I think my last post might have been a little long.
Recommendations desperately needed please! .... If you are a. P.A. sufferer, with a good Rheumatologist, (especially if you are based in or around London), and your Rheumatologist has: A) Heard of (or is treating your) Palindromic Arthritis, and B) Is basically great! ... I'd love to know your Rheumatologist's name and their Clinic/Practice location.
My local Hospital Rheumo Team have never heard of it (one said it doesn't exist!), and have a long list of complaints about them online, and in my last encounter, they discharged me on the first appointment, in 6 minutes, with a diagnosis of being "Fat, Old, And Frumpy".
I'm currently bed-bound, since Sunday night, in absolute agony, yet again, and I don't want this kind of life anymore. There has to be a better way of living. I'm only 47.
As long as my GP is unhelpful, and refusing to refer me to anyone at all - I have to find another way to get taken seriously, by going privately initially (already taken out a Bank Loan to do this), and then hopefully getting referred back into the NHS, by the Private Rheumatologist, who hopefully works in the NHS too.
So if you can recommend your own sympathetic, and understanding Rheumatologist, for me to possibly look into contacting, (the helplines weirdly, say that they don't keep lists of recommended Rheumo's "for legal reasons" - when other Organisations for other conditions, do), I'd be very very grateful.
Thanks in advance.