What is your favorite Women's College... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
What is your favorite Women's College for basketball teams and why? Multiple choice.
Wrong side of the pond sorry.

It's okay. What team do you like out by you?
For a time I had to attend a Female UNI , I understood they had a demon Hokeey Team I never saw them, although on Saturdays when there I heard them,, Sounded very impressive. It put the fear into me. Definate Borderrievers,, Understood they took no Prisoners

Thank you for the information and reply. This is very interesting to know. How many games did they play in?😀👍🌈
No idea, they were in a league, I am a Male and they would not let me join in. I was stuck in class. I suppose I would have never lived it down. lol.

Awe! That seems unfair for them to do something like that. It reminds me of when I was in high school and no one wanted me to be on the team for Gym class. They didn’t realize that I was really good at getting the basketball into the net a few times in a row.😀👍🌈
Live in UK so not applicable.
Thank you. What teams do you like out by you?😀👍🌈
Wrong side of the Atlantic!!!!
I think they call it Woman's Netball on this side of the Atlantic! old girl!🙄🙃😂
Oh yes! Top show old boy 😁
None of the above. I don't watch any sports on TV etc. Believe it or not. I am not a sports fan

Thank you for letting us know. It’s okay if a person isn’t into sports. I like certain teams, personally.😀👍🌈
Thanks. I've endured a lot of criticism and teasing about my lack of sports interest. Everything form questioning my masculinity to questioning my patriotism (what ever THAT has to do with sports) I do however enjoy watching Women's Beach Volley Ball... 😉😉

Lady's Beach Volleyball sounds good! I remember one Summer I went to the beach and saw a group of people playing beach volleyball before the afternoon tide came in every day at 3 pm. Some of the participants got the ball over the net every time they had a turn. The others had trouble because of the sand.
Not too sure how they were able to keep track of the score.
I'm not an avid watcher of basketball but I like to play here and there with friends and family. Last summer when the restrictions eased up, my sister and her hubby were taking me and my nephew to the cleaners on the courtyard. Shes really good at getting 3 pointers in. I'll vote Howard University on behalf of her.
Thank you for the reply, Imaaan . My brother and his wife went to University of Maryland and we have cousins and an Aunt and Uncle who had gone to Kent State and Ohio State. My favorite team for Women’s Basketball is University of Maryland, but I will also watch Kent State and Ohio State University when we go back to Ohio to visit for a trip.😀👍🌈
No need to thank me babes. You take the time to post and I can take the time to participate. Maryland....got ya....Do you guys go all out with attire or make it a game night in your household?
That’s okay. What sport/team do you watch/enjoy?😀👍🌈
I am not a follower of team sports, with the exception of the Boston Red Socks. Just checked BU as a loyal alumnae not from knowledge of basketball.
That should be Boston Red Sox not Socks. Need to edit voice to text again (lol)
Thank you for the replies. How many games did you attend for the Boston Red Sox? Did you get to go to the games at Boston University?😀👍🌈
Iwas a cheerleader my first semester as in High school but I changed my major from English Lit to Nursing and did not have time for that. I was ready anyway. I grew up with a father who graduated from West Virginia U on a baseball scholarship so he always had season t ickets to the Sox games and always took one of us with him ....so the answer is too many to count. Loved the Sox. BTW, I graduated from BU in 1955!!! Ancient history to most of you lovely people.
This is great to hear. Thank you for letting us know about your job/cheerleading changes. I took classes in high school to be a Teacher’s Assistant, but that changed when I was 17 years old and I decided that I would work for a Senior Center where I was having a weekly seated volleyball game. Everyone had fun.😀👍🌈
I didn't know it was sox! What does that word mean?

I Googled the word sox and it's a plural way of saying the word socks (like you wear).
Thanks for that Leah. I suppose it looks trendy❓

I guess so! They didn't have a picture of a sock when I saw the explanation.
Perhaps someone spoke out of turn and put their foot in it!

That may be a good explanation!
How's your evening going tonight?
I am gripped the the World Professional Snooker Championship.

This sounds interesting! Can you please tell me more about it?😀👍🌈
Snooker is a little bit like pool but on a much larger table (12 foot X 6 foot). There are 15 red balls and 6 colours (yellow, green, brown, blue, pink and black) plus a cue ball, white. It's quite hard to explain in a post but it takes a lot of skill to play it properly. I know there have been a few Canadian players but I can't think of an American player. I think pool is more popular in the States, but I could be wrong.

They have some places with pool tables to play while waiting for being seated in restaurants depending if they are attached to a bar in the back area. This is done in some vacation spots.
the team in the early 1900s was called the Boston Red Stockings but Redstockings Wins as a headline on or on sports radio was awkward and took up too much print space so management changed it to Red Sox and the rest is history. Sox is a slang term for stockings and yes their-mid calve socks and caps are a firestation red.
Thanks for the history, this is really interesting. These things don't just happen by chance, there is usually a back story to tell.
Hello Activity2004
Not much of a baseball fan, so do not follow men's or women's teams. About the only thing I follow is College football and like to watch some Rugby but do not have a favorite team as most teams are in Europe.
Stanford University because my father use to take me to their games.
In the Uk so not applicable

Living in the UK the list doesn't mean anything to me . It was actually be great to see this sport flourish over here but it is hardly recognised . We never played it at school and the closest I go to a game like this was netball and that was a clicky elite group of women and it was hard to get in a team .
Did they have the team for netball on TV?
It's all a bit American centric this question.
Who is your favourite Rugby League side in the UK? Favourite world professional snooker player in the top 32? Favourite English football (soccer in America) outside the Premier League? Favourite Cricket club? Wimbledon? Oxford/Cambridge boat race? 😋
I am a supporter of Bristol City Football Club and we play in the championship in the English Football League. An average team who aim high every season. Because of Covid-19, not been able to watch them play for over a year. bcfc.co.uk

Thank you for the link and information. I'll have a look at it very soon later today.
Have to vote for my hometown team, University of South Carolina. Go Cocks!