I need a rant...: Is it just me or when... - Pregnancy and Par...

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I need a rant...

13 Replies

Is it just me or when people ask "how far gone are you?", you tell them "14 weeks", they make the comment, "oh ok!" Thus acting like 14 weeks is insignificant or something! Pregnant is pregnant!!!!

Nuff said!

13 Replies

Liked ;)

Haha, yeah i know its almost like their sayin "U havent seen nothing yet"


Skyblueboston profile image

Yeah! I know what you mean, a bit condescending me thinks!

Megzey profile image

14 weeks is like 2 weeks off 4 months, it is like a mega achievment. Bet the people who say it have never had children before or experienced a loss in pregnancy so probs don't see the significants of getting to 14 weeks like some people.

It's kinda like saying you're not too far along, so I'm not interested in hearing anymore... Urgh!

Sorry, it's just annoyed me all week.... So many people have acted the same way! Bugged me! xx

Ljameson profile image

here here! i havent told anyone but best friend and parents yet at 14 weeks, dont know how ill react to others reactions!!!

CheekyP profile image

Ha ha - what about all the comments on the size of your bump. I'm 21 weeks and some people have been saying 'oh it will grow eventually' and others say 'ooh aren't you big'. Maybe people just don't know what to say!?! X

SaraPeanut profile image

I know the feeling, I'm 14 weeks too & it's as thought it doesn't warrant a "Congratulations" yet! Even though its a massive achievement to get this far! I've decided, sod the lot of them, I'm excited and proud & so is my partner so that's all that matters! X

hippolike profile image

Yeah, I think sometimes they don't know what to say. You just have no idea what it's like being pregnant until you've gone through it yourself. I remember a dinner I went to a few years ago when a colleague was about to go on maternity leave, and I asked her how many weeks there were to go and she said two or something, and I said something like "whoa, you could go into labour any time then!" And another colleague who had already had a baby gave me a disapproving look, and now I know why: it was an insensitive thing to say when the lady was about to have her first baby and was probably terrified about the whole thing - as I am now, at nearly 36 weeks!

For people who haven't done it before, they don't have a clue. For people who have (including men, I find), they can be a bit condescending, as Skyblueboston says. Also, when people comment on the size of my bump, there's nothing I can really say in response as I don't have anything to compare it too. But people mean well too. I think when people say that your bump is 'small' or 'neat', they are trying to find a nice way of telling you that you don't look like the size of a house / haven't slowly self-inflated etc. They don't necessarily realise that you're proud of having what you think is a massive bump :)

laurah123 profile image

haha 'LIKE'. Duppy you do make me laugh when im having a bad day! thank god ;)

i went out saturday night to a bollywood event and everyone kept asking me. everytime i said 6 months, the response i would get is, oh your small arent you. and they would walk off!!!

Dont start a conversation if your not going to follow it up!! lol. x

RMRS profile image

I agree - pregnancy is one of those things which everyone feels it is their place to comment about and to make throw away comments.

We decided not to find out the sex of the baby at the 20 week scan and yet people have come up to me and said, "So you're having a boy..." and my response is "Am I? You tell me - I have no idea!" To be honest, when people who don't really know me talk to me, I just try to keep conversation to a minimum as it's none of their beeswax!

As an aside for the first time during my pregnancy, someone gave up their seat for me on the bus. I was shocked and grateful so I guess there is one perk to random people taking notice!

ashy2005 profile image

Im 34+5 days and all i get is 'wow are you sure its not twins?' then 'oh uv another bit to go you havent even dropped yet' or 'ohh thats gonna be hard work, hes gonna be a bruiser'... I just smile and say as long as hes healthy and safe ill be ok any way... while inside thinking oh butt out.. if you have nothing nice or supportive to say dont bother commenting on my pregnancy!!! lol

ShelleyHarris1981 profile image

I know this is slightly off topic but I hated people commenting on size of my bump then actually copping a feel of it!! I just cannot get my head around why touching a stranger when pregnant is seen as the norm! I HATED it. My little boy 4 months old now but asI got to 8 months the amount of other mums at my daughters school who would pat or rub my bump was crazy! Perhaps its just me not being very touchy feely apart from with my hubby and family but it seriously drove me mad. Sorry rant over ;-) xx

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