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New here. Pregnant already...

ClaireEliza profile image
19 Replies

So I had my copper coil IUD removed at the end of November. I was really expecting it to take a while to fall pregnant. I got my period in December (Boxing Day - what a downer!) BUT, this month found out I was pregnant on the 24th.

Not to tout Clear Blue products too much but I genuinely feel that using their ovulation test really helped us narrow down when to DTD and their pregnancy test that I used on the 24th has informed me I am 2-3 weeks pregnant (useful info). I would 100% use these products in future if necessary. I feel like sending them flowers or something.

Honestly over the moon! At the same time though, feeling like I don't want to let myself get too excited. I am all too aware, given my job, that the rates of miscarriage are fairly high. Self-preservation maybe!

Going to see the GP on Wednesday evening to ask about current medications, get it confirmed etc. Have no idea what to expect from NHS care now I'm pregnant. I'm aware there is something like a 12 week scan and one a bit later. Unsure what to expect of the GP on Wednesday, if anything. : /

Also, another question mark for me is when to tell everybody. 4 days has felt like forever and ever without shouting it from the rooftops but I just don't want to offend anyone by telling people in the "wrong order"!

Oh well, I'm sure all these things are going to sort themselves out.

Main symptoms I have been having are:

Feeling hot all the time (people know me as someone who feels the cold badly!?)

Sore, swollen, boobs and nipples (sleeping on my front is already pretty uncomfortable and it's my favourite sleeping position!)

"Cramping" feeling in the abdomen area

Getting ridiculously tired - I have been looking at the clock to go to bed since 7:30 this evening but have managed to force myself to stay up longer!

Feeling faint, especially at work when dashing around. On Friday my sole aim was to get home without fainting.

Think that's all, for now.

Well, looking forward to being a part of this community as I go through this journey. Hopefully making some new friends along the way.


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ClaireEliza profile image
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19 Replies

Congratulations. I am on my 4th pregnancy and 28 weeks, nearly 29 but had 7 miscarriages in all so pretty chuffed this time. You get a scan at 12 weeks and then a 20 week scan. I have gestational diabetes so have to have extra growth scans every 4 weeks. She must be the most scanned baby and seems to be enjoying booting the sonographer probe out of the way now haha. It's totally your decision when you tell people. I have never been able to wait but then have regretted it when I have miscarried. Hope it all goes good for you x

ClaireEliza profile image
ClaireEliza in reply to

Thanks Katie for clearing up about when I'll be offered the scans. And congrats on your 4th baby!

I am also thinking to be a bit cautious about when I tell people. Maybe around the 12 week scan mark might be a good time to tell employers etc? I think I will tell family before that though because they are going to find out! When you can't drink, eat certain things and have to avoid certain activities I think it's gonna be obvious otherwise!


roxannacar profile image


Can I ask what your job is? Miscarriages don't tend to occur because of something you do but rather because of a problem with baby's formation.

With regards to telling people a lot of people use the 12 week scan as a date as miscarriages are most common in the first twelve weeks. Normally you have a second scan at 20 weeks but no more after that if things are ok. You will see the midwife though throughout. The gp won't do much, and you probably don't need to see them unless you have specific questions or you have medical problems which you take meds for. You just need to be in pre natal vitamins (mainly folic acid and vit d) avoid alcohol smoking and certain foods (NHS website is good for this).

Hope that helps.

ClaireEliza profile image
ClaireEliza in reply to roxannacar

Hi Roxannacar,

I work in the NHS as a psychologist. Although I work with all kinds of people as part of my job, I have seen a lot of women who are either having difficulties conceiving, have had numerous miscarriages or other complication with pregnancy. I am aware this might have skewed my perceptions about pregnancy, although I've tried to not let it.

Thanks for the tip regarding the 12 week scan and telling people then. I thought I had read that somewhere.

Good also to know about the GP, midwife etc. I am glad I am seeing the GP to be honest, as I just want it documented on my medical notes and confirmed by someone else if possible.

I am taking Seven Seas supplements since I had the IUD removed and the nurse recommended a multivit with folic acid in. I also do take vitamin D. I have queries around omega 3 fish oils and probiotics that I also take. I will wait and see what the verdict is from the GP on Wednesday.

roxannacar profile image
roxannacar in reply to ClaireEliza

Just make sure it's a multivitamin for pregnancy, as you don't want to be taking vitamin A. I know your feeling about skewed perception as I work in the NHS too, and unfortunately you are right to say that miscarriages are common, but the majority of women go on to have normal healthy pregnancies!

At the gp they will give you folic acid, and give u a number to call to arrange an appointment and a first scan at the maternity unit, unsure for any other area but thats what happens in glasgow but i wasnt aware your not supposed to go to the doctor, there is a sign in my surgery that says that.

ClaireEliza profile image
ClaireEliza in reply to

Hi Richellexo,

Thanks for replying. So there is a sign up in your GP surgery saying you're not supposed to go to the GP if you think you are pregnant? How else are you supposed to get your care package up and running and get details for midwife etc?

Oh well, I think it's GP-worthy and am definitely still going to my appointment. It's only 10 minutes after all - I think I have paid for it over the years!

in reply to ClaireEliza

Calm down i was just saying thats what mine says, and ye google for a number for maternity unit and your closest hosp and phone them, im just saying cause a went to the gp before my ectopic and he said a never had to go there.

ClaireEliza profile image
ClaireEliza in reply to


Sorry, I wasn't having a go at you, only at the system. It seems strange GPs are happy to see someone with a skin rash but not when you are carrying another human being on board.

in reply to ClaireEliza

I know i was thinking that myself, a dont know anyone thats recently had a baby or anything so a thought you go straight to the doctor and they mad an appointment for you but he gave me a number too make them my self, may aswell say im not pregnant i had an ectopic and my tube and baby removed before i get more grief off other members again!!

ClaireEliza profile image
ClaireEliza in reply to

Sorry to hear about your ectopic Richellexo


in reply to

To be honest a lot has changed now since my first. I just rang up the doctors surgery told them I had a positive result and they booked me in to see a midwife but I waited until after 12 weeks because I had several miscarriages before 12 weeks previously. With my eldest who is now 12 you booked into the doctors, then they referred you. You also didn't get a 12 week scan just a 20 week one. With my 2nd and 3rd I had scans at the early pregnancy unit after miscarriages but I got to the point where I couldn't carry at all unmediated for hypothyroidism so just chose to miscarry at home x

ClaireEliza profile image

Hmm, don't know where the above tags "anti thymocyte globulin" and "pregnancy diffiulties" came from - I didn't put them there!

You still need to be happy about being pregnant and not feel guilty but I understand it may pose a problem(for others) if you are working with someone in pregnancy loss and you walk in pregnant. But life goes on. I had several miscarriages due to hypothyroidism. I wouldn't feel bad about anyone being pregnant. There is always hope nomatter how many losses you have suffered. I took fish oil supplement as part of a pregnecare pack with my middle child and he is super brainy! He was memorising bus numbers and routes at 3 years old and he retains info like a computer. Doesn't get it from me haha. May be worth checking out the type you take though as mine were specifically for pregnancy along side the usual pregnancy multi vit. I take the pregnecare syrup now which I buy online but no fish oil x

ClaireEliza profile image

Hi KatieKatie

Yes, that may be an issue within my job - being pregnant in front of clients who are having trouble getting pregnant or who regret never having had children or who have had miscarriages. I'm not sure. It could go either way. Maybe it won't be an issue to them at all but it might make me feel uncomfortable. As it's not my specialist area I normally direct people to SANDs if they've had baby loss/ still births etc, or to counselling in the hospital if the client has given birth.

I have mild hypothyroid and take levothyroxine. I didn't realise it was a risk factor for miscarriage. I'll talk to the GP about it. Good to hear your feedback about Omega 3 oils - sounds hopeful. I take quite a lot of it. Hopefully my baby will be brainy too! x

in reply to ClaireEliza

Yes you often need a dose increase during pregnancy with thyroid meds as lack of t4 can sadly cause miscarriage or developmental delays so you need your t4 to be near the mid to top range. See your gp asap. Make sure you get your levels checked often x

ClaireEliza profile image
ClaireEliza in reply to

Thanks so much for this. I will definitely make it my priority question on weds if he doesn't bring it up first. X

ChrisWest1983 profile image


When I got pregnant, my test said the same: 2-3 weeks 😊 So I waited few weeks - read few pregnancy books, bought pregnancy journal to note most important things down and then went to see GP when I was 8 weeks pregnant. She checked my blood pressure, (did not do test as I told her that I did at home and it was pisotive) and I got a Flu vaccine. She gave me midwifes number - I called them and then few weeks later I saw my midwife (measured me, took bloods and urine sample and we had 1 hour chat: she wrote notes about my health / family history)

I told my close family and closest friends about the baby nearly straight away (as I could not wait any longer) and - as most women we think of miscarriage risk, so I thought to myself- if it will happen to me- it will happen and then these people will be my support and I won't need to tell them: "Actually I was pregnant and recently lost the baby and now I am feeling down and need your support"

First 12 weeks were the slowest: waiting for the scan and movements - just to make sure baby is there and healthy!

Then the 12 week scan came and it was one of the highlight of this pregnancy! 😍 Then on week 16 I started to feel flutters, week 18 they slowed down but I started to feel that baby started kicking and moving about: felt his back and bottom sticking out!

On Friday I went for my 20 week scan 😍 Last 8 weeks have flown soooo quickly!

Good luck & all best,x

ClaireEliza profile image

Thanks, ChrisWest0987. Wise words of advice for me.

I think you are right about telling friends and family. I did tell my line manager at work today and will definitely be telling friends and family soon. Don't think I can wait much longer!

Good to know also roughly what will happen at the GPs and also what will happen with the midwife.

Good luck with your baby too and with your 20 week scan


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