Did you have side-effects from treatment w... - Paget’s Support

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Did you have side-effects from treatment with bisphosphonates?

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takka profile image

Side affects to pamidronate...fever . Also side affects to a tablet form...and was taken off right away...

APD treatment by infusion 18 years ago - First treatment had flu like feverish symptoms as predicted might happen but apart from occasions when vein was hard to find inserting drip - must have been ok as I was able to go to work afterwards. I did once get slight phlebitis in my arm after treatments.

I have had tablet form of Risedronate over previous years too and found it to be ok with little side affects

Have now just finished 2 months' Risedronate in tablet form. This time had side affects from start to finish - hard to say if the side affects stem from other complaints which I have now eg.diabetis, bronchiectasis and asthma.

Within the first half hour of taking tablet - a sickly/edgy feeling followed by some flatulence which passed after the hour of being upright. A small price to pay if treatment works and I am glad to be able to have the treatment.

Kellam profile image

Hello Everybody, I was diagnosed with paget disease in Jan. 2010 but had it some years back. My paget disease was revealed through my blood work and a whole body bone scan. My first treatment for this disease in Feb 2010, was a reclast infusion which put my paget bone disease into remission. As each of us knows that paget is treatable but not curable. After taken my reclast infusion, I was full of energy. I even went back to work after the treatment because I was feeling great and full of energy. About a hour, after I went back to work, wow! I got sick all of a suddenly. I had painful flu like symptons. I was sweating and was in so much pain. Its seemed like all of my bones in my body were aching. My entire body was so sore. I had to leave work. I went home and got into bed, took medicine for flu-like symptons. I woke up the next morning, I was feeling o.k. but was still sore. About four weeks after the reclast infusion, I returned to my doctor for my four weeks check-up. My ALP level was back to normal and have been since February 2010. I do suffer from back, legs, arms, knees, hands, wrists, thigh and hip pains. Paget affected my left pelvis, which causes me problem in getting up. I can't stand at very long periods. I was told by my doctor, eventally, I will need a hip and knee replacement because if not, I will eventally become immobile. I am so glad that I found other people who have this disease so that I can communicate with and find answers to my questions. My doctor told me that I may not never have to take another reclast infusion because it may stay in remission forever. I do have severe arthritis and my doctor is trying to stop the progression of it by prescribing me leflunomide. By the way, I live in the south of the USA in the state of Georgia, a hour drive from Atlanta, Georgia.