Community Guidelines: Welcome to the Ask... - Ask Norfolk Parents

Ask Norfolk Parents

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Community Guidelines

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Welcome to the Ask Norfolk Parents community. This is a safe and supportive place for families of children and young people to share experiences, find information and gain peer to peer support from each other. Connecting with others who are also caring for children and young people can be really helpful. This community is one where you can have conversations and learn from each other.

Most of our members are parents or carers but all Norfolk family members caring for children are welcome, as are parents expecting a baby.

The community is moderated by Norfolk and Waveney Children & Young People’s Health Services and Health Unlocked; however, this is a peer-to-peer support forum. If you are worried about your child’s health or development, please seek advice from a health professional. If you are not sure where to go for extra help, check out Just One Norfolk at

Essential Guidelines:-

1. This is a space for peer-to-peer support for Norfolk parents, carers and their families.

The community does not replace the relationship or advice given by your healthcare provider.

2. The Ask Norfolk Parents community is not a space for emergency medical/mental health support.

Please contact a helpline, NHS 111 or your emergency services if you feel that you or a child are in need of immediate attention. If you’re not sure where to go for extra help, check out:

3. If you think a child is in immediate danger contact the police on 999.

If a child is not in immediate danger but at risk of harm contact the Norfolk Children’s Advice and Duty Service (CADS) on 0344 800 8020. Children’s Services will listen to your call.

4. Be kind, respectful, and understanding of one another.

Be mindful that everyone may have private challenges that they are dealing with.

Community Guidelines:-

HU Community Guidelines:

HU Terms of Use:

Below are the Ask Norfolk Parents Community Guidelines, which are aimed at creating and maintaining a safe and supportive community for all members.

Professional Health Information:

The Ask Norfolk Parents community is not a space for emergency medical/mental health support. Please contact a helpline, NHS 111 or your emergency services if you feel that you or a child are in need of immediate attention. If you’re not sure where to go for extra help, check out:


If you think a child is in immediate danger contact the police on 999. If a child is not in immediate danger but at risk of harm contact the Norfolk Children’s Advice and Duty Service (CADS) on 0344 800 8020. Children’s Services will listen to your call.

Community Atmosphere:

The Ask Norfolk Parents Community is a space for peer-to-peer support, creating a safe, supportive, informative, and friendly online community for Norfolk parents, carers and their family members caring for children. Please be respectful, honest and supportive of each other.

Location of Community:

Though the Ask Norfolk Parents Community is based in the United Kingdom, members can join from across the world. Please consider that healthcare provision, treatments and guidelines may differ depending on your location.

Posting Content:

Content posted by individual members does not represent the views of the Norfolk and Waveney Children & Young People’s Services (provided by Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust) or HealthUnlocked.

Your posts should be true and accurate to the best of your knowledge. You are encouraged to post content about your own experience (or that of a loved one), ask questions, and offer support and advice.

Content should never be abusive, insulting, sexually explicit or suggestive, or deliberately misleading. If you believe someone else’s content breaks this rule, please report it via the “Report Abuse” option or via the “Feedback” button. Content that violates this policy will either be edited or removed. All feedback reports are read by moderators who will decide what action, if any, is taken.

Neither Norfolk and Waveney Children & Young People’s Services nor HealthUnlocked is responsible for any offence or injury that a member may draw from another member’s content.

Any content posted on this community can be read, used, reproduced, and cited by other users of the site. You have the option to delete content you posted.

Moderating Content:

Content posted on this community is moderated by Norfolk and Waveney Children & Young People’s Services and HealthUnlocked. Moderation occurs only after content is posted.

Moderation helps maintain a safe, positive environment for all members of the community. Content may be edited or removed to ensure that the community remains supportive and responsive for all members.

The community is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Moderation occurs after posting and primarily between the hours of 9 AM and 5 PM GMT Monday through Friday.


Please note that Norfolk and Waveney Children & Young People’s Services does not endorse or recommend any specific products, services, therapies, or activities mentioned by any third party (individual or company).

Online Safety:

In this community, there may be discussions of health-related issues and sharing of personal information.

Please note that the Ask Norfolk Parents Community is an open site, meaning that any posts are searchable by internet search engines and can be shared via social media platforms. The default setting of posts allows them to be visible to individuals who are not members of the community. If you would rather your content was not searchable, you can change the visibility of your post by selecting "Only followers in my community" before clicking submit. This will result in only the post title and first line of text being visible to those who are not members of the community. However, doing this will limit the number of people who will find and benefit from the information you have shared. We suggest members leave posts open for everyone to find if they are comfortable doing so to ensure more people find communities and benefit from the wealth of information on HealthUnlocked.

For your own safety, you should not disclose personal information such as your full name, email address, home address, telephone number, or any other information which could directly or indirectly identify you.

For more information on general online safety guidelines please visit:

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