Told on 13/3/20 got cancer and it’s not curable . I get 6 months without 12 month with . Is it worth the chemo . I seem to think yes but my head is a shed . Is there anyone out there who is going through it or gone through with any words of wisdom .
Treatment yes or no: Told on 13/3/2... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Treatment yes or no

Hi there. It is so worth it to have 6 or more months. My partner started his chemotherapy 3 weeks ago and he is eating much better. Everyday counts in life and chemotherapy does seem to make eating much easier and less pain in his chest.

Thank you , I’m going for it so much to live for
I have non operable and was given a year in August 2018, things took a turn for worse late last year but I am still looking after myself.
My eating improved the day I started chermo.
Sorry to hear that. I would try anything if i was in the same situation. As long as you are strong enough health wise other than the cancer.Miracles do happen wishing you the best.
Try chemo, my husband was the same as you..He had to give up the chemo as it made him so I'll.8yrs later he is still with us!
Thanks , your message gave me such a lift x
I was also diagnosed incurable with 12months back in Sept. 2019. I responded so well to chemo I am now being treated with aggressive approach with aim of cure and currently having second round of chemo (3 drugs) plus radiotherapy. . I am British citizen but living in Qatar and over 60 being treated amazingly in Qatar. Treatment is outside of normal protocols due to success so far so I have to sign disclaimers but I hope this reassures you that chemo is definitely worth it. I have suffered virtually no side effects throughout. So much depends on the individual but go for it as you could be one of the very lucky ones....its better than no chance at all.
I would say yes. It was touch and go whether I could
Have curative treatment or just palliative care. The agonising wait through tests etc gave me time to think. I did go through chemo radiotherapy a and surgery and was clear on post surgery biopsies. I started to plan what I would do if it was too late. Any extra time gives you the chance to put things in order and try to fit in things you always wanted to do. Since my ivor Lewis op I have had emergency surgery for a life threatening hernia. Whatever happens make sure you make the best of the time you have
Cannot really advise but really feel for you and wish you some useful, productive and happy moments over your time, however long it turns out to be Paul.
I was offered 'palliative chemo' in Sept 2019. The first scan in Dec 2019 showed a 50% or more reduction in size of tumours in liver, with two disappearing altogether. The effect on the primary tumour at the GEJ was not so dramatic, however it is the liver situation that the doctors are most concerned about. I was lucky that chemo side effects were very manageable for me. I dont know what the future holds - I finish chemo this week and will be on targeted therapy instead, but I am grateful for what the chemo has allowed me to do this past 6 months.
I would say yes my sister was told she has terminal cancer and they said the same to her she wasn't going to have treatment because she was just wanting her last few months to be happy and not I'll but we all (her family) wanted her to try so she did and 3 years down the line she is doing well she hasn't needed to have chemo for about a year now the cancer has got smaller and is stopping on the small side she will never be cancer free but she is still alive and with us all but I suppose it is how you feal in the end if my sister hadn't had chemo she would not be here now it's a hard choice so sending you hugs and prayers for you
I opted for chemo as I considered the op which was offered was too risky ie. removal of oesophagus removal of voice box reduce stomach and stitch to swallowing tube. ( 11 hour operation). I am now 74 and asking myself will I survive this!! there is an alternative which is Chemo which will not cure but could reduce the tuma. I can no longer swallow anything including water. I now have a feeding tube fitted which is debilitating. The oncologist now informs me that they are not starting any Chemo because if they had to stop because of coronavirous I would be extremely vulnerable as my immune system would be compromised. Any possitive comments? ?
Keep isolated keep safe and when the heat dies down after the crises hopefully you can jump straight in . Best of luck x