Welcome: Welcome to the Parkinson's New... - Parkinson's New Z...

Parkinson's New Zealand

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ParkinsonsNZ1 profile image
ParkinsonsNZ1Parkinson's New Zealand
5 Replies

Welcome to the Parkinson's New Zealand community.

We hope that this community will provide a space where you can share your experience, support one another, and become better informed about Parkinson's. We are particularly keen to connect the New Zealand Parkinson's community together but all are welcome.

Please join in the conversation by blogging, commenting and asking questions.

Blogging - The community is set up to allow any member to make blog posts and we hope that many of you will choose to contribute.

So what sort of things might you like to write about? Well, really anything relating to how Parkinson’s is affecting your life. You may want to talk about how it impacts your family life, your experience with a particular medication, or just share a part of your journey with Parkinson’s so far.

Blogs can be as short as you like so don’t feel you need loads of content. You can post frequently or just once as a way to introduce yourself. You can also comment on other people’s blogs.

Questions - If you have a question relating to anything about Parkinson’s, use the question facility to ask and others can then answer. You can also answer other people’s questions.

The community is here for you to talk about what’s on your mind.

Just remember this is a public forum. Only members can blog or comment but anything you write may be read by anyone unless you make a post ‘members only’.

Written by
ParkinsonsNZ1 profile image
Parkinson's New Zealand
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5 Replies
Andy_M profile image

Thanks for setting this up.. Andy

jedason2001 profile image

wow thanks so much .. this is very exciting.. i hope we can come together as one and enjoy, learn, and help each other.. thanks

cafelatte profile image

this is a great idea, many thanks

Hikoi profile image

This is great, I have belonged to the Health Unlocked Parkinsons Movement forum on here for over a year. Really pleased to see this site. ( I am an NZer living in London.)

sparklelikeme profile image

I currently write a blog about my experiences with YOPD, as well as another which actively promotes a positive outlook and encourages the squeezing of every last drop of funtimes and merriment out of each day. If you wanna,you can find them at:



There's music and cutesy pictures too!

Go on now, you know you want to.......Go on, go on, go on! (Yes I like Father Ted!) xx

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