Flat Nipple and Flange size - Pregnancy and Par...

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Flat Nipple and Flange size

Whataname profile image
16 Replies

My baby is now 6 weeks and we are still struggling to breastfeed. I am also expressing milk but I am confused on the flange size. My nipples are flat and every time I pump the nipple protrude in different directions and my pumping has never been pain free. I have to squeeze my boobs to get the milk out though the electric pump(Spectra S2) is set at vacuum level 2 and cycle is 54. Any vacuum above this level makes the pain difficult to bear. Any level below this no milk comes out no matter how long I pump. I was initially using medela swing and the never got the flange size right. If my nipples are not coming out or comes out in different directions how to get the size of my nipple to get the right size. At the moment I am using size 28mm which came with Spectra. I used 27mm, 24mm in Medela swing and never felt comfortable or pain free in any of those. To note my flanges never stick to my breast so I have to keep holding them. Pumping has not been hands free for me. What should I do?

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16 Replies
Seb9 profile image

Hi I've not got much experience with pumping but there's a Facebook group dedicated to pumping mums that I've heard is very good. It's called exclusive pumping mamas. I'm in a really supportive breastfeeding group on there and this gets recommended often for pumping mums and if you want help with breastfeeding the Facebook group is really lovely too. Best of luck xx

Whataname profile image
Whataname in reply to Seb9

Thank you Seb9

SRA8 profile image

I'm part of the group on fb exclusive pumping uk. Theres an American group that can help with flange sizing. Get a pumping bra - it's a real game changer so you dont have to sit there holding on.

My little boy is 17 weeks and we had a very difficult breastfeeding journey. I've been pumping from the beginning but quit all attempts at direct nursing at 7 weeks. These fb groups and a pumping bra have been a life saver.

Good luck.

Whataname profile image
Whataname in reply to SRA8

Thank you SRA8. Sadly I don’t do FB but think I ll join now if I can get some support. My little one is already showing signs of hating breasts as the milk doesn’t come out like in a bottle. Fingers crossed.

Natasha213 profile image


I also have a flat nipple and what I found was using mam size 2 nipple shields to start then take them off as the nipple would protrude out. I also had to express as I had a low milk supply in the beginning but the nipples should protrude straight otherwise the milk isn't going to be effectively removed. This can cause lots of problems like mastitus, blocked duct, milk supply to decrease. I used the spectra also and size 28mm I think you can get a 24mm as well. I always put the pump on slow, then relax and after a minute or so I had the let down and milk would come out in all directions but the nipple was straight if that makes sense. If you go on youtube be they show you exactly how to put the flange on. Could the health visitor help?, she watched me breastfeed to check my latch etc. I also bought a pumping bra which was such a help I still had to sit down as the spectra have a plug but my hands were free and I could still do things.

Hope this helps it's so hard on times x

Whataname profile image
Whataname in reply to Natasha213

Thank you Natasha213. I had an infant Feeding Specialist support initially but since it was virtual the support was not that effective. With regards to the nipple going in all directions- once I start the pumping I can feel the let down and then I have to squeeze the boobs to get milk flow going and in doing so the suction changes and the direction of the nipple changes. Sometimes I have to stop and start over again as the pain becomes more.

Natasha213 profile image
Natasha213 in reply to Whataname

How long do you pump for? I would pump and get the let down then I would not have anything for about 10minutes even though I was punping then another let down and again 10minutes of nothing and another let down i would pump for 30minutes. I never got milk the whole time. When you pump you don't get that much milk if you are breastfeeding as well. What I did which was really hard is fed, leave an hour and express then leave an hour and half then feed then an hour express I did this for a few weeks day and night to get my milk up. Especially after 1am -5am I think they said was the golden hour. Try not to squeeze I did this when I was feeding him but make sure it is a c shape and start from the top of the breast if I remember right and go round. Try expressing without the squeezing and just see how you go xx

Whataname profile image
Whataname in reply to Natasha213

thanks for your time . My pumping times are anywhere between 15-30 min.Once the letdown happens i have to take the milk out or one of my boob gets blocked.(happened twice).The baby doesn't drain the milk completely as she falls asleep most of the time and then when she wakes up she doesn't want to feed from the breast.Also I am not able to establish the 8-12 times rule as i find it very difficult to incorporate with all the other work that needs my attention.If i don't squeeze the breasts nothing comes out.will try the pumping at 1-5am time. hopefully something works out.

Natasha213 profile image
Natasha213 in reply to Whataname

Do you double pump? Also if the boib isn't effectively drained could you pump for 10minutes after instead. My son we really small when he was born and was do tired from feeding I was told to only allow him on the boob for 10minutes. In the beginning and express straight after then use that as a top-up for that one feed. So for example of you express now when the baby has the next feed free from the boob then top up with milk expressed. Then express for 10minutes and use that for the next feed so you always have some beforehand. If the boobs aren't drained completely the supply will go down. Honestly, it's really hard work with a sleepy baby as they don't free properly and trying to feed and pump, don't put too much pressure on yourself xx

claire16c profile image

Hi there! If you call the National bf helpline you can get help from a trained bf counsellor


Whataname profile image
Whataname in reply to claire16c

Thank you Claire

Gloria_B profile image


Sorry that you are struggling, breastfeeding could be tricky at the beginning. Have you try to contact any specialists in breastfeeding? La Leche Leche can help you: laleche.org.uk/find-lll-sup...

There are on line groups, email and telephone support. Feel free to contact them, they are lovely.

Whataname profile image
Whataname in reply to Gloria_B

Thank you Gloria. I have been to the infant Feeding Specialist and breastfeeding support group. But I can’t get the face to face support due to the pandemic and I am literally rubbish with virtual meeting. Waiting to hear from the infant feeding specialist to give me a face to face appointment.

Demmarie profile image

Have you tried the Teet that go onto your nipples? Have a look on the internet. It’s like a tit of a bottle and you put it into your nipple so the baby has an easier latch. I hope things go ok for you both, maybe try and get your nipple hard so she’s got something to latch onto! X

Whataname profile image
Whataname in reply to Demmarie

Do you mean the nipple shield? Yes I have tried the nipple shield. It pinched my nipples every time she latched on so we had to stop it.

Demmarie profile image

Ohh gutting xx

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