I've got quite a significant bulge under the scar on my right hand side and wondered if this was a common re arrangement after the re jig of our stomach's position .
Ooh ,just noticed that we can add photos .......
I've got quite a significant bulge under the scar on my right hand side and wondered if this was a common re arrangement after the re jig of our stomach's position .
Ooh ,just noticed that we can add photos .......
I was contemplating of this question last few days and here it is.
I have undergone two stage IL oesophagectomy and not the TH op.
My understanding is that the new anatomy is kind of an inverted mushroom. With the stem inside the thoracic tract and mushroom head stuck tight against the diaphragm. And this makes the immediate tummy below the rib cage swollen and then a concave dip down followed by earlier fat section below it. A photo would be ideal but not sure if it will be appreciated by members here. I would be happy to share one.
Also I note that this bulge just below the rib cage is very tight, like a pressured football. And the tummy below can be poked inside very smoothly.
I am 5.5 months post op.
Hi VQ. My hopes for a six pack are long gone. My Mercedes star scar and my three belly buttons are not beach ready. But I have said the hell with it and got a tan this year
The scar under my right oxter has faded and I now have muscle there again and lifting weights is easy.