I have had information through from the Mulberry Centre with the attached poster, so if Richmond is near to any of you, it might be worth thinking about.
Please find attached a poster regarding ‘Let’s think about it’ Event they are holding on 12th May. It is being held in conjunction with Dying Matters Awareness Week, which I had not heard about before this.
This may not sound like everyone's cup of tea, but it can often be a very helpful process to think about the various issues that have to be faced by ourselves and those we leave behind. My wife and I have recently completed powers of attorney forms for each other, for instance, and it is quite a good feeling to have got that task out of the way, as it were.
The contact details are shown below. It may well be the case that other centres do something equivalent.
Afia Bhatti
Outreach Officer (Richmond)
The Mulberry Centre
WMUH, Twickenham Rd, Isleworth, TW7 6AF
E: afia.bhatti@themulberrycentre.co.uk
T: 020 8321 6304
F: 020 8321 5438