What games do you play as a family in... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
What games do you play as a family indoors? Multiple choice.
Boggle and Chihuahua word games
Sounds fun! I played Boggle, but I haven't played Chihuahua before. How do you play?
it's free to play daily sets of on-line word games chi.lexigame.com/
I live alone so Solitaire is more appropriate for me. 😊
Do you play on the computer/phone or use a deck of playing cards?
On my laptop. I play Microsoft Solitaire game called Free Cell at expert level. I also play Brain Games designed for people with memory issues.
Ps 4 and other consoles

Which games?
Resident evil series , metel gear solid series , silent hill series ... loads lol

Awesome search the YouTuber CJU games he does lots of horror gameplays
call of duty zombies
That's good! We have a big version that can be used for when you go to the beach.
Just hubby and me so we tend to watch TV and talk/discuss

What do you watch on TV?
DIY, walking, nature, medical and drama programmes
When I'm alone I enjoy word searches, reading and meditating.
Live on my own so normally play golf and pool ace on my computer
I made a point to have family game night decades ago. Hubby told me it was stupid and we never did it again. 😢
Awe! I'm sorry to hear that. Game night sounds lots of fun and it's not stupid as an idea. See what you can do and let us know what happens. What game do you want to do?
Mah Jong! Great craic for the family!👍👍👍👍
My Aunt and Grandma had played that with some of their friends before COVID started.
Yes with my two sisters and nephew used to play most weekends, before covid! 🥴🥴
Did you ever go to tournaments with them for Mahjong? Before COVID, my Aunt and Grandma would do this, as well. They would go in/out of town for games.
It started back in the 70's my brother bought a set of Mah jong, we always played on that one set, everyone grew up, then when I moved to my present house, two of my sisters and nephew started playing again and me for the foursome, another of my nephews moved to Edinburgh, I sent him a set, [spread the word?] Apart from us "Mah jong, what's that?" usual reaction around here!🙄
I know a few people who play Mah Jong, but they mostly play like if it's cards. Not sure how they do that when it's tiles.
You can play it with cards or rows of tiles, I prefer it with the tiles, four sides, north, south, west and east, for each player, beyond that it starts to get complicated?🤗🤗🤗🤗👍
It’s possible. I never played too much with the ones that played like cards.😀👍🌈
It can be very addictive, back in the 70s-80s we would play until 2 or 3 in the morning at the weekend! Squirill logs, cheese and onion crisps, bits of chocolate stuck to the bamboo and plastic tiles, yuck! My big sister could not understand what all the fuss was about, she now lives in Devon with her poor husband, poor fella!😗😗🤗🤗🥴😆
How long have you played? Is it once or more times a week?
Not been able to play for last 2 years. I play the common 4 players mahjong. There are only 3 of us now so not possible to have mahjong. We settle for chess but I’m lousy at it. 😁
Do you do the Chess more than once a week?
Is WordWheel like Wheel of Fortune on TV?
We have just taught ourselves the card game Canasta. Not easy with just two but lots of fun. I also play WordWithFriends2 on an app.
I love “Would I lie to you?” It has me in fits of laughter!
How do you play? I never heard of the game before. Is it a board game or on the phone?
It’s a board game, so you need to have around a minimum of four players. Ideal after Lockdown. I bought it from John Lewis to play at Christmas a couple of years ago. It really is hilarious!I also play Words 2 on my phone - like scrabble. I do forget time when I’m on it though so have to limit myself!
Addicted to soduko puzzles too.
We have a weekly get together with friends on Zoom. Play a lot of Jack Box games, of course I'm spacing on the names of the games we like on there.

No family, but when did have one, scrabble, snap, chess, , I preferred the solitary stuff like reading and jigsaws to pass the time.
We play Yatzee. We can play it with others on zoom. It's a lot of fun. We also play Mexican train and 10,000. We also used to play Rummy but my husband got tired of losing to me.
We play Cluedo every Sunday evening over Zoom with our children who live in Oslo and London. We have a daily challenge of a game of dominoes.
Chase the laser dot... my family consists of me and two cats 🐈 🐈😂
No family left at home now but before we loved Trivial Pursuit and card games. Happy days
Play 2 card games Euchre & Hand & Foot
I love all sorts of games but I don't have anyone to play them with.
We usually bring the game for the kids to play and if they don't want to play, we use the game board as a blanket!
Westerns Veterinarian Documentaries feel good shows/movies. Human interest. Gone With the Wind Little Women
Titanic The Help old classic movies and my favorite cartoons.
Thank you for asking hun.
Much love and prayers
EJ 🤗♥️🥰🙏🕊🌿🌸🦋
How many puzzles a day/night?
Thank you for saying that about the poll, Hidden ! I like playing games and doing puzzles when there's free time.
I’m across the pond. Popeye Bunny Bugs & Friends. Tom & Jerry The Flintstones The Jetsons Walt Disney’s collection and all the old ones from the 30s 40 s 50s.
There are so many more but they aren’t available here now.
EJ 🤗🥰
Cluedo and sometimes Boggle as they both work well over Zoom!!!
The most I've had is an 8 letter word.
I like to play tag with my brother or my brother chases me he sometimes puts a blanket on him makes him look like a ghost 😂😊
We also play card games Canasta, Cribbage, Pinochle & other board games too Life is one Tripole is another!