What flowers do you plant in your gar... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
What flowers do you plant in your garden/yard? Multiple choice.
I dont do gardening

Nor do I.
Do you have any flowers/plants that popped up on their own?

That's okay. Do you have any flowers that popped up on their own? We had that happen to us when we moved into my house years ago.
Thistles 😊
Hi Leah
Excellent poll thank you. I picked other as I like to grow Heathers. 👍😊

What do they look like, Alicia? I never had Heathers out here for my backyard.
Thank you for saying this about the poll. Much appreciated!
You're welcome Leah, I love flowers.
Here's a photo of a heather. I love them and they are so good at controlling weeds.

The picture isn't showing up.
Has this worked?

No. Would you like to do a posting and add the picture there?😀👍🌈
I've done that. If it doesn't work I'll take a photo of the heather in my garden👍😊🌈
Sweet Peas
OH plants Sweet peas for us every year. A great favourite
I like fragrant flowers. Sensory gardens have lots of varieties in them.

Which ones are in the sensory garden that you use?
There are various varieties of roses. There are also blue bottles, tulips.

How many blue tulips do you have in the garden?😀👍🌈🌸🌻🌷🌹
I planted daffodil bulbs and crocuses last autumn and they are up and flowering now. So rewarding and they will look after themselves from now on. That’s got to be a bonus. 😁
I like when we have flowers that can take care of themselves. Makes things a little easier for when my schedule gets really busy.
That’s how I feel. My primroses look great just now too and are another plant easy to look after. Like Alicia, I love heathers too, but then I would living in Scotland wouldn’t I? But they need acidic soil to do well. What are your favourites Leah?
Roses 🌹 and tulips 🌷 are two of my favorites.😀👍🌈🌹🌸🌷🌻
They are both lovely flowers and tulips again are easy to keep.👍🏻👍🏻 I lost 2 roses in pots over the winter - one was a lovely peach colour. Such a shame. I hope you didn’t have any casualties? What is your favourite colour of rose? Mine is deep pink, my Mum’s was red and a close friend I lost to cancer 3 years ago loved yellow. Her hubby gave me all hers and luckily they all survived the winter . 🌹💐🌹
Now this is definitely in my comfort zone Activity2004 so thank you for this Poll.I ticked other, because I grow/try to grow many different flowers because I also love to photograph them!
Dahlias, Fuchsias, Clematis, Hardy Geranium, Verbena, Salvia, Dianthus, Cyclamen and the list goes on!
Our garden has been my salvation over the years and I feel a complete affinity with all things living and growing and the air that we breathe.
Deborah 🙏
Me too, I grow many types of plants, camellia, azalea, agapanthus, roses of all sorts and sizes, clematis- montana and smaller, tree hydrangeas and pollinators to attract the bees. I also like to grow acers and lavenders.
This sounds like a wonderful group of flowers in your garden. When did you start planting them? Did you have to get the seeds, or did you transfer them from a pot to the garden/ground?
I'm glad to hear that you like the poll. That makes my day. Thank you. I enjoy posting them as much as seeing what others say on the comments each time.
I’m not sure I’ve really planned any planting in a formal way at all! I’ve lived here for almost 18years!!! Where has it all gone?! As we go through the seasons not only do the plants and flowers change but the garden evolves and over the years we’ve added a couple of small patios for seating and lots of pots. We’ve added raised beds by building their ‘walls’ with railway sleepers and three years ago I added a small greenhouse which means I can grow more from cuttings and seeds and when I fancy adding new plants and flowers I can order plug plants and pot them up in the greenhouse until the weather gets warm enough to put them out. Two years ago I decided to introduce more perennials instead of just the usual colourful annuals and I have
loved the changes, as have the insects and garden visitors. This year I have decided to leave what grass there is and build a couple of raised beds and sow wildflower seeds in the remaining grass.
I do go on a bit!!
I hope you are well, sorry I can’t find your name Activity2004
Stay safe 🙏
I buy artificial flowers so they last forever!Yellow, Pink, Purple and White.
It puts a smile on my face.
That’s great to hear. This way, you don’t have to buy new flowers each week.😀👍🌈🌹🌸🌻🌷
None, it’s just grass and clover. Now we’re both retired we might get round to doing something with it. The flower bed in the back garden does have any plants in it either as it’s used as the toilet area by our six cats, but I would like to plant some bushes for the bees and butterflies.
For the first time ever I have a greenhouse and I’m so excited 😆. So far I have a herb garden, strawberry plants ( coming on well) salad greens and teeny tiny tomato plants. Outside I have planters with a motley assortment of miniature trees, plants I can’t remember the name of, daffodils, crocuses, tulips, primroses. This way I don’t have to do digging and I get fresh food so it’s win win.

That’s fantastic to hear. It’s nice to have flowers and vegetables growing in the same area together.😀👍🌈🌹🌸🌻🌷🥦
I will also have Marigolds, zinnias & a variety of others.
No garden or outside space 😢
Lots of different annuals plus dahlias, fuchsias, and gladioli.
Another good idea, Activity!I have had a variety of flowers in past gardens, though moved in August to a retirement flat with a balcony. I have prepared large pots for white 'Runaway Bride' & pink 'Doppia Rosa's hydrangeas. Until they are ready for sale, I just bought up any little plants from the supermarket which caught my eye. As examples, due to deadheading I had pinks in flower for months, & primroses still bright & bonny for many weeks, grouped now with (artificial) greenery & heather as the spring advances & the shrub planting draws near.
Hi Leah , i like my rose 🌹 bush bloom each year x
I also have tulips , daffodils, surprise lilys ( we also call them naked ladys), cana's and I also have a hydrangea bush.
I like cottage garden flowers, shrubs and climbers. I’m planting a wildlife hedge at the bottom of the garden at the moment. I love watching and listening to the birds.
Any flowers that attract bees and other wildlife. Plus lots of vegetables.
I haven't got a garden as I live in a flat but I do have a spider plant, an aloe vera, a mini conifer (Christmas tree) and a succulent.
Marigolds, Geraniums, Impatiens....I have my parents' Peony Bushes (3) and took a cutting from their lilac that has done beautifully.
Unfortunately when I plant flowers, they usually comes up, weeds, and ?? Noticed my two cherry trees are beginning to blossom, plenty of buds, could be spectacular? Online Japanese purple maple, should arrive very shortly! Looking good!
Vincas and begonias. I also like daffodils
Rhododendron and geranium
Zinnias, geraniums, and petunias!
I also have in my garden; Honesty, Hebe, Campanula, Heuchera, Buddleia, Bergenia, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Clematis, Passiflower, Fuschia, Sage, Thyme, Mint, Parsley, hedge plants Yew, Holly, Hawthorn. Avacado tree.
What a lovely collection i like to grow herbs, and this year i have bought 3 temporary circular felt beds to try veg. I like gardening, was-my mum’s apprentice, and it has been a salvation in this shielding time.have just constructed a walk in plastic covered greenhouse and love it. My grandson said ‘wow grandma, you even have a chair in here, ‘ the innocence of youth, plenty of sitting down required!
Thank you, I’ve realised that I missed some, going to add them later. Last year I grew potatoes and tomatoes as I used to every year but it became too difficult due to ill health. Have also grown runner beans in the past with varying succes.What veg. are you hoping to grow?
I watched my dad from when I was a child, and I agree with you, you can lose yourself in your garden. For me just to be able to look at the plants and potter is very therapeutic. We are fortunate to be able to do this. I would have loved to have had a greenhouse too, you will find it so useful. Perhaps you could encourage your grandson to help you with planting seeds (get him at an early age) I know exactly what you mean about sitting down, for me every 10 mins. standing requires 10 sitting down!🙂🌸🌺🌼🦋🐞🐝
Certainly does, last year I toppled over trying to prune and could not get up again, what a riot, was impaled by rosebushes and had a momentary panic and then saw the funny side, thank goodness no one else could see, am going to try peas and maybe carrots, in one bed have first pots in and secondary to follow. i am putting runners, courgettes and some hardier toms on lower patio and more toms in greenhouse. Unfortunately am shielding so cannot have grandson visit, have to send him pictures. Have just bought a cordless lawnmower as a fair sized lawn, and tried it out, unfortunately did not remove the block to the lawn-box for cuttings so not a great success. Better luck next time, used to have a gardener but too expensive so its down to me now.
It’s very easy to lose your balance and topple, I always think that I’ll just do a little bit more when I know I should have stopped ages ago. I can picture you laying amongst the rose bushes, I hope you managed to get up again without to much trouble. Sorry I should have remembered that you are shielding and missing your grandson. For me, cutting the lawn is difficult too, just have to do it bit by bit when I feel able. Disappointing that the cordless lawnmower wasn’t as successful as you had hoped, but as you say better luck next time. I had thought of getting someone to cut the lawn but you are right they are expensive.
Primrose, daffodils , pansy
The only flower I grow are poppies.
I also have Dalia, Cosmos, grasses, anenome and something else I was given which I am waiting to flower so that I can see what it is! Indoors I love Gerberra!
Hi Like to grow Cosmos and carnations.
The gardeners employed to look after the development ensure we have ground cover and shrubs and tidy grass year round with a few seasonal bulbs/flowers also.
White hyacinths
I don't have a, garden

blue bells, Hebes, Jackmanii climber.
i'll be more focused on planting edibles....
herbs; tomatoes; lettuce; arugula; onion; garlic; etc...
but i also have perenials that bloom - and some are very fragrent!! can't wait for my korean spice to bloom !!! nothing else like it!!! and you can NOT get that fragrance in an essential oil either - don't know why - but i guess you can't extract that fragrance...
Absolute disaster Japanese knotweed! Gardening today!😤😤☠️☠️
No being serious started gardening after winter break, cut one of the lawns, had a go at the main garden below main hedge, weeds stuck in with flowers etc, pulling them out, landing on my fat backside a couple of times [luckily no neighbours around to laugh at my upendiness!] later got in touch with sister about these weeds "Japanese knotweed?" or Godzilla weed, there was some found in area last year! Hope I'm wrong getting touch with neighbours and council!🤬🤬🤞
Whew! Shows you what a full year without gardening can do! Garden absolutely rampant with two years of weeds, that's what all the fuss was all about, no japanese knotweed, just very mature weeds! Now I can get to look at cherry blossom and the new purple Japanese maple [not Japanese knotweed!] AAH!🙄😗🙃😂🤣👍👍
pumpkin plant
Hard work!
Lilacs and Lilies of The Valley. They blossomed in spring and summer in New England where I grew up, Their scent is intoxicating. They do not grow in the parts of Califonia I have lived in. My florist got them for a bouquet when I married my second husband-my soul-mate. Oh, that divine scent.
My bad, I read that as favorite flower. In my garden---- Rhododendrons and azaleas. This area is well known for those and they are lovely and numerous here. All container grown as I live in a condo.