Got my date, go in Tue 22nd Operation on 23 May in ST,THOMAS'S, operation by a CARA BAKER, who i cant find much info on,,,, Glad its come, as im back in pain again, as been now 6 weeks since last chemo,,,,so now getting dog sitter sorted, and small case packed,,, some books to read... Arranging hubbys days off and holidays , around my op,, will need him at home when i get out.
OPERATION TIME: Got my date, go in Tue... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Wishing you well for Wednesday xx
Good luck and stay in touch. I am just over five years post op and I think Cara Baker was one of the surgeons at the Royal Marsden who operated on me. If my recollection is correct she's a very pleasant human being and she has had the best training possible. Haward
All the best Yvonne! We'll be thinking of you. Kate x
All the very best xxx
Best wishes for your operation. I hope your husband is looking at this wonderful site too - carers also need to be aware of the issues around recovery. There are lots of helpful tips from everyone. It's a journey and I send all good wishes for the op and beyond.
No hes not,, he has not talked to me about my cancer or anything,, he is not English and English is not his first language,,, and he does not have people to talk to,, shame, if his reading etc better he could have looked here,, but not sure he wants to know everythign like i do..
Hi there hope all goes well. I had my op there they are great. That was nearly five years ago in November. Yes you will need hubby around. Let us no how you get on when you feel up to it. Lorayne
Yvonne - couple of things you might want to add to your shopping list
comfy knickers ,a size up from your normal - I found my abdomen a bit bloated after op and the nice new knicks I'd bought for admission were uncomfy
some sort of v soft bra - I'm a bit well endowed and I don't like being totally unsupported in bed . Depending on your build you might find those crop soft bras ,vests with built in shelf support ok .
I found in hosp I didn't wear anything but on discharge I so wish I'd had something . For me I didn't like anything around my ribcage so the band of even those soft crop top bras was out . Uniqlo have a wide range of vests/camisoles with a sort of built in bra which I prefer .Some are more clingy than others ,the cotton ones ( dont appear online but are in shop ) less so .
And ( sorry about this one ) I'd go armed with a supply of long sanitary/Tena pads .I found that after the op I had a lot of wind .Which wasn't always wind .And endless trips to the loo in case it's not just wind don't always work .And the only protection they had on the ward were huge nappy type things .
Oh ,and here's one for the real St Thomas's conniseur - when you're on the ward they offer you a clean gown every day .There are surgical gowns - with ties at the back - or the much nicer pink NIGHTDRESS . But if you don't ask for a nightdress you'll get a gown .
Hi, thanks for this,,Knickers, well taking the ones i already have,,,they were quite big as had lost weight, 3 half stone b4 xmas,, but on half stone over xmas,, but put on loads since this all started, even through chemo,,so i think with weight lost during hospital,, should be ok.. Ill not bother with a bra, think will take a loose dress for discharge,, baggy one, i can get away with no bra also..Ohh tena pads,,, i pop get some tomorrow, omg id hate to have accidents,,, thanks for that..,,,Gowns well was taking some of my own, nightdresses,,, but to start think will wear theirs, incase of any spills, or blood or other misshaps,,,!!! Got a dressing gown and slippers.. some books,,, all getting very near now,,, feel ok at the mo,, thaNKS FOR THIS INFO,, re you number, i have it written down,, 0208,, as i am,, you maybe near,,

Thinking of you and sending all best vibes .
The thing with the gowns etc is that in hospital they give you a clean one each day ,which is nice ,so you may as well go with theirs!
I wonder how close we are ? I'm SE22 ,but happy to help in any way ,large or small even if not that near .
I'm away for a few days at the end of this week but you have my mobile . Happy to talk to you or your husband/partner .He must be feeling nervous as well .
my partner visited me in HDU ( on same floor as the ward ) and he had to put an apron and stuff on before coming to the bedside ,so perhaps warn him ? Have a look when you go in tomorrow ? Or not if you're feeling the way I was - which was a whole mix of head in sand/this can't be happening .
When I went in day before op my bed wasn't ready so we sat in the day room and saw the surgeon .Anesthitast ( such a lovely man ,so understanding ) wanted to look at my back I think and there wasa a bit of a kerfuffle with the head nurse having to vacate her office so that he could see me there .
I think St Thomas's feed their pre op patients up .I too put on weight !
Anything you want to know ,however big or small ,just ask ...
good luck , please stay in touch
Good luck and to add to your list I would recommend a hot water bottle. I know that might sound bizarre at this time of year but I found it very useful when I got home and had some tummy pains. Best wishes and keep in touch. Lots of useful experience on here
ok thanks i have one at home
All the best for your surgery and recovery. God bless you.
Hi good luck. You may want to add a mirror and lip balm handy to have when you are unable to get to bathroo. My lips got dry and sore. Also fleece blanket handy to cover you up or round shoulders for when you are hooked up to drains etc instead of robe.
Best wishes
Good one. When I had lots of cold flushes even layer of three hospital sheets didn't do any good, so family brought me cosy warm thick fleece blanket. That also gave me homely feeling.

Don't worry about blanket. When my ventilator failed I was put on ECMO machine. When I came off that my body's thermostat has gone mental, so had sudden hot and cold flushes. It took more than a month for body to regain natural thermostat. Hence blanket saga.
Most patients won't experience these extremes so please do not worry about blanket.
Good idea lip balm as i get dry lips normally,,,not sure about blanket,,find hospitals always hot,, but can always get hubby to bring one if i need
Good luck with your op and recovery. Sending you well wishes Debs
Hello again Yvonne,
Just wanted to add my best wishes to the plethora of good wishes you have so far. Sounds like you may need a suitcase on wheels for all the gear! The ladies are so right about the lip balm and I know it sounds obvious to a lady but a hair brush or comb.
I forgot to take one and when my wife saw me she thought I had been dragged through a hedge backwards.
Keep your chin up and keep us all posted when you escape! Best Wishes
Thinking of you today as you go in to St Thomas's and extending a hand to hold for you and your husband .
Soon be over !
Still thinking of you Yvonne and hoping you're doing well .
Thinking of you. In prayers hoping all is well at your end.
HELLO ALL... JUST HOME FROM MY OPERATION FOR MY OESOPHAGAEL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA,.....Operation went well, after op went to ward HDU,, was great, felt brill,, but that evening my oxygen went sky high and was rushed to ICU...Spent days down there, then after back to HDU,,,Not in pain,,, i ache allot,,passed the DRINK TEST,, Went onto the sipping water,, the on fluids,, the fork mash diet bit of problem,, was sick,, but managed to keep down this afternoons so as to get home today, Feeling ok,,,aching thats it mainly,,,,my breathing not so good, but all Obs ok,,, see heart doctor on 20th of June,, re breathing,, as i have a heart condition, he will sort me out,
Think when i see surgeon in 2 weeks,, ill need to get stretched,,, Cant thank enough the surgical team, my surgeon Ms Cara Baker etc.. and the HDU unit at ST. THOMAS'S.
The results of the gullet etc they removed came back,, and nodes show as clear.,,... was with mated who visited when this news came,, and missed bit of the chat,, mention of 1 millimeter something,,,,, norm if over this you get RADIO THERAPY, under not,,, mine was 1 millimeter,, but with hear and get know all this in 2 weeks time when i see them,, there was meeting today and my case will be reviewed.
Please can somebody tell me how to stop me getting hundreds of emails re this site,, my in box is so full??????

Glad you’re home again !! Long long part of a year or more so just remember take things very very slow and let your body do the talking and rest often ... good luck 😉
Well done! Glad to hear you are home - the real start of your recovery. Take your time, and don't try to rush ahead. Rest, eat and drink what you are able to manage easily, and whatever you fancy. When you can, get outside for some fresh air, and a little walk round the garden, and don't forget that everyone is here for support if the going gets tough.
Good luck.
ALL WENT WELL.. after op was awake and selfies with sisters, hubby,, looked so well,, was rushed to ICU that night,, actually forget why now, think was my breathing, re heart probs... stayed there 3/4 days... then back to a ward, where i got fantastic care, was all cabled up, with drains, and being fed via IV,,, but was ok,,, they got me up and walking next day,, just 3/4 steps..was great as slowly the cables, IVs and drains started to be taken off,, going for walk with Physios with 2 drains, and other lines, was awkward, but ok. The team of Ms Baker at St.Thomas's were fantastic, after ICU, i went to HDU, just 34 beds and one to one nursing. Cant praise them enough. Got down to one line and was walking 5 times round the ward,, took the drink test to make sure no leaks, all ok,, so was able then to start drinking,,,,then a liquid diet,, finally all tubes gone and the staples out,,, i had the IL but i had 3 cuts normally its 2,, due to sticky old scar tissue, my 3rd cut was in my neck. It was a grt bit of stitching, as the scar still quite new, is faded already. Was moved to normal ward and put on FORK MASH diet, but struggling,,, was moved there on a Fri evening 6 pm, left to go home the following Fri. Still struggling with my eating of fork mash,, will need a stretch, see the team in 2/3 weeks time, when i hope they will sort this out. I ache, cant say any pain at all after op, yes on pain killers there, but since home just Paracetamol for ache,, and not taken any for last 3 days.
Not sleeping so good, get about 5/6 hrs as just ache, cant sleep on sides as yet, just have 3 pillows,,then i go sit on sofa, and normally fall asleep again for 2 hrs.
Trial and error for eating,, Porridge is a no no, tried in hospital and home, and tried ready breck, nope, it sticks, and it makes me sick.
Meat also i cant get down and its been blitzed , even mince,, so at the mo im on, soup, yogurt,scrambled egg with cream cheese in,,, biscuit dipped in a hot drink, mousse,,veggies all blitzed, yesterday i tried jacket potato,, no skin,, but lots butter and melted cheese and some baked beans, was fine.
Can only managed one ladel of soup at a time, or mash pots 2 dessert spoons,, same with veg,, but just going along with this till see Doctors again,,
Scars/wounds all ok,, healed b4 left hospital even,,
Great recovery. Feel very happy for you. One thing if you have less sleep due to aches then best to take pain killer when going to bed. Also the physical activity is reduced significantly so body also doesn't demand much sleep.
Glad that you on track with various milestones. Enjoy newer yourself.