Kruger park: Elephants - NRAS
Kruger park
WOW that is brilliant.xxx
How lovely to see these wonderful creatures in their natural habitat.
I am so envious.
Enjoy your trip.
It was a great experience actually seeing these animals in the wild. The funniest was having to stop while two tortoises crossed the road in front of us!
Oh wow you must have been there ages then waiting for them to dawdle past.
Actually I was in Jersey last week at the Gerald Durrell wildlife park and saw giant tortoises there.They look very clumsy but I was surprised at just how quickly they could move when they wanted to.
Jersey is lovely. Been there a few times. And even had our honeymoon there 😃. And the tortoises did move quite fast. There is a strict 20mph speed limit in the Kruger, big fines and thrown out from the park for the day if you are caught breaking them. For cars that is, not tortoises 😉
Aw little baby! Great pic, you're so lucky. My h doesn't like flying, 3 hours is enough for him so won't ever get the chance to see what you're seeing though I know he'd love to, he's animal mad, me too.
Lots of other pictures of all the other animals and birds we saw. But I don't want to take over the site! Lol. Shame your h doesn't like flying, you would both love the place, and it's incredibly cheap once you get there. Re the flying. I am suffering today after a one hour flight from the park to jo'burg, then a 10 hour overnight flight home. Arrived back at Heathrow at 5.30 am 😏. So my poor joints are suffering today. But, boy! Was it worth it 😃
Well, I suppose you could add another pic whenever you write a post if you're bothered about it though I'm sure enough of us would love to see more, animal overload isn't a bad thing! Look on it as taking us away from daily probs.
I hope you can get some rest, you'll always remember this trip though so it's worth a few days recuperation!
How magical and amazing! Thank you for sharing.
Seeing these really beautiful animals in their natural habitat gives me hope that they will survive mankind......