High risk & lonely, my mental state is at a full time low. Can anyone advice?
I need to get out but being high risk... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
I need to get out but being high risk I’m advised not to, I’m really suffering from loneliness, I have a carer, but mentally I’ve had enoug

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Yeah if you really want to go out you can go for a walk where no people but put your health in your own hands my mum is High risk but still goes out it’s down to you she’s even been on public transport so basically it’s up to you also my dads a taxi driver high risk he still goes to work there are lots of people in the community which need his services without him they would struggle you have to put what you want first I’m also at risk though minimal I keep my distance it’s really down to you I’m not trying to put you in unnecessary risk I just want to say it’s your body if you have no symptoms it’s your choice
I am so sorry that you are feeling low.
Do you have any meet ups in normal times.?
I am just wondering if there is an online meet up that you could join in with.
That way you would still be keeping yourself safe.
Your local council will have some information about this and should have a helpline number they can give you.
As you have a carer would it be possible for you both to get outdoors for a walk without risking your safety.?
That obviously depends on where you live and how mobile you are.
Have you had a letter from your local council, if you have they probably listed a helpline number for you to call if you needed any help.
I am a high riskier too and have been sent various information about getting helpif needed and they set up a Zoom coffee morning.
I do hope you can find something to ease your loneliness.
Ellie 🙏 ☀💐
Although my wife is here, she is busy cooking, cleaning, ironing, washing and gardening, so I spend a lot of time alone...... I read, listen to music, watch tv/movies, but what is more important, coming on this community to chat, to put up my own post, to upload music and respond to other members posts, it keeps me sane!😀🌈
I feel for you Teanna. I think that many of us are feeling really frustrated now, and it must be ultra-difficult when you've been advised not to leave home. The newly introduced rules for single person households won't apply to you if you are shielded. Not until at least the end of June that is. But have you checked whether you can now leave the house to meet one other person outside. Many of the 'shielded' have now been told that this is permissible.
And in your case I would speak to your clinician for further guidance, explaining that your mental health is now suffering. It's a delicate balance to get the right point at which both your mental and physical health are being protected, and it can't be that one size fits all. So it might be felt that in your particular case, it might do more good than harm for you to be able to follow the new single household rule. It's certainly worth asking, anyway!
Hi, thanks for the positive but I’m wheelchair bound & can only rely on my carer. Being high risk means I have no immune system at all, and now they have found out that people can be carriers of the virus, it puts me an higher risk. I also live in the busiest part of London, there are no help around, they do help the elderly and the youngsters but my age there is nothing for us.
Thanks for your positive feedback
Take care Teanna
I am an electric wheelchair user in North Kent, but haven’t been out since the 13th May, except for a couple of hours to a garden centre during the warm weather, using a face shield!
I will remain in isolation until I think its safe to go out, but who knows when that will be?
Take Care to Stay Safe 😀👍🌹😀
Hi, thank you for your endearing words of wisdom. (If that makes sense). The garden centre is where I want to go but the local ones are always packed and to sit in one position for long my back & my legs starts to really hurt.
I did ask my GP last week as I said, and it was a no no.
I could not tell her about how I felt mentally as she has just come back after 4 weeks regarding a bereavement which I know that her parents was in their 90’s, so I did not want to burden myself considering what she has been through.
Again thank you for yr kind words and everybody else that’s has taken their time in giving me advice etc.
Thank you all
Your carer has a job of doing just that it would be a good idea to tell her how your feeling and what can be done about it so your mental health Dosent suffer as someone suggested you should be able to meet one person out doors.even if you live in a busy spot there must be somewhere you can seclude yourself a lot of people aren’t going out now everything has changed in the outdoor world I’ve seen on tv what is usually busy in London near the palace all there is about are cyclists x
As you said my carer could take me out but to find a garden centre, that’s where I’d liked to go, they are packed solid. I miss the art museums, etc but they don’t open until July.
Thank you for all your ideas and advice, i think if I get in touch with my pain management team, he can ask her. But due to my health issues I know what they will say. But if I explain to him how I feel, maybe my GP will call me.
Thank you again
Hi, that’s exactly what my GP said to me last week, and being as high risk as I am, my GP is soooo to the rules. I know she means well but how long can u look at 4 walls. I do have lots of hobbies, but my ulnar nerve (in the elbow) is trapped so I cannot now grip anything, I’ve been doing the physio on that, so basically trying to use my left, & with my hobbies u do need both, I’ve even tried to imprecise & try different ways of painting etc, but it’s very tiring.
But it does really scare me out there as it’s so busy.
So I’m praying that I can’t see my children and my grandchildren.
Thank you for your advice , well appreciated.
Sorry, I’ll rectify that I can’t wait to see my children and my grandchildren, I miss them so much. But all my children are stickers for the rules etc, and will not have me up their house or at mine.
It’s just finding that even balance.
Thanks to u all
London might not seem to be the ideal place - but I think there is better herd immunity there than almost anywhere.
A powerchair or mobility scooter would give you independence.
I found a neighbour putting her scooter away - she is vulnerable and 94!
Hi, they live out of London. Plus they all do home studying for my grandchildren . It’s made a huge difference for 2 of my grandsons that suffer with autism and other learning difficulties, & 1 of my granddaughters suffers badly with her skin, she has to be bandaged up, so they need one to one education and they can’t do it at this time, but they have learnt more since home schooling. So I can’t ask them to come and see me.
But thank you for all yr advice much appreciated.
I do hope you can meet with a family member very soon as I know this will help you emotionally, hopefully this will be soon but in the meantime is your carer not allowed to take you for a little walk ? Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Hi Oldham65
All my children live outside London, but with Father’s Day coming up, I could go with my brother, but it won’t be a 2m distance and I can’t get in the back of the car due to the lack of movement I have with my back, legs & arms. I’ve got the proper PPE, they were given to me by the council as I have been shielded since the first day of lockdown. I was very lucky as I was having hospital appointments 2 or 3 a week, then I might have a week or so off, then they would all start over. I dread to think what has happened to my illnesses, so I’m hoping that nothing has got worse, I know I’ve developed new symptoms, hopefully in due course they can be rectified. The pain management team will be contacting me tomorrow, I will know more, he can tell me if I can go to the cemetery.
Sorry I’ve gone on, but thank you for giving me comfort and advice.
Thank you
No need to say sorry, you haven't gone on. You are very welcome. Hopefully it won't be long and you can go out again xxxx
Just reading through your post and replies and see you want to go to a garden centre, in my area, not London, the garden centres are open but only let a very few people in at one time. They also have marked out a one way system to ensure social distancing is possible. As you have PPE perhaps your carer could take you. Maybe phone the garden centre to check what they have put in place to keep people safe.
Hi Ajay575.
All my family live outside London apart from my brother but he will not put me at risk, I find it odd as he is at a very high risk that he has never stopped working including lockdown, but there are only him & his colleague that work there, and he is not the type to ask for hand outs, so his managed to work all the way through, but he will suffer in the end as his health is poor (and his still quite young), I just hope he will be ok, but his wife etc never comes to see me or any of the family, so I call him. All my so called friends I lost when I became disabled.
I’m trying to work to a plan but as you know like most immune illnesses that u suffer with fatigue, and having 4 of them is like a double whammy.
Again thank you to all
Keep safe
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