Hi about to start taking this medicine. A little scared. Anyone got any positives. I feel a little silly whenI understand it's a mild treatment.
Hydroxychloroquine : Hi about to start taking this... - NRAS

Well it works for me...I think that's a positive?
But seriously I think we are all nervous when we start one of these drugs, it seems like a sensible reaction to me not a silly one. Remember to get your eyes checked, but otherwise this is the drug that has give me the least problems and does seem to be one that doesn't cause that many upsets. Rememene you can always stop taking it if it doesn't agree with you.
Thankyou helix. I have read lots of your replies to people and you seem to have a very knowledgeable approach. I really Value your opinion. Thanks again. Hope you are well.
have been on hydroxychloroquine for a few years now.No problems.Remember to get annual eye test.mine are slightly worse this last few years but Iam 50 plus and don't wear glasses.My eyesight problems are not related to the meds but my rheumy has booked an appointment at my local hospital for an in depth eye examination.Overall no problems with hydroxy.
Yes, I am another one where it has worked trouble free for 4 years. Remember this site is mostly used by either newbies or folks who are unfortunately sensitive to the drugs which help so many who are just getting on happily with their lives. You can also phone the wonderful NRAS helpline about any worries.
I have been alot better been on hydroxychlorine. It has helped me with a blood disorder I have too. Wish I had been prescribed it years ago then wouldn't of been in agony
Hi, I've been taking them now for five yrs with the only problem being that I'm a little more sensitive to the sun,which living in GB, it really hasn't been a problem of late 😩!
As HH said make sure to get your eyes tested first & again after 9months. Good luck.
I had almost no issues. I got headaches at first so they altered how much I took on vatious days and had no mre issues. Good luck I am sure you will be fine
It was the second drug after I had a reaction to sulphazalasine. It actually was really good for 2 years, no side effects and I felt good. But I still had some swelling so my rheumatologist doubled the dose. That resulted in a rash and my bloods weren't happy and I had to stop it. It's important to have your retina checked annually. A rare side effect but they do advise it.
It's not a scary one but I understand that I felt like you as well to start with.
I don't know if my comment helps. Good luck.
Hi Sandra30
I have been on various DMARDs since being diagnosed with Aggressive RA
Had to stop most of them due to side effects but been on Hydroxychloroquine now for twelve months all I can say is they work for me with no side effects to date. You must remember to get your eyes tested though as they over a long period can effect your eye clarity. I was advised by my Optometrist to have a yearly test which is no bad thing. I hope you do give them a try & get the same benefit that they have given me.
Hi there...I've been on Hydoxychloroquine only since diagnosed with Seronegative inflammatory arthritis in 2013. Side effects were minimal in first couple of weeks but fine now.
As others have stated, get your eyes tested before starting and then yearly. Inform your optometrist you're on this med.
Hope you feel reassured there are a few of us on this med with few problems. X
I have taken this drug for over 30 years and never had any problems. I have extensive eye testing done on an annual basis. This drug is one of the best tolerated.
While researching the effects of this drug I found a number of reports on the positive effects it produces besides reducing the symptoms of arthritis. It has been found to improve blood lipid profiles and glycemic parameters and its use is associated with a decreased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular events. It is also being studied for use in coronary artery disease. This drug should provide some relief of your symptoms and perhaps some added side benefits.
Thankyou to all of you for your help. I have just taken my 1st dose. Thanks again and hope u all well.
No problems on 200mg a day. Need to remember to take with food to prevent indigestion and regular eye tests as everyone has said.
yes moe to been on it for 4 years no problem on 2 x 200 mg and no side affects please remember to have somat eat before or when taking them as it stops the nausea keep us posted how you get on and relax as stress is main cause of ra