What have you done to improve your em... - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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What have you done to improve your emotional wellbeing in self-isolation? Select all that apply

HelenHU profile imageHelenHU178 Voters
I am talking to family and friends
I am taking breaks from checking out the news on COVID-19
I am making sure I still exercise daily
I am unwinding with hobbies
I am meditating
Other, please comment below
68 Replies
MaddieHU profile image

I find calling my family regularly really helps with calming my nerves! Knowing that they are doing okay helps me to feel okay :)

SimoneHU profile image
SimoneHUHealthUnlocked in reply toMaddieHU

Same! I am definitely speaking to my family way more these days. They live in a different country and I am feeling much more connected to them now.

Cards21 profile image
Cards21 in reply toMaddieHU

Yes I’m speaking on the phone to family much more now and friends nearly every day too.

Hi HelenHU,

I find I'm spending much more time online, but definitely not for more information about COVID-19. I'm finding links to free concerts, virtual tours and cookery channels. And I'm having fun experimenting with cooking things with substitutes for missing ingredients I couldn't find on my trips to the supermarket. Hmm.. that doesn't always go quite according to plan, but does raise a smile now and again.

pamela22 profile image
pamela22 in reply to

Oh I like your ideas on finding free links to virtual tours and concerts, how did you find them???

It sounds like a fantastic way to see things from the safety of our homes.


in reply topamela22

Hi pamela22, most of mine have come from YouTube by subscribing to various channels. I've particularly got into mudlarking, mostly on the Thames foreshore! It's a real link with our history and I can do it from the comfort of my chair and not squelch though oceans of mud. Sometimes the mudlarks go off to other historic rubbish dumps and come up with the most amazing stuff.

I watch a southern US lady making comfort food in her kitchen and one where our host takes us off exploring Russia and the Russian way of life. There's a chap who challenges himself to make meals with limited ingredients or limited money, and no end to the number of tours around various locations of all types. Then there are others which are instructional for my crafting, and for Scottish Country and Contra dancing which I can't do in real time at the moment, but can brush up on and enjoy my favourite dances, (some videos featuring those people who are at least as bad as my own group are). Then there are meditation sessions and practice advice. Away from YouTube,iIf you want to learn a new language, you can learn for free on Duolingo and they will even send you reminders if you fail to check in and do your homework, to keep you at it.

In all the internet is a saviour in this time of trouble, and especially YouTube. Of course you have to weed out somewhat, but all in all it provides me with hours of entertainment.

I hope you can find something that will appeal to you. Sending best wishes.

pamela22 profile image
pamela22 in reply to

Oh that all sound amazing thank you so much for sharing these ideas, I'm very interested in the history of places and also love the idea of learning a new language and cooking with different ingredients.

I'm off to have a wee look, I wonder if there is anyone teaching how to play the keyboard, my daughter left her one here when she moved out and I've always been tempted to try and learn to play.

Thank you again for your inspiration and thank goodness for the internet

Stay safe and stay well


HelenHU profile image
HelenHU in reply topamela22

Hi, I got an email about virtual tours of some our famous museums/galleries/buildings etc: londonist.com/london/museum...

I haven't checked them out yet but thought I'd share :)

pamela22 profile image
pamela22 in reply toHelenHU

Oh thank you, I had to cancel a tour round the Saatchi gallery in london to see the tutankhamun exhibition I hope it's in the virtual tours.


HelenHU profile image
HelenHU in reply topamela22

Ooo let me know if it is! I had been meaning to go and visit that :)

pamela22 profile image
pamela22 in reply toHelenHU

Unfortunately the Saatchi gallery is not included in these virtual tours but I'm hoping to have a look at some of these tours on my laptop later.


in reply topamela22

I also had to cancel a tour to see tukanhamun as well at the saachi gallery and was really disappointed!

in reply topamela22

there's videos on you tube under Saatchi gallery and there's the exhibition without the crowds!

pamela22 profile image
pamela22 in reply to

Ah yes, thank you I will have a look.


Nancy325 profile image
Nancy325 in reply topamela22

Good luck! Hope you find many things you enjoy!

Nancy325 profile image
Nancy325 in reply to

Wonderful ideas I can use and branch off of to find myself wandering through who knows where, as I often do!

Thanks so much!

Climb007 profile image
Climb007 in reply to

I agree callendersgal,its best to limit covid news. I too am amused at the random ingredients that I now use to concoct a tasty meal. After this emergency I will be more creative in my cooking😊

possum8 profile image

Got all my art stuff back out and using creativity as my main focus. At least I have something to show for my time. Whether it is good is another thing.

pamela22 profile image
pamela22 in reply topossum8

I'm doing the same thing I'm in my sewing room as much as possible now just to get away from the tv for a while and escape into a world of creativity.


possum8 profile image
possum8 in reply topamela22

Yes I agree taking your mind away from the focus of fear very helpful. Getting engrossed in creative pursuits very meaningful. Times like these I wish I had learnt the basics of playing a musical instrument. Kind regards Jane

pamela22 profile image
pamela22 in reply topossum8

Oh yes I love being creative, as you say you have something to show for it when your finished and hopefully others will benefit from your labours too.

What are you planning on painting first?

I've always loved watercolours and my pictures are ok but I would really like to master it further.

What medium do you prefer?


pamela22 profile image
pamela22 in reply topossum8

I've just been sharing messages with Hidden on this thread (directly above our messages) and she has inspired me to have a look on youtube to see if anyone is teaching how to play musical instruments ... this may be our chance to learn new skills while we have time to spare.


in reply topamela22

Often its a case that good things can come out of horrible ones.

pamela22 profile image
pamela22 in reply to

Oh yes we all need to look for the silver lining in every situation life introduces us to.

Approach each new day with a smile if we can


Nancy325 profile image
Nancy325 in reply to


in reply topossum8

Joined an online concert yesterday which was lovely , everyone on the chat filling up with positive loving comments, was lovely,

in reply topossum8

There's loads of videos on YouTube, you should give it a go

pamela22 profile image
pamela22 in reply to

Thanks I will have a look


mela654 profile image

Limiting the amount of times I check the news a day really helps.

At moment having a wee glass of wine in garden, doing crossword. It’s sunny 😎.My routine

Contact family abroad

Tai chi outside if possible

Practice keyboard

Practice sketching

Crosswords Sudoku

News only once a day

Candy crush, mahjong (when I stress)

Face time children and grandchildren

Keep diary

Slainthe 😎🍷

pamela22 profile image
pamela22 in reply to

Sounds like a fine routine varied and keeping your body and mind active are very important

Stay safe


Nancy325 profile image
Nancy325 in reply to


pamela22 profile image

I've been keeping my mind busy with games on my laptop and phone, phonecalls to my loved ones, messages on social media and watching programs that I've been meaning to watch for ages, I'm presently working my way through 'call the midwife' on iplayer I missed it first time around and am delighted to find it goes right back to the first one, series 1 episode 1.

I'm also spending much more time in my sewing room to get away from the tv for a while. I'm making a rainbow coloured patchwork play quilt with roads on the reverse side for my friends first grandchild born in February this year.

I'm at the quilting stage now and having problems needing to unpick lots which is not ideal but I'm keeping calm and busy so that's ok, I was hoping to deliver it by hand but now the postie will have to deliver it for me. I hope to meet the little one when this all calms down and we can travel again.


Congratulate your friend on her first grandchild, They are a joy, which she’ll soon be able to enjoy.

Re tv,

I found Midsomer murders strangely comforting 😂. My bbciplayer seems a bit erratic,😬 but was going to rewatch Wild Britain and lochs of Scotland. Britain’s coast. If we can’t get out it’s the next best thing. Watched one about Robin Hoods Bay in Yorkshire. It was so lovely, brought back happy memories of going there as a child with Yorkshire grandparents.

And I will finish the knitting this sleeve to finish the sweater for my daughter.

Your quilt sounds amazing, keep us updated on it’s progress.

Keep safe🤗

pamela22 profile image
pamela22 in reply to

Well the quilt is all finished and ready to wrap up to send to london to the wee toot to enjoy, I hope they like it.

I have taken a few photos to share I just need to figure out how to post them up.

I'm still working on some knitting so still keeping busy.


jane1964 profile image

Listening to audio books instead if radio all the time.

Love100cats profile image

My health is so much better because I don't feel obligated to do anything. I can listen to my body. I'm sleeping better than I have in years and I feel so rested. I feel as if I'm in recovery in an isolation ward. Strange? So I'm using these weeks to recover from a difficult year, to reflect on positive things and to give my heart a chance.

Sparklebright500 profile image

We are doing D. I. Y to keep busy and cleaning to distract when health allows us 2.


Catlady5757 profile image
Catlady5757 in reply toSparklebright500

Apparently B&Q are delivering DIY items? Good luck with your tasks.

JanCymru profile image

Thank goodness for WhatsApp, text, internet! Sending my grandsons daily pictures from my walk, plus a 'what's this' picture for them to research. I think focusing outside ourselves and our fears, keeps the balance.

Sasa27 profile image

After 2 and a half years of procrastination, I finally decided to write my master's thesis.Better now than never..I also, watch past episodes of reality shows on YouTube..🤭🤭🤫🤫

KRR1 profile image

Appreciating the time to organise my home

Dawncov57 profile image

Gardening, painting anything in the garden that is wood, yoga, reading, knitting, cooking.

lgd333 profile image

I am on social media advocating and educating people on epilepsy which I have had for 46 years! I support and give advice and friendship to many!

Catlady5757 profile image
Catlady5757 in reply tolgd333

That's a lovely thing to do. Keep safe and well.,

lgd333 profile image
lgd333 in reply toCatlady5757

Thank you... My passion is to spread awareness about this neurological condition.

erksomewarrior profile image

Enjoy the space you’re in

Rhhh profile image

Helping local charity online with helping organising food packages and delivery and donation offers

Not getting on with family but checking in on them, don't think.even a coronavirus is gonna change that unfortunately, I did post my stereophonics t-shirt and cd on eBay with donations going to cancer research, I'm not out saving the world or on the frontline and there's plenty of people doing more but as long as weve got good intentions and are doing a bit it all adds up I think, trying to show appreciation to shopworkers etc,

bbgoode profile image

I have my Harley to care for, no not the motorcycle, my dawg, a 9 year old ACD, Austrailian Cattle Dog(red) and my edible garden along with my desert landscape garden.

Nancy325 profile image
Nancy325 in reply tobbgoode

Dogs are the best! 😁

papageno profile image

It is possible to do a lot of volunteering work online to help charities, patient groups and others find ways to manage health and social care during this terrible pandemic. Also hoping to serve as guinea pig for my GP surgery to test video consultations.

DRunnerchick profile image

I am donating blood 🩸 and volunteering through FEMA

nkotbjoeymc profile image

I’m just mostly doing what I usually do because I don’t go out in the cold anyway.

I been listening to music, watching tv, and here.

Cards21 profile image

I used to meditate and this article has been a reminder to try it again.

Glencairn1 profile image

I have also taken up over 60 short certificates courses through Future Learns Free Digital Upgrades, these cost nothing and if passed, give me knowledge and a certificate to add to my educational portfolio.

Courses cover everything from Forensic Psychology to Writing Fiction and Pandemics, Pestilence and Plagues which includes my current Covid-19, Are We Ready to Respond.

Nancy325 profile image
Nancy325 in reply toGlencairn1

That sounds very interesting to me!

gillianTS profile image

Engrossing myself in my voluntary life of genealogy it really helps to take me away from the enormity of what is happening in our ever so small world right now. But at the same time this reminds how our ancestors must have felt and how they survived during the 1918 - 1919 Spanish flu the worlds largest ever pandemic.

Stardust74 profile image


De-cluttering all aspects of my life and speaking to family more often.

Nancy325 profile image
Nancy325 in reply to

My biggest need and wish of mine is to get rid of the clutter in my life that’s keeping me from having a comfortable home. I simply don’t know where to begin and with what. I have more articles and information saved on it I could organize the world, but not my own space! If I had someone to help me a bit I think I might be able but as it is and has been it’s just myself and my dog. She doesn’t care so I keep procrastinating.

I wish you all the best!

Catlady5757 profile image

I'm sleeping a lot! I've been on morphine for 32 years and now have a spinal cord injury, now I'm not allowed to go to work, I've lost my only reason for getting out of bed at all! I'm finding it very hard to do much else but sleep? I'm very lucky to have a son in law who delivers all I need, I know many people don't.

I just feel so sad for our country and the rest of the world. We were all just beginning to get back on our feet after austerity and our poor NHS was just beginning to train and employ the doctors and nurses it so desperately needed after this government cut it to beyond the bone? But now I'm scared of what a world recession will look like?

Nancy325 profile image
Nancy325 in reply toCatlady5757

Definitely scared of that myself, and for everyone. The unknown is the scariest thing of all for me.

Philippa24 profile image

I'm making masks for health workers and key workers

I Like to get out in the garden.try not to sit around to much .do some crochet. Try and learn a bit more piano.

Talk to family and friends on phone.

Go for a walk 5.30am most mornings. Live in village so never meet anyone apart from wildlife.

Nancy325 profile image

I’ve not long ago reconnected with my older brother. I didn’t feel this should be with talked with family and friends because I felt that to mean people who’ve been constant in your life. I no longer have those type people which made the slow but steady reconnecting with my older brother something very special that I’m also very grateful for.

Rosie_red profile image

Feels like for once am not out of step with society. This is my normal.

Carshield profile image

Thanking God for my and all others blessimgs! Hoping that I can do something to help others in some way. A cheerful greeting, a quick call to let someone know I care!!!

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