i have just had an endoscopy.results ... - Oesophageal & Gas...
i have just had an endoscopy.results 40cm hiatus hernia &oesophagitis grde 1& erosions in stomach bleeding or clot covered what does it mea
We are not medically qualified, so the best thing is for you to contact the specialist nurse, if there is one, using the contact details in the appointment letter you received, and discuss the situation with them, or at an appointment which would probably be made for you to discuss treatment options with the hospital doctor.
An endoscopy (miniature camera passed down your system through your mouth) is the best way that the medical experts can tell what is right or wrong with your digestive system, so you have done the most important thing in terms of getting the problem diagnosed.
A hiatus hernia is a fault in the muscles of your diaphragm, and there are lots of people who have this. Sometimes it needs to be treated, sometimes not. The food you swallow goes through your oesophagus to your stomach, and the junction between your oesophagus and stomach is where there is a sphincter valve, more or less part of your diaphragm, that stops stomach acid coming up into your oesophagus. A hiatus hernia will often mean that this valve does not work properly.
Oesophagitis means that the lining of your oesophagus has become irritated by stomach acid. This is because the lining of your oesophagus cannot cope with that acid in the way that the stomach can. I believe that grade 1 would mean that the lining is not normal, but the grading is at the minor rather than more serious end of the scale.
There is a condition called Barrett's oesophagus where stomach acid causes changes to the lining of the stomach. barrettscampaign.org.uk
This can sometimes be treated by a procedure called radio frequency ablation.
It sounds like you have issues within your stomach also. I am sure that you will receive news of an appointment soon; if not contact the hospital.
Treatment might be by means of medication or surgery - it is only the experts who can tell you that. It is possible that when you had your endoscopy the hospital obtained samples for analysis to establish whether or not there is anything to worry about in relation to possible cancer. Waiting for test results can be a worrying time, but it is best for the tests to be done, and it does take time for the analysis to be done. Lots of people have these type of tests, and for lots of people the results are good rather than bad news.
I think this is the best we can do with the information you have provided, but we do have a telephone helpline on 0121 704 9860.
thankyou for taking the time to reply.. i am awaiting my appointment on the 26th of this month...it is a worrying time but i am sure they will do all they can to sort me out :-)..... i have been on meds for quite a few years now for my hiauts hernia but it was the fact they found blood and clots in my stomach that has worried me more... wishing you good health and thankyou again..
Karen, I have just been diagnosed with a 40cm hiatial hernia. I have been told by the surgeon that it can be fixed laproscopically. I have barrettes syndrome with precancerous cells in my esophagus. I don't know about the clot and I don't have the stomach bleeding. I just had an ekg and echo for my heart, I had a cat scan with contrast from my breast to my pelvis area. Next I am having a barium swallow to see if my esopogus can handle the surgery. It's a long road. Choose your Drs. carefully also. I'm not sure I'm going with the one I have seen but I am getting my test done so I can take them to the next Dr. I have been miserable for months from my hernia. Hope this helps.