Was your pregnancy planned or a surprise? - PNI ORG UK
Was your pregnancy planned or a surprise?
Our pregnancy was very much planned although came as a little bit of a surprise due to having suffered an ectopic pregnancy a few months before...we didn't think we would get pregnant that quickly after the ectopic x
Ours was a complete surprise! But I never felt sad or disappointed that I was pregnant, I remember smiling when I saw the 'positive' and not being afraid.
I knew Matt was the one for me so it was never a bad thing, it just came ALOT sooner than we would have planned (we'd only been together 6 months)!
Saying that, getting pregnant so quickly definitely brought it's share of problems i.e. moving in together, jumping forward to a long term relationship so quickly. Then throw PNI into the mix and it's a recipe for disaster!
But we've come through it, with counselling and are happier than ever now, thank God
N xxx
We were told we could not have another child after our first so were surprised 6 years later to be pregnant again. I didnot have PNI with my first child so was very shocked and over whelmed to have it this time. Luckily i have had friends who have had it and sought advise very quickly. Counselling helped alot and talking to my friends made all the difference.