Week 35 in the Big Brother house... :-p - Pregnancy and Par...

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Week 35 in the Big Brother house... :-p

DrFluffy profile image
17 Replies

Blimey! I feel I've been away for agggges! Work has been exhausting me!

35 weeks tomorrow :-o time is definitely flying by! All of my on call shifts have now been done (swapped some of my later ones for earlier ones - worked my whole pregnancy coming off the night rota at 28 weeks only -last weekend was a killer!), and three weeks of 'normal days' is all that stands between me and my maternity leave! Why I thought that working til 38 weeks was a good idea I will never know! It is getting very difficult to do anything at work as my bump is now huuuuumongous! My chest compressions are comical (although still effective!) and trying to get close enough to anyone to pop a catheter or cannula in is interesting to say the least!

Apart from an incident involving me and a tube station escalator, I've also managed to keep myself out of hospital since my kidney infection! The best news is no delivery at 37 weeks for Flump! My obstetrician is happy for me to get to 40 weeks with induction then :-). I've also managed to get through 2 weekly growth scans without finding out the sex of my baby :-D! I've had my lightening, which is great as I was carrying really high, but now I can breath!!! It was slightly 'scary' when I realised Flump had dropped as I know I now have to acknowledge that this baby is coming out soon one way or another! Bubba is still humongously active, so assuming (s)he will not be the lots of sleeping kind of newborn!

I'm still hugely superstitious about buying clothes and all the little things, but my friends' threw me an amazing Baby Shower which more or less took care of Flump's wardrobe and toy needs! It's weird to think that in 5 weeks time my little one will be here, hopefully all safe and sound! Then I need to try to work out how to switch from 'little doctor career driven' to 'little miss new mum'! It's also going to be odd not being pregnant anymore! Despite the nocturia, insomnia, rib pain, etc. I think I'm going to miss it! So far, no matter how excited my other half is, Flump is mine! I'm going to have to accept (s)he's ours!!! Grrrr ;-p

Hope everyone else is doing well :-)


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DrFluffy profile image
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17 Replies
cheekymonkey3791 profile image

Lovely blog DrFluffy and yes your nuts to work until wk38 lol. Time is flying by, it's funny I have been on this site since Jan so i consider us 'old school' now when reading blogs and questions from girls that are just starting out in their pregnancy journeys.

I am so pleased to hear Flump is still yellow and I cannot wait to hear how your pregnancy progresses over the next 5 weeks :)

Take care from cheeky monkey & fidget bum xxx

Allyemo1985 profile image

It has been a while I was thinking your probably mad busy at work. :-)

Lol getting close enough to a home is interesting lol ... Know exactly what you meanim a short ass 5ft3 and just leaning over the sink to brush my teeth is problematic.

Tube station escalater .... My mind is running wild with thought ;-)

Wow you have some amazing friends to throw you a baby shower and kitted out too.

So you've dropped whoop I can only wish for the same... Enjoy these last few weeks being able to breath and waddle at the same time ha ha.... No seriously time to slowdown if you can and relax a little. 35 weeks wow its flown by seems us few that started on in October and November are coming to the end of the pregnancies and I'm. Seeing all the new members start their journey. :-)

Unfortunatly we have to share S(he) but I'm guessing we get the majority of cuddling.

Allyemo1985 xx

Yes Definitely mad working right up to the end in such a demanding job! u have done so well... hopefully flump will be here sooner rather than later for u....I was the same with my first had to get my head round the fact she also had another parent.... glad ur feeling well all the best to u can't wait to see whatu have xx

lottiesmum profile image

I'd forgotten about that! Just looking at little one and thinking I grew you- and to be fair I'm still growing you, what right does he have to have an opinion! I remember also thinking you were crazy trying to get to 38 weeks too, hope you do get the 2 weeks me time, and if you have anotherdecrease your expectations of yourself- at work anyway! Good luck and thanks for all your comments on here. everything you have commented on has made a lot of sense and the explanations really clear, I find myself looking for your response to anything medical, tganks!

DrFluffy profile image
DrFluffy in reply to lottiesmum

I've been very 'i'm pregnancy not ill' up until this point, but am definitely going to try to take a step back from Monday!!

p1ddh profile image

Working till 38 weeks? Mad! I asked some of the other staff and they told me after 36/37 it gets too much! Ur lucky baby has dropped at bang in 36 also after yet another visit to day ax unit yesterday the Said my baby's head is in low down but the feet are right in my ribs! I was like with both the rib and pelvic pain that doesn't surprise me!! It is amazing to think we're nearly there now but a bit scary too!!

DrFluffy profile image
DrFluffy in reply to p1ddh

I'm just glad Flump can no longer reach my liver - capsular liver pain is horrific!

Nobby1 profile image

Glad ur ok was wondering where u had been hiding - I am 34 weeks and finished work yesterday :0) xx

CheekyP profile image

Wishing you all the best over the next few weeks DrFluffy. Such exciting times! X

Megzey profile image

I cant believe you are still working bet you feel exhausted when you get home. I felt like a lump when I walked my boys down to the play area down the road and it isn't even that far and I am only 22 weeks. Bet you can walk for miles in a day in the hospital.

Not long now then, wonder what you will have, it is so exciting.

Bet you can't wait to start your Mat leave now and just have some time to yourself:-)

laurah123 profile image

long time no hear :)

glad your holding up well..... shocked you will be working until 38 weeks but suppose your in the right place ;) they all say the same in my work. that i should just bring my hospital bag with me and go up from my office. No chance, i need some 'me' time and have decided at 37 weeks i will be planning on starting maternity leave. (yet im still waiting for my induce date)

it wont be long and flump will be here. exciting times. i still think i have ages left but ill be 30 weeks on Sunday. :) lets hope it doesnt drag.

i only have to worry about sharing baby Charlie with my mum. she pretends shes not excited, but i think shes more excited than me at the moment. it still doesnt seem real to me. i know the bump is there, and the feelings are definately still there along with the sickness. but reality hasnt sunk in that i will have a baby soon xx

DrFluffy profile image
DrFluffy in reply to laurah123

My mum is a bit pissed off that my other half is my birthing partner (he got me in ths mess...!!!). Had to make her my official number two!

p1ddh profile image

Oh the joys of mums! I really didnt want me mum to be with me when in labour but she was so excited about coming that I dont know how to say no! She now is insistant on coming with for the csection. I didnt want her with as she is a stresser!!

Luckily she doesnt have to fight with my husband over it as he is quite hospital phobic and faints at the site of blood so he wasnt going to be my birth partner in the first place!

dort profile image

You are so strong to work until 38 week. I work in a busy surgical ward. Am working until 31 weeks, have got 5 weeks more. Can't wait :)

DrFluffy profile image
DrFluffy in reply to dort

Substitute strong for stupid and you are probably close!! ;-p

Envgirl profile image

H DrFluffy, congrats on everything going well and good to hear you again :-) I also worked until I was 38 weeks, which was the right time for me and I was certainly of the same mind as you, I am not ill! However week 39 was tough and was pleased I had given up by then as I was so tired, I think just de-stressing from work and winding down. I hope you don't experience the sme thing. Does it feel really weird about not working? Anyway hope all goes well and keep us all informed! Exciting times x

DrFluffy profile image
DrFluffy in reply to Envgirl

If the last 48 hours are anything to go by, I think Flump has his/her own agenda! Currently, I have a sneaking suspicion I will not get to have any pre-natal maternity leave... :-/ I work at a split site tertiary referral centre with not many services on site... Thankfully, one service we do have is gynae-oncology, so at least there are O&G consultants and sub-speciality SpRs around at a push :-p

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