How long after the birth did you realise someth... - PNI ORG UK
How long after the birth did you realise something for you was 'not right'?
I don't know exactly when it happened, but I suspect it must have been a day after the delivery, if not right after the delivery. However, it took at least six months for me to realize that what I was feeling - mostly down and stressed- was not normal. I thought it was all part of the round-the-clock demands of newborn care. First my husband and then my GP suggested I might have the baby blues. They were both right.
For me, I developed dd physical symptoms about 4 months after broth f my second child. These included problems with eyes (sensitivity), pressure behind one f my eyes, feeling spaced out and nt really here, numbness,tingling patches. My anxiety spiraled out of ontrol to the point where I could not eat, sleep, cried all day and night, developed obsessiveness with illness and dying, agoraphobia and others!
My drs coud not explain my symptoms. A tests came back ok. Antids and post natal depression were mentioned after a couple of months. Eventually out of desperation I turned to Meds, which turned my life around.
Hi Rocky77
For me too it was physical symptoms I first noticed.
For me about 4 months after she was born. It was another 5 months or more before I realised I may have PNI, my doctors did not seem to know at all.
I had many tests but none that showed anything. But for me who was living it every day I knew something was very not right.
I too had that funny eye thing, sensitivity, pressure, and in my case blurriness. And that spaced out feeling>
developed a fear I would die but also that my baby would die. Awful times.
It is different for everyone , but many of us share a lot too.
My baby is now 23, it is in many ways a distant memory.
My daughter is now a very able and independent young woman. With a good job and a life of her own.
hi rocky77
what meds are you on? im having the same problem im obsessed that i have something wrong with my heart i get aches and pains everywere, what cause my anxiety to be sky high i scare myself so much its really getting me dow i have a 2 year old and a new born. i started citalopram 10mg 6 weeks ago but my health anxiety got so bad i upped to 20mg 2 weeks ago. i cant feel no effect, i was on them after my first baby and they worked wonders i just want to feel myself again im 21 constantly dizzy,clenching jaw,aches and pains in chest and all over body it feels so real. how long did you meds take to work.
I did not take any meds. But each we need to do what is best for us and Iin retrospect I think maybe I should have as it may have lasted for less time had I taken meds.
Above was Veritee Founder answering . I was logged in as admin when I shoud have logged in as Veritee to answer. Sorry for any confusion