x

frankiboo profile image

Thankyou both very much , feels good just talking to ppl x

mamaluv profile image

I was really scared about birthing when I found I was expecting my first. I had heard so many birthing horror stories that I started researching a lot how to have a pleasant birthing experience. That really helped me a lot! I realised that there are some people that have enjoyed the birth experience! That gave me hope. In the end I really enjoyed the experience having my daughter. It was exciting and fun.. A lovely bonding experience too with my partner. Not as bad as I had feared it would be! Seek out the good stories! They are there, and try to look forward to your very own birthing experience. Our bodies are made to do this job.. If you relax and trust it, it will. All the best for you and yours :-)

frankiboo profile image
frankiboo in reply to mamaluv

Im just a big mess at moment very uneased x

frankiboo profile image

Has anyone had to give up there job from pregnancy, due to stress and tiredness?? Because of my jib being stressful and long hours ive been advised to stop

cheekymonkey3791 profile image
cheekymonkey3791 in reply to frankiboo

Have work offered you a 'risk assessment' I had 2 done during my pregnancy as I work in veterinary medicine in a large hospital so risks had to be minimised. You could also start thinking about when you would like to start your maternity leave but your not obliged to tell your employer for sometime yet....

cheekymonkey3791 profile image

I agree with all the other ladies and your hormones will be raging, at the moment your ovary is maintaining the pregnancy but soon the placenta that is growing will take over and you will feel yourself settle down a bit. I had awful snappy mood swings! Am surprised my partner didn't leave me lol and I also think that maybe once you have your first scan and see that little baby you will really have a focus. The second trimester is the one to enjoy too as your hormones settle, you'll feel less tired, irritable, anxious and not too heavy and be sporting a gorgeous little baby bump (be sure to take photos) :-)

Of course all of us had fears, realistic fears through the pregnancy and labour And beyond...be a first timer or a baby making machine, all pregnancy's are different, all labours are different, all babies are different and the thing is...you can vent those fears on this site and we will help rationalise the best we can as mums and mums to be ok. So please try to relax and enjoy the new life that you are growing because what your body is doing right now is nothing short of a miracle :-) xx

frankiboo profile image
frankiboo in reply to cheekymonkey3791

Thankyou !! Xx

cheekymonkey3791 profile image

:-) My baby boy is 8 months old and I am a first time mum...enjoy it x

Sometimes, it's good to write things down, if you can't voice your anxieties. It helps you to be able to work out any triggers, as you can read back the events which led to that particular emotion or upset. Hope that makes sense!

Throughout this pregnancy, I've definitely become more anxious. As the other ladies have said, it's a lot of pre-Mum nerves and hormones, but even the smallest if things - I've had to double check things are turned off, or the car door is locked, etc.

I've not been given any medication for this, as I've been able to rationalise my thought patterns and talk to my OH.

Is there anything is particular that you've struggle with during the first trimester, that any of us could help you with?

Regarding your job, I wasn't advised to leave work, but I chose to 'step down' from my job - I sort of 'got demoted'! Tiredness, hormones and feeling queasy meant that what I was doing became harder for me and there were also slight risks. Also, I was fairly new to it, so it was better that I went back to a previous role. I was sad to do so, but it's been great not having so much pressure! Do you mind me asking who advised you to stop working?

Hope this little rambling helps X

frankiboo profile image
frankiboo in reply to

I was advised by my head nurse at the hosp i work at as i work for mental health and have only been in this job for 6 month sooo still a newby , but i think i my see if can step dwn

in reply to frankiboo

Working with vulnerable people is a very demanding and stressful job, especially if you're new to it, I can see why it was suggested. However, the choice is ultimately down to you. Don't rush into making a decision, see how you feel in a few weeks. As a compromise, is there a way your role can be made less high risk?

...The reason I asked about if there was anything you struggled with in particular is because the first trimester is a bit of a buggar in my opinion! You may feel different come the second term and therefore less stressed and tired? X

frankiboo profile image

I love my job but the hours are not a great so one week will be fine and then the nxt i have 11 days straight it kills me at moment , ive been signed off for 3 weeks , so see how feel after, everyone tells me il be fine in second part so maybe should use these 3 werks as 'hols' and not worry it is easier said than done x

behappy1 profile image

My GP referred me to a specialist midwife who deals with depressed, stressed / anxious pregnant women. It's really helped. She visits me every 1 1/2 weeks and does checks. Talks about how I'm feeling. You probably have the service in your area too. Speak to your GP. I wanted a baby for years, never expected I would be so anxious and stressed out! It happens x

frankiboo profile image

Ive been refered just waiting to hear back, ive nevet thought work would be an issue but it is , im out first part of it in couple weeks hopefully it will all of settled dwn by then x

Hopeful15 profile image

How are you doing now? Hope all going well.

frankiboo profile image
frankiboo in reply to Hopeful15

Hello, im feeling better , ive been signed off work till i have baby as my job wasnt helpping.

Hopeful15 profile image
Hopeful15 in reply to frankiboo

Glad to hear you're doing better :)

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