my husband is 70 and about to have th... - Oesophageal & Gas...

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my husband is 70 and about to have the iv operation, he is worried about his age and recovery . anybody his age had the op.

8 Replies
8 Replies

I know of people who have been over 80 and have had the surgery successfully, so if he is deemed fit enough by the surgeons I do not think you should worry about that aspect unduly.

It will take longer to recover than if he were younger, but that is natural.

All best wishes for successful treatment!


patchworker profile image

I had the op. four years ago when I was 72, and as Alan says it takes a bit longer to recover, but if he wasn't fit enough, they wouldn't operate. And when he comes home from hospital he'll have you there to prepare food and just be there for him. It made such a difference to me having my husband to help me.

He'll have all sorts of problems at first, everyone does, it's not easy. but age doesn't make much difference, and the people on this site are great. You can ask for advise on absolutely anything.

Good luck, and let us know how he gets on.

geranium1111 profile image

Hi Helen - I was 71 when I had the opp. in 2011

I agree with a previous answer in that his fitness for it will have been assessed by his consultant and team and though it is a scary and tough road ahead I think it helps having a positive and determined attitude.

My recovery was quite slow but I was advised by someone who had already gone through the same thing that it

would probably be around twelve/eighteen months before I felt reasonably "normal" though there are obviously eating and weight gain concerns even now but reading others comments on this site that is fairly usual.

I was able to resume playing golf within months albeit using a buggy for a while and now able to walk eighteen holes sometimes twice a week.

I think in many ways it's worse for the spouse and rest of the family so keep your chin up and think positive thoughts

Best wishes

Mick xx

terryletts profile image

I had my operation in July 2011 and spent my 72 nd birthday in hospital I have made a full recovery and lead a near normal life it took around a year before I before my digestive system settled down but now I eat normally, if more sparingly, and lead an active life. The secret is be patient don't expect things get back to normal straight away this a big operation and your body needs time to heal but it does get better and its better than being dead.

bertel profile image

I had the operation in 2010 when I was 70 and as the others have said the sugical team would not undertake this operation unless they were convinced that your husband was fit enough. I was told that the lungs in particular take a beating. From what was said before the operation I would'nt be around now if I had not had the procedure. Before surgery I was a reasonable weight but they stressed that I should make every attempt to increase it as much as possible before the operation because it's difficult to regain lost weight during recovery. I wish you both all the best.

sportsman profile image

I had the op when I was 70. eight years ago. In less than 12 months I had restarted both golf and tennis. In the early days I just pushed myself a little bit more as each day came along in the 3 or 4 months following the operation to restore as much fitness as possible. As time goes by he will learn to manage his condition better and, whilst he will not get away "scott-free", time improves matters. Meeting others similarly affected at OPA meetings was also very useful for the information picked up. Good luck and try to stay positive.

Smardale profile image

hello, I had the operation when i was 81.They said it would take 1year at the best to begin to feel "normal" I live on my own but both my daughters came and looked after me for about 6 weeks. I found the worst part was the "dumping" situation and not being able to eat enough to keep my weight constant. I now watch all the food programmes but it doesn`t do me anygood! My daughter in Oz put me on to this site and it`s a godsend.


Rsw1fe profile image

Good luck to both of you. Mine was nearly 77 when he had the op. The first 2-3 months were difficult: wounds had to heal, baby-food little and often, getting used to sleeping propped up, generally getting fit as the "new normal".

He had his 2-year checkup yesterday, all seems fine, and (boast) we've just got back from flying our microlight this afternoon and as I write, he's putting the salmon en croute he prepared this morning into the oven.

Try and make sure you have things to look forward to, and enjoy your time.

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