Hello. My mom taking Lynparza and ca125 slowly ... - My Ovacome
Hello. My mom taking Lynparza and ca125 slowly rising. From 138 to 150. BRCA2 positive. What can be reason? Lynparza not working anymore?
Hi There, I’m also in this position, CA rising and have been taking Lynparza for 4 months, I’m BRCA1. Had a scan which showed NED but my doc thinks it’s just a matter of time before the cancer becomes visible. She is not sure if the Lynparza may be slowing the growth and how long it will take to become a problem. It’s like a serious game of “where’s Wally”! Most importantly if your Mum still feels well then it’s Just an indicator that needs to be monitored, I will have another scan in a few months. Keep me posted, would be really interested in her doctors opinion. I think they are still in uncharted territory when CA levels rIse on knowing if the meds are still being effective but not 100%. Take Care and hoping for the best outcome for you both. X
Hello Sanssa,
how long has your mum been on Olaparib/Lynparza? Does she feel well and does she have any symptoms? Hopefully if she has a CT scan it may not show anything and if there is some disease progression the drug will hopefully be slowing it down. Good luck when you speak to the doctor, sticky3006 xx
Thank You so much.
She is on Lynparza 5 months. First weeks she felt terrible, was vomiting all the time and loss of appetite. And iron level was very low. Her ca125 results gone down, but last 2 months slowly start rising. Now she feeling very well. And im very worry that doc will say, that Lynparza not working anymore.
Hello Sanssa, Hopefully they'll do a scan and recheck ca125. Did her ca125 go back down to normal levels in the first few months? Did she start Lynparza after maintenance chemo? thanks
No, ca125 drop from 288 to ~188, after first month. Then every month drop about 20, then rise +8 and + 13
Yes, she start after maintenance chemo. During chemo, ca125 was rising, dropping and again rising. But chemo was without platin, cuz was allergy from platin.
Are You on Lynparza as well?