Which French author do you like? Mul... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Which French author do you like? Multiple choice.

I agree, Tolstoy?
Tolstoy is a famous French writer.
Maybe there are two Tolstoy’s? I have to research it.
Lev Tolstoy was Russian. But a great author, nonetheless. ❤️
One of the best! I mean, The Brothers Karazimov! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_T...
Tolstoy was Russian
Sorry about that!
Hello Activity2004
You may want to research Tolstoy because whereas he was Russian, I seem to recall he was exiled to France, he was still a great author. War and Peace was a book I could put down because it dragged on and on. Now Victor Hugo's Les Misérables was a great book.
I dont think that ive read any french authours .. is jules verne french?

I looked up Jules Verne and he's French.
Woo hoo 😂 i recently read jurny to the center of the earth and i knew his books are translated from reading the author intro just count rememer were he was from


Had to google that one before I opened my big mouth. Yep, as French as can be.❤️🏄♀️
Balzac. Yes Balzac, not Bazzak!😊🐰
What books/stories did he do? I never heard of him.
Great poll!!!!! Read the first line in "Anna Karenina".
Parley-vous ingles?
What did he write?
La peste; l’etranger - came from Algeria
Collette would be my favourite French author, or Tolstoy, but he was Russian.
I was going to say that I'm not a great reader of French literature but when I think it through, who doesn't love Dangerous Liaisons by Choderos de Laclos? I also like Marguerite Duras and one or two Albert Camus novels too. If I really dug down, I'd probably come up with more that I like but have forgotten about.

This sounds great! Thank you!

And Jean de Florette, Manon de Source, Les Miserables even, Victor Hugo

Oh yes Dangerous liaisons. And the Phantom of the opera. And Madame Bovary.
Albert Camus
I quite like Georges Simeon, particularly his Maigret series.
Albert Camus
Alexandre Dumas...
Voltaire's Candide, Montaigne's Essays
Candide by Francois-Marie Arouet [Voltaire] or Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Pierre Ambroise Choderlos de Laclos
I’ve only heard of Tolstoy !! But I thought he was Russian and wrote ‘ war and peace?’ 😂
Camus was also the goalkeeper for the Algerian National side! Weird eh!
Marcel Proust and the HUGE novel thingy he wrote!
These Existentialist eh! They got everywhere!
Fred Vargas, female, writes mysteries
Is that how you spell Sartre?
I want to mention another favourite: Stendhal (19th-century French writer) author of Le Rouge et le Noir, a wonderful novel that I read some 40+ years ago and really loved. Now I only read easy "page turners", especially British crime novels.
Jules Verne & Pierre Boulle

Alexander Dumas, and I can't remember who wrote Hunchback of Notre Dame. Uderzo and Gocinny for Asterix!
Alexandre Dumas is my favourite French author.
Tolstoy was French?
Sartre. No Exit
Tolstoy definitely Russian. I like Victor Hugo- Hunchback of Notre Dame, Les Miserables, and poems
Emile Zola
Enjoyed all replies and thanks for the reminders of all the books by French authors I did know.
De Maupassant
Alexandre Dumas - Loved Count of Monte Cristo
Thought of two more French authors. François de La Rochefoucauld, (The)Maxim's (Brilliant book on life, mostly short pithy sayings. And Jean Jacques Rousseau who was famous for the book The Social Contract (Man is born free, but everywhere he is in Chains) but I loved his Reveries of a Solitary Walker.
How long is it?😀👍🌈
The Social Contract is quite short, I guess a couple hundred pages. Brilliant, classic book though. Reveries is about 300 - 350 pages, each chapter is Rousseau narrating his own solitary walk in and around Paris and his many observations of what he sees and what he thinks of French Society at that time. Highly recommended.
Dumas fils, Flaubert, Merrimee
I hadn't read any of those. But when they mentioned Jules Verne was French that's one. So I can say he's my favorite.
I did love Stendahl : " le rouge et le noir"
Alexander Dumas, more for the 3 muskateers films than the books. Is that allowed? I don't read much.
Its funny, I did not think I likes french authors and throughout, the day names I did like and read kept zinging in my head, Simeon for the wonderful Maigret and his black car, De Maupassant for stories, Alexander Dumas for those brave Musketeers, Albert Camus, the list goes on. , Thank you for raising this poll, gave me new names to delve into and happy thoughts as i pruned my roses yesterday.
Jean Paul Sartre is the only French one I recognise here and he was a very clever Existentialist writer that I studied at French A level. Huis Clos and Les Mouches were his famous plays. So, I’ll go for him.