Ugly : I hate RA.... - NRAS


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Vonnie10 profile image
21 Replies

I hate RA....

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Vonnie10 profile image
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21 Replies
allanah profile image

Me too .... if I did a poll it might get 100% hate

BUT , its taught me I am stronger than I thought

I've made lots of new friends through it

I found out who the fake friends are

I love my family more

I appreciate the planet more

I appreciate my docs and nurses more

So some positives I think xxx

Mwah xx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to allanah

You have got it right darling. xxx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to sylvi

Well met you lovely lady here!

dawkin_S profile image

It is rotten, I agree. There are things I hate about it - the way it stops me doing things I used to love, the way it makes me an unreliable friend, always having to cancel on people.

On the other hand, it makes me appreciate days when I am fit and well (well, not always - I'm no saint!) and I like to think it has given me empathy for other people who have woes and ailments, and especially for older people. Nothing like having to crawl along at a snail's pace with a flare, or struggle with a bag of shopping to make you sympathise with the less mobile oaps we see!

Anyhow, I agree - some days it just plain stinks. I'm sorry you're feeling that way today - I'm sending sympathy your way and hoping you feel better soon. xx

Ardea profile image

I hate it too it sucks. I have had it together with other illnesses for 20 years. You learn to pace yourself and prioritise what you can and can't do. You learn to live with it. You learn what is and isn't important and who your friends are. You learn to make the most of the good days and let go on bad days and rest and let your body heal. You appreciate your family more and the offer of help. You still have a life and it is precious and a gift - you just have to see it in another way. This site is a help and there is always someone that will answer any questions as you need. Stay strong don't let this illness define you.

Shalf profile image

Try and think the opposite! Not so much to like RA but to accept it because hating something you have to live with creates misery. That's a positive reply from Allanah and I can relate to it. My family however are not the caring type, very selfish actually but that's ok. You live and learn. I'm not the person I was but I'm alive! The challenges with our disease can be exasperating but there is always hope! Next year there could be a cure :)

Who knows! My imagination keeps me sane with this disease. 🤗


Slate56 profile image

You are right it’s easy to hate this but you have it and you learn to deal with it I was diagnosed in early December and first thoughts where why me then I thought why not me so you make changes to your well being get the support from everyone around you and stay positive even in bad days

sylvi profile image

Don't we all darling and i am an old hand at this RA stuff. xxxx

Brushwork profile image

I see RA as a nuisance.

But I have found strength I didn’t know I had.

I have lost any fear I had of pain or needles

I appreciate every day, whatever it brings

I make the most of good days or moments

I really, really appreciate all NHS staff and their endless care

I count my blessings, every one of them every day

I greet each day and have hope for tomorrow

I learned the past is gone and not worth worrying about

I have also learned that the future is an unknown (gosh is that so true) and while plans are nice, it’s not worth giving them too much time

Now, right now is what really matters

I also learned that I matter and I deserve a bit of my time

Giving is one of the greatest joys when done with an open heart and good intentions

I have learned that sometimes it’s ok to accept help and good deeds that come your way.

Expectations should be managed, if they are too high, disappointment will surely follow

Gratitude and love to one and all

dawkin_S profile image
dawkin_S in reply to Brushwork

Beautifully put, Brushwork xx

Lolabridge profile image

Well said Brushwork.

And Vonnie, RA may be ugly, but you are still the same beautiful person you always were, and can continue to be.

Pippy25 profile image

Any ugly disease that somehow brings out the beautiful, the strengths, the determination, the resourcefulness, creativeness and all the other positives as we learn to live alongside it. I think there are a lot of good words and comments already posted here, but acceptance of RD with it's good and bad days is key and learning to listen to our bodies and be kind to ourselves when things are tough. We only walk through this way once and RD may have changed the course we were on or had intended to be on, but let's make the most of this re route and find new or re define old ways a long the way and keep going. Take care and sending some warm supportive wishes your way xx

I hate RD. I hate it more that it has also dragged my family into this disease. I hate that it changed my future. My husband and I were going to travel around the world . ( barely walk round the house some days) We were great ones for a walking holiday. I hate the loss of spontaneity from life.

I’m lucky others are far worse off than I . I have a fabulous husband and good friends.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

I was like that before I found " the one , "(tcz not hubby lol ) and now I'm back travelling again... ok I cant climb mountains but I can get out and about and enjoy x

in reply to

That really strikes a chord, J1707. Last year we could not do our usual mountain-walking because of my RD and this year, although I'm much better and was raring to give it a go, everything we planned is off because of the pandemic. Nevertheless we live in hope of better things. Allanah says she found "the one" and I hope you also will find the treatment that can give you back some of that old life that you loved.

People cope in different ways. Some throw themselves into making the best of their present life, others battle on to get at least some way back to their previous life. There's no right or wrong in this. You have to do what suits you.

Sending very best wishes.

dawkin_S profile image
dawkin_S in reply to

Yes that's a very good point, Bacharia - there is no right or wrong response. xx

Vonnie10 profile image

Lovely words thanks it’s good to know . 4 years in . just failing on all the RA drugs had ritx in jan10th 2 steroid shot and still it’s raging it’s changed my life I hate it so much just wish I had a drug that worked I’ve been up all night with severe pain.. just wish I could find the drug it’s so stubborn but thankyou for your kind words . Xx

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to Vonnie10

I'm in your boat! Been a tearful day for me! Nothing is shifting the pain! :(

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to Shalf

S I’m so sorry for your pain ..can barely type i feel like I’ve got the worst flu pains in my joints

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to Vonnie10

Horrible eh :(

What can you say or do that you don't already know. It's just a bloody pain Vonnie! xx

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to Shalf

Living hell. X

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