Which three things would matter most to you about acc... - NRAS


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Which three things would matter most to you about access to a rheumatology service?

458 Voters

Please select all that apply:

30 Replies
mirren profile image

Aren't 2 and 4 rather too similar.... It will be difficult to tease out what people meant by help when I need it to set it apart from treatment and care when I need it. 

in reply to mirren

Thank you for pointing this out.

Option no.2 refers to getting immediate help when you have a flare or have a problem with side effects of your medication via the nurse helpline for example, where as, Option no. 4 refers getting access to the right treatments and services, such as getting onto a new drug in a timely manner. Hope that clarifies your question :)

Hawkeye52 profile image
Hawkeye52 in reply to mirren

i agree, that question could be combined

Sussexsteve profile image

Why so few responses?  Come on people, get voting, it's our future.

BoneyC profile image
BoneyC in reply to Sussexsteve

The email arrived at 5.10pm, maybe others haven't got theirs yet?

Scottishlad profile image
Scottishlad in reply to Sussexsteve

We are not all able to be on line 247. I am sure responses will grow.

beauty96 profile image

Since 1982 I have seen one consultant in 1994 and one cos I paid private for it in 2012 as I was worried about something.  As I cannot have any drugs cos of allergies and complications.  I am not under anyone.  I am glad I learnt medicine and PhD Immunology else I would get more worried.   I have answered the poll as wishes.  NOT what I get.

DC56 profile image

We all need to be treated as individuals 

moomie profile image

If only the answers could be put into practice :(

Martinilady profile image

I think all of the options are important - as soon as I read them I found it difficult to choose I wanted to tick all of them. 

Why may we chose only three options, shouldn't one have ALL of them ideally ????   Where did you learn your methodology, Shivam ?

3LittleBirds2 profile image

I've submitted my three on here... but I've just seen the poll on Twitter and you can rate the answers from 1-8 which I found better..however I couldn't submit it as I don't have Facebook.  A couple of the answers I found fairly similar too BUT thank you for running the poll..good to know someone is actually taking an interest in what we want!

I was discharged after I was told I had CMT with no help. I got about of help because I have arthritis, eg a stairlift.  I'm sure I have Lupus but when I mention it, no one takes any notice. It's as if I haven't spoken.

jayn profile image

I only chose the one that mattered most to me as I have been let down by the system. Four years of living pain and am back at square one. Not under anyone and no help from the exalted ones. Thank god for a GP who cares

Alghwail profile image

I hope that receive emails about any thing helping to reduce effects of RA, e.g. exercise and something to do as daily routines. cheers

flow4 profile image

Is there any way of expanding the labels on the graph? I'm interested in the responses but can't tell/remember what each answer was.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to flow4

Just tap/click on each question Flow, you should then see the question in full.

flow4 profile image
flow4 in reply to nomoreheels

Nope, thanks no oreheels, but that doesn't work. Now I've answered the questions, I can't see them at all any more; I can only see the graph, and its labels only include the first few words of each Q.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to flow4

That's odd, I wondered if mine had changed but no, it's still the same. Maybe it's dependant on the device used? I'm on my tablet. 

I've just checked on the laptop & it appears as on my tablet, first few words of each question but if I just place the pointer over the questions they appear in full. Even odder! Sorry, out of suggestions but if you've been able to submit it hopefully it should be counted.

flow4 profile image
flow4 in reply to nomoreheels

Thanks. I'm on an iPad... I have been able to respond fine, but I wanted to see what other people's responses were... 

Cagsie profile image

Just read what you said about 2 and 4, I would want both, voted for 4 as it seemed a one size fits all answer.  They are confusing 

Mandalou profile image

I think less people choose the question about having access to physiotherapists etc because most of us have had the allotted assessments and realise that it's a tick in the box exercise, there is no money in the system for the therapy that most of us would benefit from.

We don't tick it because we are realistic knowing it would never happen.

I also agree with others that I want to know I have  access to care when I need it eg Rheumy helpline but equally want to know I have access to the right drug treatment.

These questions need to be better explained and differentiated IMHO

Nice to be asked though.


Smw-69 profile image

I only chose only one by mistake forgetting it was 3.  But anyway I think that every option to choose from is vitally important.  I have left many a consultation feeling let down, not being listened too in the little time allotted and ushered out before I had all my questions answered.  I also waited nearly 3 months with swollen painful hands for physio and am paying privately at the moment for help.  My consultant is sympathetic but trying to get an appointment to see him and not the rheumy nurse is difficult in between my yearly check up.  I know the NHS is under strain, but the pain of RD and worry about the future is such that emotional support would be a welcome addition, that is why the support we all try to give each other on these forums is wonderful and one that I turn to.  

Cazzeroo profile image

I have ticked what I would like but this is unfortunately not my experience.

harryhunt43 profile image

No 4 seems to cover everything.,  Info on trials, other services etc would all be encompassed in the broader question. As for trust one would assume they were qualified professionals. Personally I don't get to see the consultants that often. it's mainly the nurses and junior doctors. I wouldn't expect them to treat me any differently from anyone else, other than in terms of individual treatment needs. They hardly have time for pleasantries 

jane1976 profile image

Is this an April fools joke.? If only I could access treatment especially when in so much pain!

zannie profile image

The three things that matter most to me are Numbers 2, 4, and 7. 

pinksugarmouse profile image

I ticked 1, 3 and 4 but I agree that 2 and 4 seem very similar. I have no faith in my rhematology team. At my appointments I see someone else every time. They never seem to have read my notes. The appointment is always really short, they prod and poke my joints but completely ignore the person attached to the joints. I really don't like going and finding it stressful and unhelpful. I come out feeling pretty worthless.

sylvi profile image

Having the staff looking after me seeing me a a person first and treat the whole me not just the bits they deal will and the consultants talkng to each other over my different treatments as i see different people for different things. Having compassion.

Angels54 profile image

I think most of us put up with the pain trying not complain. I have to say it will be nearly a year since I last saw my RA , I have already lost two jobs due to this terrible disease, I can't even get a G P app, I recently had a virus in June , then chest infection had two lots of antibiotics , been off MTX now in terrible pain, also developed in my shoulder no sleep , just agony ,started on steroids 4th day no ease yet. It's hell