Are you satisfied with the additional support... - Pain Concern

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Are you satisfied with the additional support you get at work? Please feel free to leave a comment.

55 Voters

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19 Replies
Scooteeder profile image

WHAT additional support?!

juliansmom profile image
juliansmom in reply to Scooteeder

That's what I'm sayin!

Scooteeder profile image

WHAT additional support?!

snappy1 profile image

mines got worse since we've got an assistant manager who's attitude is we've all got problems get over it!

Yes, because I am my own boss. I have all necessary equipment, can take breaks when I need to, can work flexitime. Can have time off for appts. Have holidays when I want, and the boss (me) is very sympathetic on the bad days, there's always time for a cuppa and feet up.

Sammicat15 profile image
Sammicat15 in reply to

Brilliant! That's what I'm hoping to do.

hatingmypain profile image
hatingmypain in reply to

Can I come and work for you Please?

in reply to hatingmypain

HMP, set yourself up in business, it's easy. And being self employed does not affect your benefits. There are plenty good agencies that offer work at home jobs. I use people per hour, work when I'm able and rest when I'm not.

Qwan profile image
Qwan in reply to

Wow well done on the business!!

You still get benefits when self employed? Surely that's only DLA/PIP? I'm on ESA Support Group.

Would love to start my own business, have 2 ideas too, but can't even manage getting up in the morning to see the business set up support at the local library to get my business plan together. :( Worried my health is too much of a problem but don't think I can stay on benefits, they try to push you into starvation!

littlebear profile image

I am now satisfied though it has been a battle. Fortunately occupational health have really helped. I require onsite parking in the winter (the staff car park is a 10 minute walk away) due to cold temperatures and strong winds exacerbating my severe neuropathic pain. I've also had to move desks a could of times to avoid cold draughts and colleagues' fans. Fortunately my line manager now understands my condition (to some degree) and I am supported. I still worry about potential demands in the winter though.

Nanuuk profile image

What support, never mind additional!!!!

pemberton24 profile image

There is no additional support!

MikkieG profile image

Haha! I get no support what-so-ever. In fact, I get treated worse than other people at work because I am ill. I have broken down in tears at work before and my manager started gossiping about how my partner must have left me, rather than asking what was wrong! I was actually crying because I was in a LOT of pain and no one would cover me for 5 minutes because they were too busy chatting.

Hawkeye52 profile image

worrying results, although not surprising given the winding down of services such as "access to work"?

security profile image

I voted........Not Applicable......When I did work there was no support whatsoever, My company dismissed me as unfit to carry out my duty's...........

Companies just don't care.....Your just a asset when your able and healthy to carry out your work.........When the asset break's down just get rid and invest in a new one........

They did this to me after 27 years service.........Got rid and put out to graze..... :(

When I was working same as others I was dismissed too your a number that's all

Sammicat15 profile image

I no longer work, but in my last job at a law firm, there was no latitude given for my difficulties. The demands made me so poorly, I was signed off for the last six months I was there. I ended up resigning!

Maggiet profile image

I get the 'reasonable adjustments' that are required by law, but I don't get anything additional to that.

hatingmypain profile image

I worked in a petrol station and was working well with the others in the team until the franchise was resold and my new employer has refused to change my working conditions so I'm not lifting over 5k at any time and I've been stuck at home on esa since January 2012 as I refuse to resign and he won't make me redundant on medical grounds (even though I've said I won't go for redundancy pay - just 1 month's pay plus the holiday pay he owes.) so it's awkward as I am employed but don't work. And haven't heard from anyone there since june 12 ( after working with the same people for 7years) as he's told them he'll make life difficult if they talk to me about work even though I was friends with some before we worked together.