I'm new here and have a question. My ... - Pregnancy and Par...
I'm new here and have a question. My bf is worried about us making love as I'm only 4 weeks pregnant. Do we have to wait?

Hi! Congratulations and welcome! No you don't have to wait, so long as you feel happy and comfortable you can have sex all the way through a healthy pregnancy
Being pregnant can affect your sex drive (for better or worse) so don't worry if you go right off the idea, or turn in to a maniac!
Enjoy your pregnancy x
Thank u for postin a comment my bf just seems to think that we have to wait til I'm at least 12 weeks altho iv never herd of that before so wanted to double check What other people thought.
No waiting needed! Sex is great for baby - providing your partner makes you climax! Diverts a generous amount of blood to your placental as well as your lady bits!!
Very pleased went don't have to wait think bf just slightly worried incase we could do any harm xx
I was advised to abstain until 12 weeks scan due to previous MC but don't know if intercourse really can cause/affect a loss like this.
Congratulations on your pregnancy and welcome to the forum xx
never heard you "have" to wait.
just to do what you feel, if it feels good and you are confortable, then enjoy it
As above. You can have great sex right the way through your pregnancy (though you may have to find some alternative positions as you get bigger). Girl on top might put your mind at ease as he won't be leaning on your tummy then but, regardless of his, erm... Size, there is not damage to be done. Have fun x
I turned into a total nympho but my hubby was totally turned off, couldn't get past the thought it may harm sproglet. Everybody and each pregnancy is different so just go with it! Oh and welcome x
Thank u all so much for ur comments xx
We had our 12 week scan on Monday and as I have had heavy bleeding they have "advised" to try and not have intercourse till the 20 week scan. My husband is well gutted but understands. After having a mc in Dec, i am pertrified of anything going wrong so just going to take their advice. I can wait but he has got a labido of a 13 year old boy that has discovered boobs
congrats on ur little one, no u don't have to wait, u do it as much or as little as u want, I went off having any kind of physical relationship with my boyfriend for about a month due to hormones but now back to the old me but having to find different positions as being on ur back with a bump is far too uncomfy lol! xx
I agree with all the above, though because I had a history of chronic urinary tract infections, my GP recommended using a condom for the first 12 weeks, since that was less likely to result in one apparently. All the best for a smooth pregnancy! xx
Congratulations My husband wasn’t and still isn’t keen on having sex but I am persistent lol
we take it slowly not crazy love making and I’m 16wks 2dys and all is ok, Just be gentle xxx