Which type of bird is your favorite a... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Which type of bird is your favorite and why? Multiple choice.
But humming birds fascinate me too.

Hummingbirds are beautiful, too. I like penguins, flamingoes and swans. The penguins are cute and are family oriented so they keep a close eye on their babies at all times. Flamingoes and swans have lovely feathers.
I agree
Robin because it reminds me of my late husband who loved them. I always think he has come to check I am OK and to say hello.
I'm sorry to hear about your husband. If you ever want to talk, we're all here to listen anytime.
A robin is a beautiful bird and a lovely memory to have. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Robins are pretty and (sometimes) like to explore/look around at the rest of nature where they are. There was a robin years ago in a tree when I was a younger girl before moving to the house I've been in now since 1993. The robin at the time was very tiny.
Could not choose a favorite, as I love all nature.
Each bird in the list is unique, in the way they are adapted to their way of gathering food, flight, and weather conditions where they live.
Talking about Robins....the first time in my life we have two robins together. They must be a couple, as one of them normally stands and flutters its tiny wings and the other obliges with a worm into the tiny gaping beak. This has been going on all winter.
They are both mature birds.
I wish I knew where they nest; I have a hunch where it is, but no confirmation yet.
They know me, and when I see them, I go out and place worms in favorite spots, and down they fly.
Blackbird for me. At least it's a bird I hear and see daily, and it's song always cheers me up - a flutey, whistling song.
Saw Hummingbirds in Singapore. Such vibrant colours. Here in the UK love to watch Robins and Puffins at RSPB Bempton.
Osprey hands down!Beautiful to watch them " fish"...
They are the only raptor that will diver under water to capture their prey..
There was a pair that wintered in a park I worked. They came to the same nesting site year after year.
I used to watch them do their " Ariel Ballet" every morning while I did my work near them
Absolutely beautiful 😍

Aren't you the lucky one, to be working outside, in the company of Ospreys. Magic.

How many ospreys are there near you? 😀👍🌈
Robin cheeky wee so and so's! Always cheers me up when I see one in my back garden!🤗👍
Mr.Robin mine.comes to see me every day.❤
The Owl is even my favorite animal! They are wonderful to watch with there big rounded eyes and magical turning heads!

Can't choose . I really admire all I see in the garden . Their survival instincts . Tiny ones hunting for food . Out in all weather . They can fly - wow .Protecting their young who are sadly stolen from their nests . The nurturing . Could go on but these are such complex creatures
The colours & the way they fly
Finches as they are so colourful and have beautiful song.
My favourites are the magpie or Jay family they symbolise Love, Luck and good fortune but also can symbolise deceit and trickery. Basically a bit confused just like me really!!!😆😆🤪🤪
Song Thrush. They're very shy, beautiful birds with a lovely song.
Penguins - impossible to spend time observing penguins and not come away with a smile on your face - penguin therapy ...
So hard to choose... been making a point to listen & look at the birds when I let the pup out in out yard. I always have a special place in my heart for hummingbirds. We are lucky to have a pair that comes by often. Lately there's been a black phoebe hanging in the yard too. Cute & with a nice song.
Carolina parakeet. They're extinct, but very beautiful
Excellent poll Leah. An owl is definitely my favourite, the way they look and the call some of them make is amazing.

Owls are very beautiful and help keep other animals away now and then.
Thank you for saying that about the poll, Alicia. Much appreciated.
Peacock. With some well placed tape on their beaks.🦚🦚
Don't really have a favourite, love all - though I have an affection for oystercatchers, & the blackbird's liquid song is v special. But the robin is so friendly... the sparrows chattering in the shrubbery so cheerful... little dunnocks so quick & shy... Well..!
I find the fact that these gracious birds mate for life amazing. And if one dies, sometimes so does the other some time after.
A Roadrunner, I've always liked them.
I love the little blue tits and long tail tits .... frequent visitors in my garden, and then robins, thrushes, black birds, ducks and swans. They are all beautiful Nature's creatures.
They are slightly mystical. I collect photos of owls. I love them
House Wren. Beautiful song. Tough as nails. Will rattle at you if close to her nest which is attached to our house. Will defend against all comers. Great little spirit in a tiny package.
I love penguins. They look out for each other and when they find a partner they stay together for life. Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜 🤗

Penguins are one of my favorite types of birds. They're so cute!
Humming bird. It's the Jamaica national bird.
Being off work during the Lockdown gave me time to set up lots of various bird feeders in my garden. I enjoyed watching the variety of little garden birds that came to feed. Blue tits, great tits, robins, chaffinch , and some who's names I dont know yet.
Peacocks, so elegant and poised. Also, scarlet macaws remind me of the vibrant colors of carnival season.
I like the antics of penguins . They are so social and can be quite amusing at the zoo and on nature programs. The swan is so graceful in the water and always reminds me of the ugly duckling story I remember from when I was a child.
Robin, they always look good on a Christmas card and are a pleasure to see in the garden. Also like hearing owls 🦉 in the distance at night
I have always liked - their return each year meant spring and baseball were coming!
Penguins are curious and cute. Hummingbirds are beautiful works of engineering and art. Owls and their swivel heads and piercing stare are riveting. An osprey in a dive for fish is a wonder to behold. The sheer size and majesty of the eagle is humbling.
I actually like all birds. Robin because she signals the end of winter. Owls because I love their call and eyes. Crows because they come to my yard daily for their peanuts. I had a goshawk built a nest in my cedar tree a couple years ago. I thought it was the coolest thing until I started to find body parts (rat tail, bird legs, etc.) at the bottom of the tree. She finally moved away with her 3 kids and hasn't returned (thankfully). Springtime is a sheer delight with the chorus of bird songs. I love birds!
Peacocks, they live in my complex.
blue tit
Red Kite, blackbird, robin
The swan is such a graceful and majestic bird. I visit my local pond daily to check on, feed and photograph the 2 swans (that I call Bob and Hope!😍)
Puffins - I like their matching legs and beak. I love the sound they make too.
Mine has got to be the blackbird, when I was younger a blackbird every year nested in our privit and she was so friendly we use to feed her sultanas, I named her blacky 😂 and I've loved them ever since. 🌈
Bluetit. So acrobatic, cheeky, beautiful and a joy to watch. I have a feeder on my kitchen window and 2 in the flowerbed outside so am visited by pairs throughout my day, they can be seen hanging upside down to feed from the hanging feeders, or pushing in haste to gain access to the window-feeder, zooming between my tall plants and palms, chasing each other. Really makes my day.
Superb Blue Wren!!
I think humans do care for one another. Con amore Bx
Love to see the road runner on film. NOT the cartoon character although he’s nice too. Bx

I am absolutely loving all these comments. What a cheer up on a rainy blustery day .
A wise Owl.
Nightingale,their song is sublime
Wren for me. I love the punch of the sound from such a tiny bird and it stops me in my tracks. Beautiful song, beautiful bird, love to see that sprightly tail in my garden and never fails to make me smile.
I love to see robin's in my garden. They are so feisty
I also like robins and watching the blackbirds in the garden
Our rescue Mallard Duck, she's adorable
I love the cute little chickadees. They are little and round....
Robin with his redbreast
I love how pure and elegant they look.Leslie
Kingfisher - a pretty little bird with lots of energy and very elusive.
We had an owl near my house a few months ago, but it didn’t have a nest, so it hasn’t been back in a long time. May be back later in the Summer.😀👍🌈
My favorite is the cardinal for their beautiful red color. Seeing one is always uplifting.
I love blue tits and sparrows they are funny to watch and are very entertaining as well as the robin 🥰
vulture, because they clean up.....
Darling little blue tits so hardworking. Mummy blue tit sitting now. I can watch them come and go out of my kitchen window as there nest box is on the wall. One year she raised eight baby’s and I had the privilege of watching all chicks emerge from the nest I felt so proud of her as her and her partner had been under constant threat of the sparrowhawk. I had to intervene several times.A few weeks later all but one I think came back in the tree. It felt as though mummy blue tit was showing me they had all survived.
I do love a penguin, they are so funny and entertaining to watch.But I also love a blackbirds because of their beautiful birdsong and a robin because they are so unusual and remind me of Christmas.
I love robins, so friendly and interesting.
Activity2004 Hermes123 ! I love swans the way they water ski to land on the River Thames. But the bird I love the most was the gardeners friend the Missal Thrush singing away in a near by tree, unfortunately I have not seen one for a few years now. Hermes.
None. They prefer stream,s and rivers. Way too dry for them
My sister in law, who lives in southern Maryland always has a colony of hummingbirds in your backyard every summer. It is an awesome sight. She cooks up some nectar and puts them in those red feeders. I have tried that here...2 1/2 hours away and nothing!
All birds are amazing to me ... Nature is fascinating , beautiful , delicate , strong and sometimes painful and sad...
Thank you for saying that about the poll and in general. I'm glad you enjoy them! We have a new poll out now dealing with drinks in the Summer months. healthunlocked.com/positive....
Thank you for saying that about the poll, Hidden ! I appreciate it very much.
The Robin is very cute and one of my favorites, but I don't get to see them too much now and then, unfortunately.
So hard to pick one bird, but I will say the little wren. It is so small & always so busy.
I don't really have a favorite bird as they are so many of them. They are all beautiful creatures in different ways, the color of them, there features, wings, beaks, baby birds and mysterious in different ways.
More importantly they are all gods fascinating beautiful creatures.
Very interesting survey.
Robin, cheers up my day!!