Has anyone got aniema due to cronic i... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Has anyone got aniema due to cronic illness
If you have had a good proportion of your stomach removed, your system will not be able to generate vitamin B12 and you are likely to have iron deficiency that will in turn contribute to anaemia.
There are things that you can eat to try and keep up the level of iron in your diet
but it will be fighting against the tide unless you have iron supplements.
Because your system may not be able to absorb normal iron supplements given in tablet form (because they pass through your system so quickly) you may have to have an iron infusion direct into your bloodstream.
It sounds as if you have had a test for your iron levels already, and if in any doubt I would go back to your specialist nurse as not all GPs will have necessarily realised that sometimes these supplements have to be given by different methods.
So the answer is that it would be a common problem for anybody who has had a total or partial gastrectomy.
I had the most part of my stomach removed during an oesophagectomy back in 2004 and have since been on regular vitamin B12 injections and not iron supplements. I was told that i have Pernicious Anaemia due to the stomach that was left after the operation not producing enough of B12. I still get tired easily though. Iron levels have been checked regularly and are found to be ok.
does this account for becoming tired very easily
Yes, you are right. The lack of iron leads on to anaemia and lack of energy.
It is common for those of us who have not had an operation to suffer from anaemia due to bleeding from the tumour. Having less cells to carry oxygen to the muscles can cause tiredness.
After my recent problems of getting to see a doctor followed by a blood tests the result was that it showed I was in need of `folic acid` so I`ve now been put on a 4 month course of folic acid tablets.
Also I have been told that I should eat more `green leafed vegatables` and liver. So persitance works if you dont feel well then get things checked out.
Hi Everybody, my first posting on this site, I am coming up to 5yrs this month after having an Ivor Lewis procedure and the only effect i have had is fatigue, some days i get up and take our dog for a short walk 2/3Miles. come home absolutely shattered. only last month after having extensive blood test they have put me on 600mg of ferrous sulphate per day. the first day or two was wow i've got some energy!! then after that i've gone back to having none again. Maybe i will mention the B12 injection to my consulant when i see him. I like most, get very frustrated that i can't do what i use to do but then i think "well i'm still here!!"
So to every one of us i'd say think positive things can only get better. best wishes to all.
Welcome! Good to hear from you!
It is true to say that we are all grateful still to be here - BUT that does not mean we have to put up with things that can be fixed! It does not do you any good to have these imbalances in your system longer than necessary and I would not delay making the request for the B12 etc. I think that the longer term / quality of life / nutritional balance issues are all part of the treatment really.
It sounds like the ferrous sulphate has demonstrated a dramatic impact for the good - and you may need some heavy doses (and perhaps an infusion) to get things restored to where they should be.
Thankyou for your reply Alan, i shall book up to see my Doc at the earliest opportunity. now i can give her some positive points to look into. i shall let you know how i get on. thanks again. Brian (spike3)