I'm a reasonably quiet spectator on this blog - I find it full of useful information and conversations. The questions are great because they make me realise that we are all part of a group of special people experiencing a truly horrible thing - on the surface it feels like we are very different but, at it's core we all share a common set of experiences....
I work with a fellow survivor of Cancer of the Oesophagus, I've known him for some time but recently learned that he had a blog where he talks about his experiences. I found it really useful - particularly seeing as how it's not about Cancer but, more about the way it's impacted the way he thinks about things.
He's an inspirational guy and his blog is full of his outlook on his experience, his outlook, his approach to life. I find it an awesome read and thoroughly recommend it. I checked with him before writing this - have a look, see what you think and provide feedback.