Which of these apply to how you see t... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Which of these apply to how you see this HU community? Multiple choice poll.
It has been like a special friend that you can listen to and share our experiences with.
What I most value in HU is the shared information and discussion on our various health conditions.
Hi Jerry 😊🌿🌸🦋Sorry you get negative feed back.
You can’t please everyone especially in this era.
I think you all do a fantastic job and i applaud all of you for all that you endure.
Try not to take any criticism to heart. The ones that are legit are to help learn and fine tune the site for every member.
Sending big hugs 🤗 grateful kisses 😘 lots of appreciative love 💗 and always prayers 🙏🕊.
EJ 😊🌿🌸🦋🙏🕊
Regular updates means I never forget to check in.. xxx really appreciate admin team xxx
You’re most welcome my friend. EJ 🤗😊

Jerry, the first thing I do each morning, even before getting tea, is to scroll through HU looking for posts of interest. I would miss it were it not part of my day.
I havent added much to the community over lockdown but have enjoyed reading everyone who has been involved and their replies. I dont tend to get the days content until the day after so its a bit in the past some of the content. Im not into political views more we are all in this together both healthwise and the current situation. Im thankful for a lot of general advice and comment from everyone and of course the NRAS. Happy Easter and sorry the weather isnt so good for getting out.
It’s nice and can also be reassuring just knowing the community is there, to join as and when, the gather information from different perspectives and express own view in a positive way....
I started using the British Heart Foundation forum before I had my first AVR. I found everyone so helpful and supportive that I try to do my best to help other hearties when facing or going through heart surgery etc. It’s great that there’s somewhere to go for people to get help and support.
Only just joined but look forward to meeting and chatting with you all. HU has been a lifesaver for me. I appreciate that admins have a difficult task in keeping a balance but mainly they manage that, with humour and a light touch.
You all do an amazing job and I am so grateful for all the updated advice and support everyone gives. Thank you xxx ♥️
Has provided interest, staved off depression, and kept me occupied at 5 am
Sorry to hear of negative feedback. I much appreciate you all, and think difficult problems or contentious issues are dealt with swiftly and positively.
I would contribute more (especially to other HU forums) if I thought I was appreciated and respected.
There is a difference between the sections dealing with AF, brain injuries etc, and the social section where people comment on what they have done that day. I have AF, had a stroke, some visual impairment, pulmanary toxicity and, as of yesterday I'm no longer clinically extremely vulnerable having spent months not going out, apart from to the hospital for medical procedures. The relevent medical sections of HealthUnlocked are helpful and I contribute where I can. That said, I do not use the social section. Thank you to the Admin team for keeping the site running and fielding all the posts.
I'm grateful to everyone whether employed or as a volunteer who has filled the gaps caused by COVID and, the vaccination rollout. Particular thanks to Southmead and Cossham Hospitals, Bristol for their care. I'm looking forward to once again clearing scrub in a nature reserve as a volunteer and, being a "mystery patient" for medical students.
I wish a few of the members would learn about punctuation; it makes such a difference to understanding and readability.
For many members, English is not their first language, and I think that we should encourage rather than criticise - If anyone would appreciate any help... please PM me a post for proof-reading.(I was employed as a Technical Author for years.)
I ticked all the boxes and I feel appreciated by my fellow HUers. Just saying that I would read more posts if I didn't have to proofread them to understand them. And I'm aware that English is not their first language for some writers. I don't think any of them would say I don't encourage and write positively. I appreciate your skills.
I do not intend to be confrontational, but that remark is impolite and patronising. S11m is correct. Nor do we all have the education or experience of the nuances of language. As in everything else in life, most of us are just doing the best we can. Please, let us be kind to one another. That in itself encompasses tolerance, courtesy & patience. We all have a back-story, and many of us are struggling.
I particularly like to learn people's experiences.
Totally changed my mind about some people who struggle with either their origins or choices in life.
So sad to hear how some people are treated because of their skin or life choices.
So sad sometimes.
I joined this group because I have had ovarian cancer and I like to chat with others ladies who may be able to offer advice or simply understand what it is like to go through this dreadful disease.
I am confused now as when I look at the main title I see Ovacome but it seems as it it has been joined by a completely different group who share recipes, photos etc. I think perhaps I have the wrong link. I guess I should contact Ovacome to find out. All the best.x
Yes, I too joined this group because I have blood cancer and spinal compression fractures that are very painful and I got and gave a lot of support to others. Where have all those other similar people gone?
I did wonder and quite agree .It is lovely that people post recipes and photos of walks etc but there are plenty of sites offering this. I really wanted to be able to talk to the people who can make me feel positive about my health condition and offer advice. I think quite a lot of people no longer post on here because the general ethos of this section of health unlocked has changed drastically.
You have helped me to feel positively well. Thank you all
Hi Jerry - I haven’t often posted anything on here but I do read it regularly. I’m always touched by how helpful and caring everyone is, including admin. I think HU is a vital service for those of us who use it and although, as Honeybug says you you can’t please everyone, you are pleasing those who need you most with this lovely supportive service.
Personally I don't understand negative comments, there is no need for it if you do not like a post or disagree with it then just scroll past, Jerry you and your fellow administrators are doing a wonderful job especially during these difficult times.
Thank you Jerry. At least I'm not on the wrong site and it is easy for me to select the messages I wish to read.
Exchanging information/personal experiences can be illuminating & helpful, and is received with gratitude & humility.
Very informative
Information on various conditions and ailments
Your support is amazing 🤩 and I have truly benefitted from being one of the group. You’ll never really know how much you’ve helped, but trust me without you many of us would not be feeling and coping as well as we are. Sending love and grateful thanks to you 😊. Diolch yn fawr.
An outstanding group...friendly and informative. Whenever I have had health worries I know that I can promptly get helpful well-balanced advice. In the early days of PMR they really saved me. They gave me an instant understanding of the disease and the courage to find a new way of living. I had a VERY unpleasant uninformative rheumatologist. Thank you HU!
I have also greatly benefited by becoming a member of this forum. Pandemic aside so many of us suffer in silence and feel so alone. This platform provides a safe place for all of us to share and reach out to support each other in so many different ways. I appreciate all of the people involved here. Thank you to all of you for being here. ❤💐🥰
Thanking you for always being available 24x7 really appreciate the time and effort put into this forum,
Great Survey.A great way to bring the community together by supporting each other.
Hi Jerry
I voted for all of the above. I find PWB generally a very supportive forum (I'm talking about members interacting with each other not admin) but if there are any problems i.e. people not adhering to the guidelines then those problems are dealt with swiftly and fairly.
I think the admin support on this forum is excellent, you're all empathetic, understanding and kind.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Alicia 🙏👍🌈😊
This is the best site I have ever found! Thank you to all Administrators I read a lot of the posts & enjoy the commeraity between everyone, I will answer questions that I can, keep up the awesome work that you all do! THANK YOU!
Just wanted to say a VERY BIG thank you to you all for the fabulous job you do. The support I have had over this past 12 months from HU and all its wonderful members has been invaluable to me. This platform is a safe place to raise concerns, find help and support , and in times of real need much needed comfort. Thank you again for being there. 🙏Sending lots of hugs 🤗 and appreciation 👍and a virtual bunch of flowers 💐
Take care,
Shirley x
I am very impressed with the Admins’ fair and balanced coordination of this site. I have been a member for many years, though not always active. I have seen many people, virtual friends among them, come and go ~ some even come back! I often find helpful information about medical issues, as well as learning a few new things about the U.K.’s *culture* since I am in the U.S. ... and when I think I can, try to offer informative comments in return.It has to be a huge task to watch for those who want to add negativity to an otherwise extremely positive support group. I commend you all for the hard work and extensive amount of time you expend in our behalf as Admins! (The new features are especially appreciated!) Thank you all for being there for us ... !
This poll is specifically about this community:
"Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation"
Which is mostly about support, empathy and chat.
I think that one of its main functions is to keep the other (medical/information) communities relatively free of "chat".
If I cannot write anything positive, I try not to write anything.
As I am depressed, bereaved and alone, I often find it difficult to be positive... but, during lockdown, I have been able to lose weight, get fit and help the NHS with delivering PPE.
This argument is about something I wrote. I ticked all nine of the boxes, giving positive feedback and am being kicked out of the forum for requesting some clarity in the "other" box. I have made some wonderful friends on here and shall be sad to say goodbye but if the people running this forum judge me in this way, what hope is there? In over a year's membership I have never been accused of negativity. Very upset.
I'm sorry you are, depressed, bereaved and alone. Please, never feel alone on here, we are all here for you.
Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗
Well as you can see I like everything about this community. You are all so kind, caring, compassionate, understanding and funny. Yes, I've made many friends on here which I didn't think would happen when I joined. I'm so happy to be part of this community where we can all be friends. Thank you to our brilliant admin and our excellent support team, I don't know what we'd do without you all. All my love to you all Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗

Hi Lynn, I hope you are feeling better. Alas, I am not welcome here anymore. xx Maggie
Thank you. I think you will find you are welcome here.Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗

Yes, thank you, Lynne. I have always felt welcome up until now, and your friendship and support in particular have been invaluable.
Thank you!! Please stay with us Maggie!!Love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗💜🤗
Thank you Jerry. It's heartening to see so many positive responses to this poll.
Have a lovely evening Jerry and stay safe and well.
General communucation and understanding
Thank you for taking the time to ask.Leslie
Jerry, I am a somewhat inconsistent member of this community; of this, I am acutely aware.
But I am deeply appreciative of its presence in my life.
I contend with multiple demands on my time and energy on a daily basis. I also find myself craving solitude in consequence of those obligations. When I (admittedly, occasionally) find the wherewithal to be active on this site, I am invariably welcomed with open arms.
It is rare to come upon a community that is both safe and empowering; please know that you and others in the administrative team are appreciated and admired for your dedication to establishing and perpetuating such a positive, supportive and inclusive environment.
In all humility - thank you.
Thank you ♥️
Sorry, too Jerry. We have been friends on here, although not spoken to you for a while. I failed to realise that you were looking only for positive feedback and that it was, in fact, a poll to give feedback on how the forum was run. I have absolutely no complaints about the administration or the kind-heartedness of everyone here.
I always save reading my forum emails until after I have read all the humdrum ones because I enjoy it so much and the lovely relationships I have formed.
Oh! Well thank you. 🙂
We learn from each other and inform each other. HU is invaluable.
Hi Jerry,I'm so sorry for the negative feedback that you and the team have received.
I for one have found HU a massive help during this pandemic and before and feel safe and supported using this site as it is the only social platform that I have joined as we support each other with the admin and support team.
Unfortunately as a member has already stated you can't please all the all the time. I appreciate that the team and yourself will be disappointed, but remember that the majority are grateful for you being here for us.
Thank you 🙏🌻💐
I first joined the thyroid and sleep forum to learn about the experiences of others. Reading the peer to peer advice given was a wealth of information. I accidentally stumbled on positive wellness and decided to join.
I stuck around because it was a comfort to interact with others from around the globe. Moreover, I find speaking to those that are living their lives to the best of their ability whilst dealing with one health condition or another very motivational and inspiring.
We're not always going to be in agreement with all the members or the admins everytime. That's life. As long as there is respect and fairness from every member, HU will continue to thrive.
I appreciate the hard work that is put in to keep this place running.
So sorry that you're getting negative feedback as I am one of very many who really do appreciated all the the Admin Team do on our behalf. Thank you.
I know I feel freer from being within this community.
I've never posted and i don't comment that often, but i think it's a wonderful community to be a part of, so fun, friendly and supportive and a huge shout out to the admin thank you so much - you're fabulous! What i think about the negative feedback isn't fit to be said but i hope you will know what I mean! much love, support and hugs 💙💚 xxxx
How's little paws Lola getting on?
Baby is well and looking forward to her 17th birthday party next week!

Well how strange i've only been thinking about you and baby this week and wondering if she'd had her birthday yet! my phone died and i was without one for a couple of weeks which was very hard, my lovely auntie gave me this one last week. Lola is 7 today and still as loving and sweet as ever, she sends much love and hugs to you and Baby miaow miaow 😻😻 xxxx
Lola is a little kitten compared to Baby!
Babys 17th is a week on Sunday.

Yes she is i told her we're messaging you and Baby, and she said Baby's doing great isn't she Mum 😻😻 xxxx
International..different countries
I love this website lots of kind understanding and funny people who make my day every day ❤️❤️ I also appreciate the admin for there kindness and generosity and support for this community ❤️❤️
I've been happy with the Administrative team, never had an issue
Can't say it's a safe community, but depends which forum I am in! Not sure if positive well being is safe any more Jerry! I suppose I have to choose more carefully from now on! Feel sad this morning 🥺
The Pandemic is a difficult time and I found it hard to cope with at times!
The worry about the Astra Zenaca vaccine with the blood clots revelation, my family here and in Germany! Back to work; I am not sure about that either!
Not happy and I shall keep out of posts where I might be misunderstood!🥺
Thank you Jerry. 🌈👍🤗
I made mistakes too Jerry but had the decency to apologize where I was wrong! I tried being respectful; but on occasion people take very quickly offense then mock you ! I find that hard to understand if that is respect and respecting others! Not sure where its going but thought I was safe here! Feel confused, angry and sad! The Pandemic is hard enough and playing down facts doesn't help either!
Sorry Jerry 🥺
I enjoy being part of this community and appreciate the hard work and commitment from the admins.
Hi Scrumbler
This site was always for Ovacome and ladies who had ovarian cancer and were going through treatment. It is basically a support site to help each other and discuss treatments. Some ladies still post on here but many have left as things posted on here now are not for what this subject was intended.
As far as I know there hasn't been another set up. Perhaps I am wrong.
Really grateful for all the support that is available. Am shocked and so sorry that you get negative feedback. Hopefully it is from a small minority and perhaps they are people who just aren’t in a good place just now.
Thanks darling 🙏🥺
Hi Jerry, apologies for not being on the site for so long. Was shocked to see this comment but understand how negative some people are. Some just don't stop complaining about anything and everything... I'm Admin for many groups on Facebook and run a page on Facebook, an Ambassador on another health site and trying to control is a difficult task. Thank you to you and the Admin team for everything you all do to keep the site social and safe!
Hi Jerry, a big thank you to you and the Admin Team for everything you do on the site; I know how tiresome and hard being an Admin can be as I am one myself on social media... Stay safe and healthy! We all love you!
I am being admonished because what I wrote about my struggle to understand some posts has been taken as negative feedback, when everything else I've said was positive. I wasn't even referring to admin! They should make it more clear what the poll is for. But now it's "Let's get Maggie!"
Thank you. You are right it is a dreadful disease and many ladies on here have sadly lost their battle with this disease since I have been posting on this site in the last three and a half years. Best wishes
Jerry this is the site I have always posted on for the last three and a half years.Quite a few of us still communicate with each other here.
I am aware that it was Ovarian cancer awareness month in March. I did two interviews on BBC, Sky and Local Radio to spread awareness of this dreadful disease. Best Wishes.
It isn't just one or two posts. Some of them seem to suggest I am a racist! And that is far from the truth.
Hi Scrumbler, No, they're not about racism but it was unnecessarily pointed out to me by someone else that some members don't have English as their first language, and when I replied that I accepted that, someone took my post out of context. In any case, punctuation is 90% universal, so why say that?
I love the puzzles on here. One suggestion to make however there should be a language club on here. Another suggestion there could be a area for those of us who wish to discuss emotional topics privately.
Great to get advice from others in the same situation.
Hi Jerry, I'm glad you like my reply. Thanks for mentioning me. x
I too am sorry to hear you & your dedicated team receive negative feedback on here. It's good that you've put it out there. I hope you're reassured by all the friendly, much deserved, supportive responses you get back. All the best, & a massive thank you to you and your admin team - you do a great job 👍👏
Hello Jerry, I ticked all of them without any hesitation. As there are some great friendly people on here with a good sense of humour and intelligence. I love the way, they bring a smile to ones face. Photos of various subjects, plenty of topics, the poems, the polls, everything. There’s always something interesting happening. Unfortunately there will always be the person who likes to complain for some unknown reason, perhaps they are resentful or jealous of others or naturally negative. Or think they are always right. They obviously don’t know how hard the Admin work behind the scenes to keep everything going smoothly whatever time of day it is. And I thank you all for your hard & diligent work. I know I wouldn’t be able to do this job. So well done to all. I joined HU in 2015 to connect with Pain Concern which previously I had a paper magazine from them 3 or 4 times a year. I stayed on that site for about a year before venturing out to other HU sites. I have found them all very informative and learn a lot as I go along. I’d be really lost in my daily routine without them. Of course my favourite has to be Positive Wellbeing During Self -Isolation. But All the others I follow are important to me as well.
Hi Jerry, I find there are so many supportive comments, but also very informed medical answers from members who have been on the journey. I'm kind of surprised that the admin team get some negative feedback. Someone criticised me once for a comment on my Spot the Difference picture puzzle on Donald Trump so I can imagine there a few Miss Prim and Proper here ha ha.
I have noticed in recent months that some posts have been hijacked by a few to pursue conversational chit chat and that as should not be encouraged.
I have yet to read your many replies but will do so. I take my hat off to all Admin staff and Moderators for all their generous time and for harnessing such a wonderful group of people.
I very much appreciate the information and support when needed I get on a daily basis from the HU community. I rely on it. Thank You.
Hi Jerry, all I know is you were there for me when I had a problem with abuse on the forum last week , and I was so grateful for that, 👍😘. thank you again
Hi Jerry just seen this poll. I haven't been on this community for very long but think it's a wonderful place and I feel very safe on here. I ticked all the boxes too. I think all of you admins work very hard to keep us safe and I greatly admire you for the sterling work you do.
I might be fairly new to pwb but I have been on HU on different sites for quite a few years. I joined here out of curiosity and stayed coz there are some great people here and like I mentioned it's a very safe place, It's my go to place to 'escape' from some of the awful things I hear about on my other sites. Eg I am on BLF too as I have lung disease and yesterday we lost a wonderful lady who was one of the mainstays of the site.
One site I am on (mention no names) is in my opinion very under admined and rule breaking goes on all the time. Not here thank goodness.
Thanks again to all of you. x

I must admit that since HU has teamed up with Healthilife, things have become more aggressive, sometimes to the point where I, in particular, do not respond to a posting, because what I say may well be misconstrued, and taken offence to.
It has happened before and will doubtless happen again, with the differences between American and British posters, and their respective styles and approaches to Freedom of Speech, Cultural differences, etc.
I am a member of several Forums here, but I respond less and less to certain ones because of this. I like it here, but feel it has recently become less friendly, less of a community of friends, and less safe to express oneself.
I remember posting my doubts about this merger when it was mooted.