Got the date wrong?! : We had our first... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Got the date wrong?!

Catcurly20 profile image
13 Replies

We had our first scan yesterday which we were excited/ nerves to ensure everything ok. Anyway turns out we are not 11+5 but 10+2! Slightly confused as we thought we knew when we conceived but the new date we definitely didn’t have sex during that time?! We asked about the heartbeat and was told we couldn’t listen as it was too early and it would damage the baby? Never heard of this before either, so we left a bit dumb struck and disappointment. Positive is; at least we are still pregnant. But anyone else had this experience?

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Catcurly20 profile image
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13 Replies
BabyBluDuck profile image

Dates can be out by a couple of weeks as babys develop and grow at different rates They usually say a 2 week difference is average from what you believe to what a scan shows

but your next scan should give you an agreed due date and you might find that its different again then,

The hospital have given me 3 different dates but have now agreed a due date which is a little different to what i would have said, but aslong as baby is growing healthy thats all that matters & congratulations

Also Sorry iv never heard that the heart beat cant be listened to as it can be damaging to baby thats but the midwife will start to listen for babys heart in a couple of weeks anyway for you

Catcurly20 profile image
Catcurly20 in reply to BabyBluDuck

Thank you that’s reassuring. Good luck with your pregnancy

emmab178 profile image

Was this a private scan at somewhere like baby bond? They aren't trained medical professionals usually but only have light sonographer training. Maybe that's the reason for being slightly out.

We saw the heartbeating but don't think we heard it at that stage.

Catcurly20 profile image
Catcurly20 in reply to emmab178

No it was an NHS appointment. We didn’t see a heartbeat or anything although we saw baby wiggling around which made us feel better

emmab178 profile image
emmab178 in reply to Catcurly20

Maybe because it was an early scan. Did they book you in for another around 12 weeks?

Wriggling is a good sign so I wouldn't worry about the heartbeat.

Catcurly20 profile image
Catcurly20 in reply to emmab178

Yes we are going back in a few weeks for another scan so hope we will be able to have our tests, listen to the heartbeat and get a picture then.

Major2116 profile image

We had a scan at what we thought was 6 weeks to be told we were only 5 weeks pregnant. We had another scan at 7 weeks as they thought this pregnancy could of been eptopic and we've had 2 previous miscarriages.

They go off the size of the baby as to how far along you are rather than dates of periods when you have your scan.

When we had our 13 week scan, we asked the tech if we could hear the heartbeat n he said you can see it but we don't listen to it until the third trimester as it can harm the baby but the midwife will use a Doppler to listen at your 16 week apppintment.

We're now 21 weeks pregnant and all is looking well :D! All the best for you and your baby! Xx

Catcurly20 profile image
Catcurly20 in reply to Major2116

Congratulations...thank you that’s reassuring. Good luck with your pregnancy x

Kingy1616 profile image

Congratulations on your pregnancy.

Yes exact same thing happened to us.

We went in thinking we were 12+1 and she told us we were 10+4, we had to go back in 2 weeks for another scan to get a more ‘acurate’ date. I believe you can’t hear the heartbeat at this stage, only see it because it’s not strong enough to be picked up by a Doppler yet not that it damages the baby. It’s normal for them not to listen by Doppler until 16 weeks or sometimes later depending on the practice.

Anyway when we went back for our 2nd scan two weeks later which by the first scan would have put us at 12+ 4. We were told we were 13+1. Through this whole time I wasn’t convinced they were right as I had my calculations down too but scans can be inaccurate as Baby is so tiny at this stage and also it can take a while for the egg to implant once fertilised apparently. So either of us could be wrong.

We now have a healthy 13 week old but I m still not convinced my due date was right lol.

Hope all goes well x

KellyTrip profile image

My dates have changed both times. With my son is was put back a week and with my daughter put forward a day! Both were late. It'seems not accurate to when you had sex. It'seems estimated on size.

Shem008 profile image

Dates get changed due to the size of the baby. I went in for my 12w scan at 12w1d and they changed it to 12w3d despite me knowing exactly when I ovulated. Babies grow at roughly the same rate up until week 14 ish so they use a standard chart to measure and come up with a date. My Midwife had already warned me that the due date would change after my scan - she said they normally do even if it’s only a day as they have to go by the chart. So changing by a week or so is also common.

I also asked about listening to the heartbeat and the sonographer explained they didn’t have the equipment there but they were trained to look at the heartbeat and know what a good rate looked like. She showed me the heartbeat as I obviously looked worried! Ask if they can show you at your next scan for piece of mind. I went for my 16 week appointment with the Midwife yesterday and she told me they don’t start listening to the heartbeat until 24-26 weeks - the same time they start measuring your belly. Technically the local procedures state the Midwife doesn’t need to listen to heartbeat until after 38 weeks or during birth if earlier! So they have to get maternal consent to do it early (obviously I’ve given mine which is why she will start at my next appointment with her). It seems different practices have different protocols so it’s worth talking to your midwife about all of this.

Catcurly20 profile image

Thank you all, this is reassuring. Just so confusing, 1st time mummy to be! Good luck with your pregnancies all!

romaluna2015 profile image

We didn’t get to hear our babies heartbeats at any of our ultrasound scans but have heard their heartbeats on Doppler when I was admitted into hospital . Midwives now sometimes say they don’t like to listen in case they do not detect the heartbeat or it is too soon and it panics expectant Mother’s x

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