How often do you have your blood pressure checked? - NRAS


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How often do you have your blood pressure checked?

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32 Replies
Sailaway profile image

This is a bit difficult to answer, I get my BP checked at every outpatient appointment and also when I go for methotrexate blood tests with my practice nurse. I chose to answer using the first option, but the other is equally true.

Philip profile image

I normally have BP checked every time I have bloods taken , but I've had a stroke so they better do it more often lol

IainM profile image

Tbh I don't know, it's deffo not regular

nomoreheels profile image

I'm fortunate as I've never had problems with my bp whatever meds I take or whatever situation, even before ops it never changes. Guess I'm just a cool cookie! My h has problems though & does have a bp cuff he has to use regularly & note readings at the mo & have checked infrequently just for the heck of it & never reads any other than norm for me. I'm a lucky girl in that respect.

Shelley1701 profile image

Mine is only checked every year in regard to me taking contraceptive pill not for my RA. They never check it at any of my appointments.

Ozzy profile image

I have my checked every six months at hospital, when they tell me its high. Got fed up with this so borrowed a monitor from GP for a week to check at home. This was fine!

I used to find that BP checks raised my BP! It's called white coat syndrome. I have learned yoga breathing to stop the anxiety spiral, and now it's much better. It's usually fine at home. I think drinking coffee before testing is a bad idea. Is this right?

Rosie_rabbit profile image

Mine isn't checked routinely and has only been checked once by my gp as I was feeling quite unwell and not really related to the RA. So had it not been for this then I would not have had it checked at all

Pands profile image

I chose the 'every time I have bloods taken' however I usually (but not 100% of the time) also have it taken at each rheumatology outpatient appointment I have.

Pands profile image
Pands in reply to Pands

And it isn't that I even have high BP - in fact usually low to low end of normal!

I have never had it taken at the hospital appointment, it's always been at the GP surgery. It used to be taken by the GP on every appointment but now they are doing the blood monitoring the Practice nurse takes it each time she does the blood along with weight monitoring as well.

lilianisaac profile image

I keep an eye on it myself as It's always higher at the doctors. They always ask about it though and I give them my own readings. They seem happy with this arrangement. Pat

digger1 profile image

My blood pressure is checked once a year at hospital, and only twice in 11 years at doctors by nurse when bloods are taken

alipop61 profile image

Had mine checked the first appt not had it checked since.

Scottishlad profile image

I put I don't know as I have no regular BP tests

RichardG profile image

And at every outpatient appointment but could only choose one option

I chose by the GP periodically but this is only if I ask for it to be done or if I have symptoms such has heart palpatations. I have a home monitor that I use occasionally when I remember. I've just stopped a Raynauds drug which is also used for people with high BP and Angina.

My BP went right down on this med from consistently too high to the bottom of normal range. But it made my ankles swell and gave me weird rashes so they said I had to stop. My parents both had high BP and both died from heart failure so I'm trying to get my GPs and the practice nurse to be more vigilant for me but I still have to ask. I guess they should be taken it routinely as part of my MTX monitoring?

AngelWings profile image

I have never had my BP checked at any of my rheumy check ups. The only time I have my BP checked is when I've been into hospital for an operation and it's usually a bit low after anestetic. Even if I see my GP no blood pressure is taken.

samjam profile image

However would add that last time I had it checked at the hospital I had trouble parking, long walk to clinic and didn't have time to sit and gather my thoughts before my BP was taken Consequently very high and the Nurse refused to take it again. Referred to GP where it was normal. Waste of a GP appointment!

DrWhoFan profile image

Now I am on leflunomide I have mine taken every month, although I have fortnightly blood tests.

kayd profile image

I have mine taken monthly which is usually on the low side, along with blood monitoring.

jell profile image

am surprised at the results - at how many have their's taken at each outpatients appointment? Is that the GP/nurse or is that because patients are taking it upon themselves to do it themselves in the waiting room? Not sure what a routine outpatients appointment is :( Can't get to see a GP at all at my surgery unless it is 'urgent' otherwise you have to wait at least 3 weeks now....And if it's urgent you have to wait for a GP to phone you back to check if it really is...)

punchdog profile image

My bloods are done every fortnight (I am on Penicillamine) and the practice nurse is happy to check it any time I wish. I also get called up every 6 months to the blood pressure clinic.

I also have a bp monitor at home and use it occasionally myself.

jezebel53 profile image

I've answered my GP as that's where it's taken quite often, but I also have it taken every 6 months at myhospital outpatient appointment, it's always been fine which is good to know.

janosky profile image

I have my blood pressure checked when I go to see Rhuemy doctor, but its always high and then I have to go to the doctors and then its always normal, guess its white coat syndrome.

I check my own BP, mainly because I have hypertension and the GPs seem to have given up with their BP clinic. I have noticed that it is creeping up again, so I will mention it.

The OP Clinics never check BP, my Dermatologist always checks my bloods

I put that my GP checks it periodically, but it's sometimes done by one of our practice nurses and sometimes by my nurse practitioner - it's a bit hit and miss though. I've never had it checked at the rheumy clinic, even though I'm on tablets for high blood pressure!

A few years ago I was put on blood pressure meds and kept getting dizzy spells from them as they lowered it too much. I changed GPs and she said I have white coat syndrome so I bought my own machine and when I have an appointment with GP or hospital I take my blood pressure at home before I go and then when they check it I tell them what my reading is. No blood pressure meds since as it is always ok.

earthwitch profile image

My GP hardly ever considers checking my BP, and never accepts my home readings. When they have checked it (when I have asked), they have always said its "normal" even though it is never under 140/90 and has occasionally been up to 155 in the surgery.

Stargazer profile image

Never, only when I ask for it, I am bed ridden with RA so can't get to the doctors the nurse does it if I ask the doctor once a year.

Susiej38 profile image

In U.S. I check my blood pressure at home regularly, but it is also taken at every drs appt, including Rheumatologist and others.

There was a time when BP was important to a GP, now if you are over 74 yrs even the practice nurse has little interest, but if "you" the patient thinks its a little high make an appointment for the GP to review your medication dose. Next question, how are you coping with your depression. OMG bring back the old days, when people earned there salary.