How long did second labour's last? - Pregnancy and Par...

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How long did second labour's last?

EJThompson2 profile image
15 Replies


I am currently 2cm dilated and having contractions every 5/6 mins. I started with contractions 2 days ago and they've increased since and got stronger.

This is my second baby but I was induced with my first. I'm just wondering what other people's experiences were with their second Labour. The midwife said it could be hours or says until I'm in established labour! I'm roasting hot in a heatwave in the UK with super swollen feet and hands. Looking for some honest experiences and reassurance I won't be in labour forever! Lol

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EJThompson2 profile image
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15 Replies
Pasaeoco01 profile image

Hey there, gosh I do feel for you in this heat!!! I had 2 August babies so I feel your pain. My first was a total of 17hrs from the very start to birth (Natural labour followed by csection). The second was 5hrs from start to birth!!

One thing that happened to me with both was as I had some much swelling in my hands, feet and legs about a week after birth I would wake at night with my legs drenched in sweat!! It was pretty gross but I finally got my normal ankles back!!

Wishing you a safe and speedy labour xx

Pasaeoco01 profile image
Pasaeoco01 in reply to Pasaeoco01

I should say the second was also a natural labour and birth x

roxannacar profile image

My second was much quicker than first. Started niggles at around 2-3am. Went to hospital by about 6.00ish and she was here at 7.20ish.

Hopefully will.move quickly for you!

Hi 👋

I'm sorry I don't have any advice to give, my 1st pregnancy was induced & 2nd baby is due in 9 weeks so will be interesting to see how quick yours arrives... i just wanted to say hope all goes smoothly & your not waiting too long 🤞 x

I had short births but very intense births with my 21 year old son & 14 month old daughter. I was 6 hours with my son & 5 with my daughter! They normally say it’s quicker second time around maybe coz the body has done it before? Good luck xxx

sweetchild1989 profile image

Both my kids I was in labour 3 hours start to finish... I had a water birth with both of them. I hope yours goes quick for you xx

cmbxm profile image

Honestly you’re super woman giving birth in this heatwave, you’ve got this!! xx

Cheekymonkey85 profile image

I was Induced with my first as well. Second natural labour. I had niggles all the day, then evening things felt like they were definitely moving along. I sat up for a few hours and eventually I was having 3 contractions in 10minutes. I went in at about 6am and I was still only 3cm, it took until evening for me to reach 6cm by which time midwife decided to break my waters. My monkey arrived within half an hour after that at 11pm x

Good luck, hope everything is going OK

mrsabc profile image

I was also induced for my first. With my second my waters broke at home at 4pm with no contractions. I was checked at hospital and booked for induction the following day as I wasn’t contracting but by the time I got home I was contracting regularly. I was back at the hospital and 4cm dilated at 9pm and she arrived at 22.45pm! So for me it happened quite quickly. I hope things start to progress for you xx

QT314 profile image

Can you have a sweep? I've only had one child but my labour was like you're describing.... freaking eternal. Once I had a sweep everything went super fast and smooth. The mw didn't understand why I hadn't had a sweep earlier as I was in early labour for 3 days.. maybe you can mention it? I don't know how it works, guess if they haven't offered it there's a reason but just in case. Good luck xx

AGKG profile image

Hi I had my 3rd baby 2 weeks ago. Went to hospital when contractions every 5 mins. When the midwife checked me I was only 2cm. But once she had checked me the pains got alot worse. So had to wait another 2 hours to be checked. Then I was 6cm.

I was in labour for about 15 hours. So I think every labour is different. Hope all goes well x

EJThompson2 profile image

Thank you to everyone for sharing your experiences. After 5 days in slow labour I went into the birthing unit at 4cm dilated at midnight and had my little boy at 2.18am! So after taking a week to arrive he shot out! :)

QT314 profile image
QT314 in reply to EJThompson2

I'm so happy to hear that. Congratulations!!!!

5 days! You are a legend xx

sweetchild1989 profile image
sweetchild1989 in reply to EJThompson2

Congratulations hope you and baby are doing well xx

Pasaeoco01 profile image
Pasaeoco01 in reply to EJThompson2

Aw that’s great news! Congratulations. Remember to get some sleep when he’s sleeping, try to catch up xx

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