The Op: Hi everybody, I have just come... - Oesophageal & Gas...

Oesophageal & Gastric Cancer

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The Op

Phil5 profile image
27 Replies

Hi everybody, I have just come home after seeing the surgeon prior to my operation on Monday. He was very professional as was his specialist nurse who explained in detail what I should expect in the way of tubes, catheters and epidurals etc. It's all scary stuff but I know I must stay positive.

I will hopefully let you all know how it went when I come home.

Thanks for your suport so far.


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Phil5 profile image
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27 Replies
Bernadette profile image

Good luck Phil, sometimes all the information can be scary. Several months ago our surgeon gave us a DVD of the operation, but I have not been brave enough to watch it yet.

Phil5 profile image
Phil5 in reply to Bernadette

Thanks Bernadette,

I'm with you on that one!!I wouldn't want to see it either.


Magdav profile image

Good morning Phil,

Remember knowledge is power; at least you are now more mentally prepared for how you're going to look after surgery but obviously it doesn't account for how you will feel! Everyone responds differently, it's a big operation that you're having but always remember it potentially is saving your life. Take one day at a time and let your body heal at its own pace. I will be praying for you.

Best wishes Maggie

Phil5 profile image
Phil5 in reply to Magdav

Thanks Maggie, (thats my wifes name to),

I am trying to keep positive and remember that potentialy the operation is the only way.


They do tend to warn you about all the stuff to expect and that does make it a bit worrying.

On Saturday at the Friends Meeting House opposite Euston station in London (starts 10.30am) there will be a room full of people who had the same surgery, sometimes many years ago, and all getting on fine - so we hope that you can join us - or an equivalent group in due course. Nobody would have wanted to have had the surgery from choice, but it has been the means of achieving a far better quality of life than would otherwise be the case!

Phil5 profile image
Phil5 in reply to

Thanks for those words Alan,

I have already attended patient association meetings at Lancaster and Preston so I do appreciate your comments. I must remember them.


Westoncromwell profile image

Hi Phil,

I found the prospect of surgery very daunting but I reasoned that there was no alternative and the only way for a positive future was surgery. Armed with these positive thoughts that by this avenue I could have a good and full life ahead of me, I just "switched off " my thought processes and placed my belief in the skill of the Professionals.

The care turned out to be first class, the pain minimal and it's been onwards and upwards since the operation.

Best wishes


Phil5 profile image

Thanks Brian,

Those words of yours are just what I needed to hear.


Mick profile image

Hi Phil,

I know how you feel about all the tubes, needles and the prospect of being in hospital. For me, the op lasted about 7 hours and the day after in ICU they had me out of bed and within 2 days on a normal ward, my only problem was raised temperature, which they couldnt explain. A course of anti-biotics and from then on it was onwards and upwards.I was in hospital on the 1st and discharged on the 14th.

8 months later, yes there have been a few problems on the way but then, life is one big problem. We learn to cope with these.

Sometimes we can be overloaded with too much information, especially as we now have access to a whole world of knowledge, but it depends on each individual how they see and take this in. For me, I knew what the operation involved before the sugeon spoke to me (Internet) including my original symptom of Barratts and the odds on getting cancer.

We have all been through this operation in varying degrees of recovery and learn to adjust to a new `plumbing system` and a new way of life, eating, diet, sleeping,and a change in lifestyle.

For me one of the hardest things to accept is that I can not do some things I used to do before the op, (im now 58). So crawing under cars and doing `an oil change` and heavy diy and gardening are out at the moment!!!.

Once again, good luck with the op and all on here will be thinking of you.

Stay positive, take each day at a time and look forward to each new day. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Phil5 profile image
Phil5 in reply to Mick

Thanks Mick,

I appreciate your positive attitude, it's how I must think.


phil profile image

Hi Phil

Wishing you well with your operation next monday.You will be fine and I,m sure you will make a speedy recovery.In a few months time if you feel up to it we would be more than pleased to see you at our monthly meeting in Lancaster.

all the best

Phil Carey

Phil5 profile image
Phil5 in reply to phil

Dear Phil,

Thanks for that. I was trying to come to the last meeting but that’s when they asked me to come in for a fitness test and pre op meeting so unfortunately I could not make it. All being well after the op I do intend to come to the meetings.


Charlie36 profile image

Hi Phil,

All best wishes, get as much support as you can in all ways. We all put a hints and tips posting on this site a long time ago with practical things other members had found useful post op. My personal must have was an adjustable bed and lots of others find plenty of pillows including those V shaped ones, are really useful/essential post surgery. I personally couldn't watch a DVD on the op either. (Wimp!) Just trusted my Consultant. I drive a car but don't have a clue what goes on under the bonnet but I know a good engineer! Everyone's different I guess. A day at a time, easy does it and the only way is up:-) Will be thinking of you Monday and sending good vibes.


Phil5 profile image
Phil5 in reply to Charlie36

Thanks Charlie,

That's good advice.

I do appreciate your thinking of me, I have been praying for you since your bad news.

All my best wishes


SteveJ profile image

HI Phil

I would like to say I agree with all the really good advice you have been given. I would also like to add that if I had to go through that operation again I would do it without a doubt. It's well worth the end result and the pain managment they have these days is brilliant.

Let me wish you all the best I'm sure it will go well for you.

Kind Regards


Phil5 profile image
Phil5 in reply to SteveJ

Thanks Steve,

That's realy positive I appreciate that.


hunsdon profile image

Hi Phil, well what can I say that has not already been said, its ditto to all of the above and more and I am thinking of you for monday the same as everybody else, chin up and one day at a time, get back on here as soon as possible because we are like family here, say no more, and by the way I am 10ths post op.



Phil5 profile image
Phil5 in reply to hunsdon

Thanks Tina,

I will let you know all the details as soon as they let me home.


hunsdon profile image

Ooops that should have read 10 mths post op, ha ha


sallym profile image

Thinking of you for monday. When they operated on me the hope was to give me another 3yrs. but that was eighteen years ago. sally

Phil5 profile image
Phil5 in reply to sallym

Hi Sally,

That is very encouraging, thanks so much for your comment.


Demon profile image

Hi Phil

Good luck for Monday, try not to eat too much on your last allowed meal as you may find it hangs around for quite some time after the op. Get up as soon as you can after the op and remember to do your breathing exercises. I was given a lemon flavoured spray to keep my mouth moist as it can become really dry so check to see if they will give you one. Remember the op is the easy part because you won’t know anything about it, all your hard work will come afterwards.

You will be just fine,


Phil5 profile image
Phil5 in reply to Demon

Thanks for the good advice Steve, I will try remember it. The detail with regard to the last allowed meal is very important and I was totally unaware.

I really appreciate your taking the time to help me.


margaretd profile image

i would love to watch a DVD of the op, i wonder if they are available to all of us.

christinehulmes profile image
christinehulmes in reply to margaretd

I had the Ivor Lewis done in October 2004 and wished there was a dvd of the operation for me to watch. Although i was prepared for the op as regards the tubes and things it was still a shock to my system, like being in a multicar pileup my surgeon warned me. The dvd would have helped prepare me even more and would still love to see it if i could get hold of a copy.

christinehulmes profile image

Good Luck on Monday and hope all goes well for you.

Phil5 profile image
Phil5 in reply to christinehulmes

Thanks Christine.


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