What are your favorite things you enjoy ... - My MSAA Community

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What are your favorite things you enjoy about autumn? Select all that apply.

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16 Replies
kycmary profile image

I love all the seasons as each one has its purpose but I enjoy Fall & Spring the most. Fall as the year winds down & every things get ready to hibernate. Spring as every thing wakes up & begins a new year & new challenges.

Carleen profile image

closer to spring.

Jesuslover69 profile image

What's not to love about fall? Not too hot or cold, beautiful colors when you go outside, when I had school age children, they go back to school, giving me a break in the morning and early after noon( Why do they grow up SO FAST?)

goatgal profile image

EmilyM375 What I love is how the lower angle of the sun changes how the light falls across the landscape - softer, gentler.

anaishunter profile image

What's great to me is the cycle of seasons. It injects a gentle, earth-like feel into our modern lives. I love:

- Fall for the winding down of a cycle, the harvest time with the giving of Earth,

- Winter for the hibernation and focus on self, family and loved ones,

- Spring for the invigorating renewal

- Summer as everything ripens.

pamgarner profile image

Fall is the time mother nature takes a long nap before it "springs" back to life in the spring.it wakes up with a beauty and vigor.

tnolan2006 profile image

Winter is coming!

villagegirl107 profile image
villagegirl107 in reply to tnolan2006

The North remembers!

villagegirl107 profile image

Im torn. I love spring for the lilacs and tulips and other signs of Earths rebirth after a long cold winter.I love summer for the butterflies, and the bees and my yard and my vegetable garden. I love autumn for the cool dry air and the beautiful foliage.. Now I think winter may be my favorite season as I seem to give myself a break after feeling so driven all spring through autumn to get anything accomplished outside!

greaterexp profile image

Fall means beautiful fall foliage, putting the garden in shape for a rest, the reminders of gratefulness that Thanksgiving brings, and Christmas is right around the corner. It means gathering with family and friends more often, and lots of cozy snuggling.

postmanjim profile image

Rake leaves

Peruzzot profile image
Peruzzot in reply to postmanjim

Jumping in the leaves is more fun than raking them.😁

stepsforNeeC profile image

I love fall just a little bit more because I so LOVE Christmas and family; the joy it brings! I love fall clothes because I adore sweaters. The heat is my least favorite but I do enjoy "anything water."

BigMar7 profile image

I enjoy the cooler weather. Where I live in california there’s not really great fall foliage like in other states. I do love eating any kind of soup when the weather gets cooler.

live in Texas after the hot summer i like the cool nights and days

swmbo4 profile image

Autumn is the time of year to prepare; to gather the tired leaves in a desultory pile so as to assure your perennial garden extra protection it may need to endure a long frigid winter, to chop firewood making sure of enough fine kindling so that the hearth can brought to a quick flame, to air out the quilts and blankets needed for the coming chill, and to can the last of summer's bounty as the last few scraps of it hangs shriveling on the vine.