Research is being proposed, to identify risk ... - Pain Concern

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Research is being proposed, to identify risk factors for good patient response to neuropathic (nerve) pain medications. Is this worthwhile?

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32 Replies
merlinmac profile image

Yes I definitely aspire to this problem and hope that more research be applied.

Rhiansmama profile image

I suffer nerve pain and the meds given do not work for me

Joaclp profile image

I have progressive neuropathy that responds some (minimally)to high-dose gabapentin. The medication loses its effectiveness quickly, however, and it has many disturbing side efffects.

Rienij70 profile image

I have good meds that help me. But my son in law really suffers.

Featherduster profile image

The side-effects especially mean the present medications are not helping, nor enough relief.

hill-top profile image

Despite current medication my anorectal nerve pain is still appalling, having turned my life round utterly. More research is definitely needed.

scholey23 profile image

While I have good pain control at the moment and have spent many years on several pain controlling drugs and spent time at Pain Management courses. I have been a patient at the countries leading neurological centre, I have found that there is not enough money spent on pain research. Too often broad spectrum pain killers are being prescribed willy nilly. Many G.Ps need more education in pain control. It has only recently discovered that if the pain is treated first and controlled then the patients tend to recover much quicker.

Pain, Chronic Pain is both physical and Psychological in nature and exists longer than six weeks. Understanding the psychology of pain helps patients deal with it much better, however, to be palmed off with Paracetamol or the like is not helping. More specific pain treatment has to be developed.

Debbs73 profile image

I suffer with nerve pain and find that my current medications don't work for me. So new research is needed.i find that gabapentine that I'm taking doesn't work for very long. I've also tried pregabaline with very minimal relief so have gone bk onto gabapentine at a higher dosage.

brussell profile image
brussell in reply to Debbs73

I have had diabetic neuropathy for about 5 years and getting steadily worse. Have tried maximum dose of gabapentin and pregabalin to no effect. Now on long term trial of Duloxetine. Have been on it for 6 months and the maximum dose (120mg p day) for about 6 weeks. So far no effect. Getting desperate and wondering what next step can be.

Debbs73 profile image
Debbs73 in reply to brussell

Since that post 2yrs ago my medication has changed I'm still on the gabapentine along with:

Morphine patches and tablets.





Lidocaine patches.

I do take alot of medication, but it's taken a long time to get my meds too a level that suits me.

JerryR profile image

The side effects from current meds are often worse than the symptoms they are prescribed to treat!!

Spursboy profile image

Yes more research is needed, I have been prescribed 4 different medications non of which have helped/

Nash1962 profile image

I agree more research is required in this area ,present pain killer don't really help much.

Kateruby profile image

I agree that research is needed, I have tried prevailing and currently use Gabapentin 900mg three times daily, this only takes the edge off and as others have said soon starts to wear off, within three hours their effect is minimal, but have to wait another hour before I can take more, needless to say that evenings I am having to take Oromorph to get through till next day, also take tramadol . Problem is each person's pain is individual and very hard to explain and to be measured in any way. Side effects also are a problem, but due to the pain as chronic pain sufferers we have no choice but to take them.

rosewine profile image

I find existing meds only seem to take the edge off my neuropathic pain so I nwoukd welcome further research.x

flamenca1 profile image

I think more research is required for nerve pain as GP's just up my meds without seeing me. Pregablin does help but does havery side effects for me. Also I have been advised by IMATS that these tablets don't do anything. Without medication I couldn't move.

Yes I agree I take pregabilin 300mg twice a day to mask the nerve pain in unfortunately I was misdiagnosed and to late to get any better from cervical myelopathy

anna4969 profile image

I am constantly checking to see if there are new medications approved for my nerve pain.

vespatone profile image

My pain is at present under control but along the way I've become heavily addicted to opiate pain killers. My gp wanted at an early stage to prescribe me opiatesby I resisted and tried every medication and therapy that was out there. The best was the little known " hyperbaric oxygen therapy " which I accessed through the local "MS" society.

This therapy took some time to build up but I really noticed a difference after time. I only had to stop the therapy when the local air chamber was deemed unsafe and the "MS" therapy centre closed.

I'm now on pregablin, naproxin, duloxtine and oxycontine with oxynorm for breakthrough (withdrawl) pain.

The opiates have ruined my life and wish i'd never been given them, I would have rather been given a loaded gun because at least it would have been over quickly.

I've been promised so many times that I would be on trials of new replacement non opiate drugs but this has never come to fruion.

I beg anyone out there thinking of starting opiates not to... hold out because some new drug or therapy will be found but I now face a very long and painful withdrawl process before I could even think of starting anything new.

kamarx profile image

Pitiful.. Is what Most if not all the medications for chronic pain and Nerve pain really are.

AffaSair profile image

I am on Pregabalin, Oxynorm, Oxycodone 20mg for breakthrough and many other medications for Diabetes and cardiovascular problems. I also use Lidocaine patches together with complementary therapies - acupuncture and reiki. The opiates do not work with all the pain but I think the current purge on opiates is dangerous for chronic pain sufferers. Take the opiates away and the only thing left is suicide frankly.

I am presently trying to reduce my pregabalin with the aim of stopping it completely. It has been very difficult and causes me extra pain at the moment. I want to carry on though. I am concerned at the side effects of cognitive impairment and association with alzheimer's.

madmargaret profile image

No painkillers work for me. I have peripheral nueropathy,and have tried all the appropriate meds.I rely only on deep self masage and a tens machine.More research into pain meds is necessary.

My medication only take the edge of

trishj46 profile image

There has been no real relief from any med for my spinal injury, pudental neuralgia, etc. A better med and less side effects is what is needed! trishj46

curity profile image

Yes .more research is needed. I have chronic pain sedome and the meds I take don't relieve it much and wakes me up every night due to the sharp pain feels like hot rods Beening ram in to my knee. And leg every night for 10 yrs now.

trishj46 profile image

There is nothing I have not been on for nerve pain and burning, etc----either the med or side effects are killing me. I am going to try to get off gabepentin and percocet to start with-----its pretty bad when your doctor tells you "no more options." trishj46

Harleyquin1 profile image

I do believe that stimulants and the benefits they provide is greatly ignored

Opiates and the ill affect can be greatly reduced if combined with stimulants.

For myself this is a proven fact, however Dr are reluctant to adopt this approach in today's world, due to the bad reputation stimulants received in the 60, when they were often prescribed for the wrong reasons and abused.

This abuse dose not tend to occur with chronic pain sufferers.

I have had lumber spine pain of every type for some 50 years due to a substantial lumber compression fracture dislocation.

CanuckAnon profile image

I take CBD for my nerve pain. It helps but does not provide 100% relief... nothing does.

meganpepi profile image

More research is definitely needed for neuropathic pain. I'm on high dose opiods for my nerve pain. Ketamine infusions have been part of my life also and I would have still been confined to bed without the Ketamine and opiods. I'm fairly house bound so more help through research could benefit many people.

curity profile image

Yes I have been on pain meds. But they don't help when it's chronic. Now Dr is setting me up for shots and if it help they will go in and burn the nerve s that's causing this chronic pain I've had for over 15 yrs.

Pam6971 profile image

I have tried both gabapentin and pregablin along with amitriptaline for nerve pain, never really helped, had severe nerve pain in my left arm for 6 weeks straight, doctor prescribed sevredol (morphine sulphate) 10mg, took 1 and it actually worked, I was already on zomorph and MST at the time, over time the zomorph and MST seemed to do nothing, so now just taking the sevredol for the nerve pain, still have my usual pain, only stopped the others recently so will see how I go with just the sevredol

Fificat50 profile image
Fificat50 in reply to Pam6971

Hi Pam just wondering how you are getting on with your pain control with sevredol ?