Have you experienced side-effects followin... - Paget’s Support
Have you experienced side-effects following treatment for Paget's disease? What were they and how long did they last?
No, I am very fortunate not to have experienced any side-effects following treatment.
1st Reclast infusion caused all the classic symptoms of fever, chills, pains. Still have strange pains.
When I first had intravenous APD treatment 18 years ago I remember having flu-like symptoms afterwards but was told to expect this. It didn't last long and was better than the pain of the pagets which I had experienced before the treatment. The last time I had risedronate orally ... I was ok .. and hopefully will be ok again.
I am newly diagnosed with Paget's. I received one treatment of Reclast in March. I have had a lot of medical problems since. I had a very rare allergic reaction to it. I broke out into a rash. I had the flu like symptoms which I expected but since March my whole immune system has been horrible! I am still reeling from it and trying to recover. I am a 47 year old female in the US. I am generally healthy. However, I have had one thing after another since. I am a "rare bird" as my dr said I have also met others who have had problems with Reclast. Many people have had no issues, it's true. But, for those of us who had... yikes! I wish there was a way to test your reaction before they give it to you.