πŸ˜’: Has had enough and ready to give up. Xx - My Ovacome

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Has had enough and ready to give up.


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Samjane profile image
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25 Replies
Manchesterlady profile image

Bless you Samjane ,I recognise that feeling ,I’m so sorry that you feel like that ,think we all do at some point ,it’s a hard disease to cope with .Please call your nurse ang get some support .

I’m sure some of the experienced ladies will be along soon .love and hugs xx

Samjane profile image
Samjane in reply to Manchesterlady

Thank you, not slept all night just sick of one step forward and 3 back. Don’t think I’ve got any fight left anymore xx

Lizzieanne profile image
Lizzieanne in reply to Samjane

Hang on in there please. We all understand and have uttered those words. Never thought I would ring for help but did when I was in such a state. Spoke to Macmillan well after I had finished sobbing. They were so helpful got me through my lowest point. Not saying I wont hit that point again. Maybe someone at Ovacome can help. Xxxxx

sticky3006 profile image

Dear Samjane,I think it's very hard not to go down that path of doom and gloom and be totally sick of trying to stay strong. It's very difficult not to have our lives overshadowed with the knowledge that we have cancer and are always battling with it. Also lack of sleep makes everything seem much worse. Whats happening with you at the moment? Are you getting good care from a helpful and understanding oncologist?

sticky3006 xx

Lizzieanne profile image
Lizzieanne in reply to sticky3006

Agree lack of sleep really upsets our perspective. I do have some sleeping tablets for if I get desperate as I have huge trouble sleeping. Hardly take them but knowing they are there helps. Luckily my doctor gets this. Perhaps talk to doctor about this. X

sticky3006 profile image
sticky3006 in reply to Lizzieanne

Hi Lizzieanne,I suffered from insomnia for years after doing night shifts and generally being a rubbish sleeper. I started taking a half dose of a sleeping tablet after being diagnosed and its the best thing I ever did! I don't know why I suffered for so long. If you need them then take one as having a good nights sleep definitely makes things seem slightly better. Good luck x

Lizzieanne profile image
Lizzieanne in reply to sticky3006

Completely agree, things look so different if you have been able to shut off.

Hello Jane - I sympathise with how you are feeling, I have felt like it on many occasion, but the feeling of total helplessness passes and we get on with what we have to do.

I am currently on my 5th line of treatment in 2.5 years, it just keeps coming back, and I assume it will continue to do so πŸ˜₯ I am tired of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel only to find out its a train!!

This too will pass and you will get your big girls knickers back on and go kick the demon, in the meantime allow yourself some "me" time, be kind to yourself, spoil yourself rotten and remember "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you'll ever know." Plus we are always here for you >πŸ’—

Take care x

Caleda4 profile image

I am sure that we have all felt like this at some point, I know I have fairly recently,but somehow you will come through this and fight it again. His year has been an awful year with the added situation of covid,but hopefully there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we can all get back to some sort of normality. I find sometimes that somehow the curved balls keep being thrown towards me and I find it extremely difficult to think in any sort of positive manner. I know that the ladies on here keep me going in times of stress, for which I am eternally grateful.

I was told by a non oncology professor that my days were numbered, and chemo woul not work,but when I spoke to the oncologist she said, we will just have to prove him wrong then.

There are so many different treatments now so please do not give up.x

Hi, agree with everything the other ladies have said. We have all hit that low point and often something shakes us into thinking that we are not ready to give in yet.Hope this low point quickly disappears for you.

Love and Best Wishes for the New Year.


SUE7777 profile image

Hi Jane I'm really sorry you feel so low, I have also felt like that and I'm quite sure this Covid situation is really not helping at all. If you are not sleeping there are lots of remedies out there, I find a couple of drops of lavender helps but not always. There is lots of help out there and I also looked at your profile and I see lots of great things going on there. Have a chat with either a Macmillan nurse or the helpdesk here. Take care stay safe and hope you soon feel better. You did the right thing with your post. Love Sue xx

SASSY196 profile image

I think the other ladies have been more eloquent than I could be but I just wanted to say I'm so sorry that things are so ridiculously hard at the moment. I hope that you have slept and woken with a little more light of hope. If not maybe try to talk to someone. Thinking of you xxxxxxxxxxxx

fendweller profile image

I could have written the same post as you this morning ,six cycles of taxol and carbo surgery ,three more taxol and carbo,I'm only on my first recurrence after just a nine month remission , back on taxol and carbo again ,six cycles ,I've had three ,no sleep last night ,argument with my husband , my family ,three children ,thirteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren have kept me going in the past ,but now I can't see them ,or go shopping or do anything normal due to covid .I'd decided to give up last night ,felt I wasn't living just excisting, but I read your post and straight away wanted to tell you not to give up ,to keep fighting ,so I guess I'll have to as well , we're sick of treatment ,we're sick of covid ,we're low because its soon a new year and its no better ,before Christmas we had something to occupy our minds ,now we haven't, so there's no wonder we feel like this ,you've had a tougher time than me but let's try a bit longer .Sending love and hugs .xx


Lizzieanne profile image
Lizzieanne in reply to fendweller

Sending you a hug as well Cheryl xxxx

Ruebacelle profile image

This is always the dilemma when to stop when to keep going. A totally personal choice and we will support you whatever but know that sometimes these emotions are momentary and its always a good idea to wait it out. Quality of life and how well you feel are crucial elements as well. Stay true to yourself bon courage as we say in france and much love and hugs

Wasginger090658 profile image

Dear Samjane

My heart just broke reading that you are ready to give up. I doubt any of us are not sick of the one step forward and three back but you have to dig deep, deeper than you ever have. I have in the past commented on some posts where ladies are so very low and I usually recommend they read a poem called The Oak Tree but just in case you dont feel like it I am going to write it for you.


A mighty oak blew night and day

It stole the oak trees leaves away

Then snapped its boughs and pulled its bark

Until the oak tree was tired and stark

But still the oak tree stood its ground

While other trees fell all around

The weary wind gave up and spoke

"How can you still be standing oak"

The oak tree said "I know that you

Could break each of my branch in two

Carry every leaf away

Shake my limbs and make me sway

But I have roots upon this earth

Growing stronger since my birth

You'll never touch them for you see

They are the deepest part of me

Until today I wasn't sure

Just how much I could endure

But now I've found that thanks to you

I'm stronger than I ever knew".

Dont give in Samjane, I am on third line chemotherapy for stage 4 OC but no way will I give my life up to this cancer. Dig deep my lovely you can do this, we all can. I read and re read this poem when I am feeling low and it helps to lift me. Good luck Samjane, we are all thinking of you.

Brum1966 profile image

Sending you big hugs hun, don't give up lovely xx

delia2 profile image

I’m so sorry for where you find yourself. You have been through so much in the past couple of years. If you have the energy counseling might help you decide what is your wisest course going forward. I hope you can find some peace. Xx

Summergold2 profile image

My go to words aren’t as eloquent as others. My husband got me this t shirt that says:They Whispered to Her, you cannot withstand the storm,

She Whispered back.....I AM THE STORM!

Please take care we are all thinking of you and sending prayers...


Hi Jane, my heart goes out to you. Maybe you can get some medicine to help with your feelings. I know this disease is hard to deal with. Try and stay strong as hard as that might seem. We know how much we can deal with. Keep the faith and a hug out to you. You are loved by me and all the rest of us. πŸ’•. Donna

AlaNtO profile image

Its a sorry conclusion to life. Giving up is not the easy route though many may think so. Our hearts go out to you. Please never ever ever give up. Fight this awful disease for your family.

Melnie profile image

sorry you feel like that to be honest I felt like that last week first week of chemo and so so sick, the anti sick drugs don't work and I just thought I may as well roll over and let it die me off but another day on I am feeling better and have hope again, please don't despair but I know it's hard, call macmillan for support too they've been amazing

Thinking of you Samjane, Sending you a big hug πŸ€— Jenny x

Maus123 profile image

Sending you a big bundle of warm virtual hugs and sympathy. Vent away. Hope you feel more comfortable soon, Samjane. Hugs, Maus

OvacomeSupport profile image
OvacomeSupportPartnerMy Ovacome Team

Hello Samjane

I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a difficult time at the moment. We're here to support you, so please get in touch with us if it would help to talk things through.

You can call our Support Line on 0800 008 7054 or email support@ovacome.org.uk (Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm). You can also call Macmillan Cancer Support on 0808 808 00 00 (seven days a week, 8am-8pm).

Best wishes


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