I have pain in my left side groin/ovary area an... - My Ovacome

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I have pain in my left side groin/ovary area and a raised ca 125 of 42, due to have scan next week, am scared witless.

TigerCJ profile image
13 Replies
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TigerCJ profile image
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13 Replies
RuthPOvacome profile image

Hi I am the support line nurse at Ovacome and I am sorry to hear about all you are going through. The waiting and wondering are always some of the most difficult times. There are ,many reasons why the Ca125 could be raised - not just ovarian cancer. Do feel free to give me a ring on 02072996650 to talk things through if it would help

Best Wishes


TigerCJ profile image
TigerCJ in reply to RuthPOvacome

Thanks Ruth, but I can't have a conversation about this on the phone without bursting into tears - I am not that strong a person! I am hoping that the scan will prove the pain isn't anything serious, but I can 'feel' as if something is there and along with the CA125 results it is making me think the worse.

Cadbury profile image

Every woman on this site understands how you feel. Please do not cross too many bridges at once. A reading of 42 is not high in itself and may well be a "storm in a teacup".

In saying this, I am not trying to minimise your worries or distress. There are a multitude of reasons for a slightly raised CA125, and it does not automatically spell ovarian cancer. Even a minor urinary infection can cause a rise in the CA125.

Hopefully, the forthcoming scan will reassure you. Please ask any questions if you feel that this would help you cope. There are plenty of experienced women on this site who can advise you and support you.

Best wishes


TigerCJ profile image
TigerCJ in reply to Cadbury

Thank you Isabelle, I will try not to fret too much, Ive had a tough year losing family and friends to various illnesses and I can't see the wood for the trees if you know what I mean? I don't have any other symptoms, my periods are normal and my slightly bloated stomach I think is more down to a bad diet and lack of exercise! Would I have more symptoms if it were anything serious?

Cadbury profile image

Ovarian cancer can be present without tangible signs and symptoms which is why is goes undetected in the early stages in many women. If you browse through the Ovacome site, it outlines the most common indications of ovarian cancer.

You have been coping with many other emotional problems and this is likely to be making you feel more wobbly at the moment. You are stronger than you imagine and once this period of uncertainty is over, you will feel relieved at having definitive information after the scan rather than fearing the worst and waiting and wondering.

Take care


wendydee profile image

Hi Tiger

Sorry you're having this worry but it could be so mNy things. as Ruth sYs, the waiting is the worst time. Have a look at the Ovacome site, ovacome.org.uk and look on 'BEATOvarian cancer with Ovacome' for the symptom tracker, scroll down and use it to record any symptoms. Then you can print it out to take to your appointment next week. It may help to clarify what is going on.

Good luck, let us know how things are going, won't you?

Love Wendy xx

TigerCJ profile image

Thank you lovely ladies for taking the time to reply to me. I did look at the BEAT symptom tracker and signed up for it a week or so ago, but my symptoms are about the same each day! Sometimes I have a dull achey pain almost continuously, sometimes its a throbbing pain and then other times I have nothing! It can vary from daily to being without pain for a couple of days. I can't eat or sleep properly with anxiety. I am 41 and a fulltime Mum with 2 young children, I have never had any health problems before and had really easy pregnancies and labours. My Mum and Aunty both suffered from fybroids and Im hoping so very much that this is what I have too. I have always had quite heavy periods, but that has always been the norm for me, but this nagging pain worries the life out of me, plus having the elevated CA125 hasn't helped. My original scan wasn't due until the end of the month, but my husband rang the hospital and told them about my CA125 results and they have given me an appointment for next Tuesday, please keep your fingers crossed for me, I need to be around for my children.

jazz007 profile image

Hi Tiger, I have very similar symptoms to you, and I too lost a dear family member, my Mum, last year, and a friend to OC, so it has been tough. I started with swelling on Christmas Eve, it lasted continually for 4 weeks, and now it comes and goes. I have a urethral stent too. I had an ultrasound scan and that was fine, but my CA125 level was 83, so I too am scared witless!!! I have one 8 year old! I had Ofsted in at work, so that didn't help. I am wondering if it is IBS, or OC! Good luck for next week, I am seeing a Consultant on Tuesday :-( Janx

TigerCJ profile image
TigerCJ in reply to jazz007

Hi Jan, I am sorry to hear about your Mum and friend, I lost my Grandma last month (she was like a mother to me), so I know the pain you are going through. I also lost a friend to inoperable, terminal cancer last September, she was a lovely, young vibrant woman who had children of a similar age to mine. At times like this it plays heavily on my mind that if she can succumb to such a dreadful disease then what are my chances? I hated seeing her suffer so much, event though she never complained, she was one of the bravest people I have ever met. I really do hope that you get some good news next week, please let me know how you get on. xxx

jazz007 profile image

Hi Tiger, have you been checked for endometriosis?

TigerCJ profile image

Just got back from my scan, everything ok, Im so very relieved. I will probably have to have another CA125 test, but hopefully that will be ok too. Thank you all so much for your support, I will keep checking back to see how everyone is getting on. xx

Cadbury profile image
Cadbury in reply to TigerCJ

I am pleased that you have received good news and that the scan result has given you peace of mind.

Best wishes


in reply to TigerCJ

Hi I know you wrote on here years ago but wondering how you got on? I'm in exact same position as you mine was 41 and only symptom is a dull back pain and hips hurt. I've had scans and seen the gynaecologist all came back clear? Still giving me anxiety as I think it's something else?.

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