does anybody on methotrexate suffer problems with the... - NRAS


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does anybody on methotrexate suffer problems with their gums, oral thrush, or blocked salivary glands? really poorly mouth :-(

sarahj profile image
13 Replies
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sarahj profile image
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13 Replies
Treesha profile image

Hi there, I have not yet started on MTX but I have had sjogrens for 20 yrs which is another auto immune disease and common with RA sufferers I frequently have mouth ulcers and I have a permanent blocked gland .I was told there is a stone there which was unsuccessfully treated ie: they tried and failed to remove it. It may be worth speaking to gp about your symptoms. Good luck and let me know how you get on xxx

Shelley1701 profile image

Hi. I have been on methotrexate for just over 10 years. My gums have receeded quite badly. Unfortunatly I have yet to find a dentist who understands about my condition and medication. My consultant was unhelpful but try asking yours about finding a dentist who is sympathetic. Your consultant or specialist nurse if you have one may be better than mine.

I too suffer from a sore mouth and ulcers and am not on methotrexate, I take sulfsalazine, so I agree with Treesha, for me it's more likely to be sjogrens than my medication. It's misearable and painful. Good luck x

PB1950 profile image

Hi have been on Mtx for 4 years and when the dose was high I suffered with mouth ulcers and sores my dentist couldn't understand it, thought it may be sharp teeth so ground them down, have since spoken to my daughter she works in the Royal Marsden as a Cancer nurse, they use much higher dosage Mtx and their patients suffer badly with mouth ulcers and sores, and they treat this with Corsodyl mouth wash use it regularly and it works.

LavendarLady profile image

I think we all suffer from mouth ulcers and general soreness if on MTX. I have been on it just over 3 years and have never known so many ulcers before.

My dentist fortunately, understands RA and always checks my gums on every visit. I also have mild Sjorgens which causes dry eyes and mouth.

So far I haven't suffered receding gums or stones in the salivary glands.

My GP did tell me that MTX also causes problems with teeth.

I understand that the dosage for cancer is very much higher than the highest we can go onto which is 25mg - I found this out when put onto antibiotics for an infected wisdom tooth and which apparently makes MTX even more toxic than it is anyway but my doctor and pharmacist told me I would have to be on the sort of doses that cancer patients are on before it caused any trouble and the normal MTX dose would not cause additional toxicity.

I use Bonjela to help with the ulcers and do find that works well even though it may take a few days to clear up. I also get my dentist to check for rough edges on teeth to avoid catching my tongue or cheek which can cause a little ulcer as well. LavendarLady x

Hi Sarah - i have had more dental work done in the past 6 months than the past 6 years, constantly having gum and tooth infections. So far only a few mouth ulcers. I use the codasol mouth wash recommended by dentist to help ward off ulcers but i don't know if that takes into account the dmards at work.

sarahj profile image

thanks everyone for your thoughts, i have corsodyl but have been very lazy with using it so il def be starting tonight. also my dentist is fantastic but i didnt think he could do much for me and it would be up to my gp,who i dont like bothering as ive been told my "side effects are something im just gonna have to deal with" . il def take on board the mouthwash anyway xx

LavendarLady profile image

Corsodyl mouthwash is fine with the dmards etc. My pharmacist recommended it and I do use it when my mouth is sore. It can make a brown stain on your teeth but that is soon polished off by the dentist.

Like Mads, since being on MTX I have had so many problems with abscesses on teeth, sore gums etc. I also use Sensodyne mouth wash as well when I don't need to use the Corsodyl. (By the way the mint flavour is better than the original - doesn't seem so harsh a taste or is that just me?).

LavendarLady x

ariadne profile image

I have had sjogrens for 6 years, and it got very much worse when i started mtxt 2 months back. My eyes are also very dry at the moment despite the lacrilube and geltears during the day. Im sure that is also the mxtx adding to the problem. But it didnt cause the problem in the first place.

I was told by my GP that I cant have antibiotics whilst taking mtxt - that the treatment would need to be stopped until the course of antibiotics is finished. . It's strange how doctors differ with advice regarding the same treatments. But I have read that some antibiotics are a definite no no as they increase the toxicity of the mxtx. May be worth having a look online at drug interactions with your treatment

best wishes x

sarahj profile image
sarahj in reply to ariadne

oh my goodness, ive been on two courses of antibiotics and not been told to skip MXT! im really opening my eyes now especialy as im so adverse to taking this horrible drug!xx

ariadne profile image

I found this with regard antibiotics and methotrexate - "penicillins can decrease the renal clearance of methotrexate and haematological and gastrointestinal toxicity has been observed in combination with high- and low-dose methotrexate.

Oral antibiotics, such as tetracycline, chloramphenicol, and non-absorbable broad spectrum antibiotics, may decrease intestinal absorption of methotrexate or interfere with the enterohepatic circulation by inhibiting bowel flora and suppressing metabolism of methotrexate by bacteria." I also read that inhibiting bowel flora can occasionally cause fungemia - which is serious, as well as an overgrowth of some types of bacteria. Again, I guess doctors weigh up the risks and benefits. I like to make informed choices and to do that means knowing the risks

Best wishes

ariadne profile image

sarahj - it seems doctors dont agree on this one! But my own doc was adamant and would not take a risk of both treatments together. Usually if you get an infection as well, the treatment ought to be stopped as it is an immune suppressant, tho I suppose if its a small infection it could be carefully monitored.But I guess at the end of the day, its OUR risk to take or to decide not to take. I also dont like taking this drug - but we are damned if we do and damned if we dont I guess!

Best wishes xx

KevinTG profile image

I have never made the connection but I had sensitive teeth begin when I had been on methotrexate for a couple of years. I have used tooth paste for sensitive teeth since and the problem was solved immediately.

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